
Rush v2

Sehun stands ready as everyone gets into their position nearby. He looks up at Xiumin on the roof, his sniper rifle ready as he lays on his stomach. He gives him a big thumbs up and a grin. 


“Go up with Xiumin,” Kai orders and Sehun glares.


“No,” He refuses, quiet enough for only them to hear.


Kai turns back to look at him. “The you say?”


“I can see what you’re doing,” Sehun glances at D.O before pulling the leader aside. “Stop it already, ok?”


“Stop what?! I’m your boss and I gave you a-”


“No, you’re protecting me!” Sehun interrupts him with a sharp whisper. While he knows he can be this close with him, he didn’t want to disrespect him in front of the others. “I know you’re worried but I’m part of the gang now, Kai. I can fight!” Kai lets out a groan, glancing over at the street. “Kai, if that kiss was a mistake, tell me now.”


“It wasn’t!” Kai insists quickly, taking a step closer. “I’d do it again without hesitation!”


“So please stop,” Sehun pleads. “You can’t favor me, okay? I can fight and you know that- the others told you about my progress and I’m really tough. Use me, let me help!”


Kai stares at him before rubbing his neck. “Fine,” He mumbles and motions to D.O. “You...can help D.O and I lead the main attack.”


Sehun smiles proudly before kissing Kai’s cheek. He quickly heads over to D.O, a little too excited. “You’re leading with us?” His mentor asks and Sehun nods. “Good,” D.O says. “You’re a damn good shot and I’d like that with us.” Sehun would be lying if he said he isn’t excited to see the gang in action as a whole. To make sure the plan goes smoothly, all of them joined in; even Krystal. She sits on the building opposite of Xiumin with her own sniper in hand. She pushes her long, brown hair to the side before laying on her belly as well. Amber waits with Lay, giving them help through traffic and nearby cameras. 


“Guys,” Amber speaks up through their mics. “Cockroach got into the van, it’s heading your way now. It has two cars with it; one in front and another behind.” 


Kai glances over at Chanyeol, who nods and begins to climb the escape ladder of the other building. After seconds, he appears beside Krystal, another sniper in hand. 


“I’m in position,” Lay says, also through their mics. “Tank and I are ready.” Lay had three main cars to his name; Cherry Bomb, Tank, and Baby. Lay’s favorite is Baby, for some reason. Everyone sits in their spots for what feel like hours but ends up only being a few minutes. “Here it comes!” Amber announces. “Lay, you’re up!”


“Let’s go,” Lay responds in Chinese. It takes a few moments but as soon as the first van pops up, the screeching of lay’s tires can be heard as he heads down the street from ahead. His large machine swings, making a halt at the intersection, stopping any possible way of passing without ramming him. Lay had apparently spent years perfecting Tank, making it his greatest creation. Sehun is always in awe when he sees it in action. At the sign of the large van, the three other vans come to a sudden, screeching halt, causing Sehun to cover his ears. The three engines seem to idle for a moment. When the wheels start to move even slightly, threatening to ram Lay, three loud gunshots ring through the cold, night air. After a second three more can be heard; killing all drivers and passengers visible. Limp bodies sit, horns blaring from heads hitting the wheels.


“Now!” Kai shouts, pushing D.O and the others into action. Sehun follows as they quickly approach the middle van; Chen and Baekhyun keep their guns raised while they check the car; Suho alone with the front van. Kai takes a deep breath before yanking the doors open. A gun greets him but before Luhan can shoot, he grunts when D.O grabs his wrist. He twists the gun down, Luhan’s finger makes a horrible crunch as it breaks in the process; it causes the boy to cry out in pain. Kai takes over, using his right hand to stop the wrist as he uses his left to bend Luhan’s wrist. D.O grabs the gun quickly, taking a step back. The grunts again as Kai smacks him hard against the head with the of his gun. When motioned for, D.O and Sehun force the boy out of the van just as Lay drives up with Tank. Amber swings the door open, quickly returning to her passenger seat. When the lieutenant puts up a fight, Sehun’s surprised when Lay steps out from his driver’s seat and hits him again. 


