Mr. Trouble

Cactus Upon The Sea
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"Again!” She rolled her eyes and exhaled after she read title of the letter.

When the elevator reached the third floor, the door opened, and Sunny walked off to her left and continued straight until she reached a room with plaque number 306. 

She unlocked the door and closed carefully before she changed her shoes to use slippers. She put her bag on the table then she sat on the brown sofa. She read the letter in detail, and she threw it on the table and laid her back on the sofa’s backseat.

The owner of the building wanted to raise the rental fee.

It was an unlucky day, she thought. She was bothered by the lecturer and now the money troubled her. She felt life was not easy to live.

Sunny closed her eyes.

The girl had thought she could find a better life here but it seemed nothing better. It was hard to breathe like when she was in Cambodia.

Sunny graduated and got a job. She had a thought as a modern woman that she had to earn money by herself, not rely on parents - or husband if she got married. She worked, she enjoyed working, she thought her parents would be happy when they saw their daughter could survive herself. But in contrast, they did not think like she thought they would. They upheld the idea that daughters should marry, stay at home to do housework, live on the husband, and give birth.

Father and mother of Sunny had arranged for her to get married with a Cambodian man from the US. Sure, she opposed it. Her parents asked her to give a reason. At first, she said that she did not want to think about it because she wanted to earn money, but her parents could not accept her reason; so she replied that she was afraid because she had heard that the USA was not a safe country. That reason was acceptable.

Sunny thought her pa and ma would stop, but they did not, they changed from a US man to a Cambodian man from Australia. When she said no, they asked for a reason again. She had to reply that she did not want to go there because she could not find any career besides picking fruit due to office jobs were hard to find for immigrants. Her second response was acceptable.

Then, they asked her to marry a Cambodian man from New Zealand. This time, she could not find any excuse. They put pressure on her, making her stressed. Hence, she decided to quit her job and applied for a scholarship. Fortunately, she passed.

Sunny applied for a major in music history, it was completely different from her graduation bachelor in business administration. The girl did not expect she could pass because she was not familiar with musical instruments, not only Chinese's but also Cambodian's, and she did not know Chinese, just English, it was unbelievable she got scholarship. In her opinion, it should be luck more than competence.

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