“!” Luhan groans, not putting up much resistance now when the other Chinese man takes Kai’s spot in holding him. He grabs rope from the back seat, not being gentle when he ties the boy up. Luhan’s head is smacked hard into the side of the car before he’s shoved inside. 


Lay has always been the kindest in EXO; To Sehun and to the other members. He never once showed any signs of aggressiveness and Sehun assumed he isn’t really violent, which is why he is just the driver. He can see now how wrong he is.


“Go with them,” Kai instructs Sehun. He puts a hand on his shoulder and looks into his eyes. “Do NOT keep your eyes off him for a second and keep your gun on him. Shoot both of his legs if he causes any trouble.”


Sehun nods before climbing in as well, shutting the door from inside.


“I remember you,” Luhan speaks to Lay in Chinese. “You used to be Tao’s right hand .” When Lay doesn't respond, Luhan basically spits. “How can you betray your own people?!”


“You are not my people,” Lay responds in the same language, putting Tank in drive. 


“You belong back with Tao, not these pigs-”


“Speak another word and my friend here will blow your ing leg off.”


Luhan finally looks at Sehun and smirks. “You were in the basement with Tao and Kris.” Sehun remains silent but doesn’t falter his pointed gun or stare. “You still have nightmares about him cutting you up?” He asks in an almost whisper. He looks at him intensely, as if watching for any sign of hesitation or weakness. “Let me see the burn marks.”


“You wanna see some burns?” Lay mumbles. “I’ll show you some ing burns!” Without missing a beat, he takes the cigarette he had been smoking and reaches back, putting it out on Luhan's neck. The hacker cries out again, writhing in pain as the burn hisses. 


“!” He screams in Chinese. When he tries to kick at Lay in the front seat, Sehun doesn’t hesitate to slam the of his gun into the boy’s knee. “God!” Luhan hisses and glares at Sehun. “You hit hard, new blood.”


“I won't hesitate to shoot your precious fingers off, so watch it.”


“Oh,” Luahn laughs and lays his head on the car floor. “Feisty. I think Sovereign opened up a fire in you.”


“He already had a fire,” Lay chuckles. “Sovereingn’s torture only fueled it, made him angry.”


“Good, you’re angry. It’ll make it all that much sweeter when he stomps it out of you.”


“Not If I stomp him out first,” Sehun growls.


Once at the warehouse, Lay gets out and throws the doors open. He grabs Luhan roughly by the shirt, forcing him out. When he lets go, their new prisoner falls,slamming his shoulder hard into the gravel. After getting several solid kicks to the stomach, he’s pulled up and pushed towards the entrance. Kai gets out of his own car that had followed. “Did it go smoothly?”


Sehun watches as Lay takes the lieutenant away. “Kind of.”


“Kind of?”


“Nothing more than talking,” Sehun sighs and rubs his face. “Kai, was there...something personal between Lay and Sovereign?” 


Kai glances at Lay. “Well…” he sighs. “Lay has been with us for two years. Before he came to us, he used to be Sovereign’s lieutenant.” 


Sehun wipes his head back toward the leader. ”W-what?!”


Kai just shrugs. “He left Sovereign’s gang after Kris tortured his girlfriend and her parents in front of him.”


“Tao’s...other lieutenant? But why?!”


“I don’t know. Lay hates Tao as much as Krystal and you do,” Kai says. “They were both close to...Kris.”


“Close to him.”


“Krystal used to be Kris’ lover.”


Sehun furrows his brows. “But that doesn’t make sense! Why would Kris kill his own girlfriend’s gang and then torture her?!”


“During the torture, Krystal asked him that same quesiton,” Kai begins. They both watch as the rest of the members arrive. Krystal laughs with the other boys, high fiving them before wrapping an arm around her girlfriend. “You know what he told her?” Sehun smiles tightly when she looks over; giving him a thumbs up. Kai leans close before he speaks. “He told her...because he was bored.”


Shivers are sent down Sehun’s spine that makes him hug himself. “D-damn…”


“You don't have to worry,” The boss steps in front of Sehun and cups his face. “They’re both fiercely loyal to EXO.” Sehun sighs and brings his hand up to Kai’s. He closes his eyes.


“Such fire,” Sovereign purrs. Kris stands on the other side of Sehun, slowly placing a cigarette into the boy’s shoulder. As he grimaces with pain, the leader runs his hand along Sehun’s jawline, closely observing his pain closely. “You're so beautiful like this. Oh, you are, by far, my favorite,” He sighs dreamily. Sehun wants to cry when the man leans in close, his nose to Sehun’s cheek.  “God, isn’t he just a trooper, Yifan?” He swallows hard and glances up at Kris; his eyes dark. Dangerous. His eyes scare him, haunt his dreams. Both of them do.


“I can see you’re getting tired,” Kris takes out a syringe, a mysterious liquid inside. “Let me fix that.” Sehun’s eyes darts to his arm, widening as he watches the man’s movements. His breath gets heavier and rugged, trembling and shaking. 


Screaming fills the air, bringing him back to reality.


Sehun shakes his head and looks towards the warehouse. “They started early.”


Kai lowers his hands. “D.O doesn’t waste time. I’ll go see how it’s going. EXcuse-”


“No,” Sehun stops him, his eyes never leaving the door. “Let...let me.”




“I’ll go instead. Luhan only speaks Chinese...Krystal and D.O don’t speak it,” Sehun whispers, finally looking at the boss. Kai stares at him for a moment before slowly nodding. He smiles at the leader before slowly heading for the door, into the warehouse. But he hesitates at the top of the stairs. Luhan’s cries and screams can be heard, making his heart pound. What is he doing? He hates torture. Last time he saw it, it made him throw up. Sehun clenches his fists as he begins to shake. But that was before. That’s before all of this happened to him.


The stairs under Sehun’s feet creek ina  familiar way and it’s not long before he’s outside the gate; staring inside. Krystal stands with D.O, her hair up as they wear gloves and surgical masks. “K-Keep looking, kid,” Luhan breathes out heavily. He pants as his chest heaves. “’re gonna have to do this.”


Krystal and D.O look at Sehun in confusion. He pulls up a chair, slowly sitting down. He tries not to close his eyes as the torture unravels; screams fill and echo Sehun’s ears, curdling his stomach and making his blood run cold. D.O is mostly doing everything while Krystal watches or helps. Their methods are cruel and ruthless. They wear masks as they work. Knives and so many other tools. He swallows hard and grips onto the chair tightly. He shakes his head and quickly stands. Sehun doesn’t know how anyone can handle that but all he knows is that he doesn’t want to become that person. Not ever.

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Chapter 26: Why I can't found set on fire 😭😭😭😭😭
Chapter 26: Finished the story in one go and really enjoyed all the massacre and violence. Thanks for sharing and writing it!
teufelchen_netty #3
Chapter 13: i am glad he is safe. this was to much
teufelchen_netty #4
Chapter 7: liked that they talked. was time for
teufelchen_netty #5
Chapter 5: i wouldnt let him do this eiter. poor hunnie ;_,
teufelchen_netty #6
Chapter 4: i am glad, that suho tries to befirend sehun.
teufelchen_netty #7
Chapter 2: i am not okay, that suho and baek are not really "helping" or cant help ;_;
teufelchen_netty #8
Chapter 1: understandable when someone reacts so.
Chapter 25: I'm crying
So much to tell but i'm so emotional, i can't utter a word even...
This is fantastic to read and i was so engrossed in it i put my work for later lol
I cried for sehun and every boy here the must have gone so much hurt and trouble to became this ruthless, but still so caring for each other. The gang exo is one and family ♡
I hated king and sovereigne so much i wanted their death slow and torturing but they got what they deserved!
I love sekai's relationship, protective, gentle and caring..
I loved brotherly suho too ♡