
The Color of My Heart
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Over the next week, Hendery and Yangyang talked on the phone or through text message. Yangyang found that he enjoyed talking to the other man, discovering that he was very sweet and someone who could be friend. They were both athletic, enjoying skateboarding and basketball, so after he felt that he was comfortable enough, he invited the other man to go to the nearby skate park. 

On the day that he was supposed to go on his first date with Hendery, he invited Renjun over for breakfast. Once they had the food cooked, he stared at his friend nervously. 

"What if I'm a total screwup with this or say the wrong thing?" He frowned, taking a bite of his toast. "You know me and my big mouth. I don't have the best tact."

Renjun laughed quietly, shaking his head. "Well..." His thin friend stirred his coffee thoughtfully, setting the spoon on a napkin. "You guys have been getting along over the phone, and you obviously have chemistry, so I don't think you have anything to worry about. Just be yourself and if it's really meant to work out, it will." 

Yangyang nodded, staring down at his ring and chewing his lower lip. He noticed that his ring was a soft blue, and now that he had met Hendery, he wondred what he was feeling at the moment and if he was as nervous as Yangyang was. "Okay. Thank you. You're a good friend. I appreciate that you always give me an honest answer."

"Yeah, of course. That's what friends are for," Renjun answered, standing up to take their plates to the sink. "You would do the same for me, and i really do appreciate that."

Yangyang smiled at him, wondering what he had done in his life to deserve such a good friend. 


Once he got the the skate park, Hendery pulled his black and white skateboard out, leaning it against his leg as he straightened his soft pink hoodie and taking out his wallet to go pay for their time before Yangyang could refuse to let him pay the entire fee. He had admitted to to his roommate, Xiaojun, that he was incredibly nervous, but his friend had simply smiled and reassured him that everythiing would be okay and that he would have fun. He didn't doubt that they would get along, but had noticed that his ring had other ideas. It had stayed a dark red the entire morning, and for most of the day before. That was the color of anger, so he was beginning to doubt that Yangyang was actually his soulmate. Why would someone who sounded so nice on the phone and over text be so angry all the time? 

"Starting without me, huh?" Hendery jumped when he heard the sharply accented voice, turning around to grin at Yangyang. 

"Not too much. Just paying before you get a chance. It'll be fun," Hendery allowed his eyes to travel up and down the younger man's body, taking in the casual red sweatshirt and black jeans. He had to admit to himself that Yangyang looked nice, his dark complexion contrasting with the red and black he wore...and a perfect contrast to his own pale skin that he had to put sunscreen on. 

Yangyang smiled at him, untucking his solid orange skateboard. "That's okay. I'll make you eat your money...and maybe something else some day. Dust is definitely on the menu today." He added the last part with a wink, grinning at him. 

Hendery laughed, shaking his head. "I can't say I would object to the first part, and yeah, we'll both be eating plenty of dust. Let's go!" 

The two of them began skateboarding, and Hendery found that Yangyang was better than him. His tricks and flair were definitely on a different level than Hendery was himself, so it brought out his competitive side, determined to do something at least as cool. Nevertheless, they both had fun, and by the time they were done, he could hear his stomach growling, and it was almost noon, since the time had flown by.

"That was fun. Let's go get something to eat," he turned to look at Yangyang, taking a long drink of his Gatorade. Glancing at the sky, he noticed that, while the weather was nice, there were dark clouds on the horizon. Those clouds had been the reason for the sweatshirt, with the light, chilly breeze coming with it. 

"Where do you want to go eat?" Yangyang's question tore Hendery's eyes away from the sky just in time to see him pulling his sweatshirt off and revealing tanned skin underneath when his white graphic teeshirt threatened to come off with it. 

The other man's mouth went dry again with the pleasant distraction, making it difficult to reply. "Um...there's a good sushi place right around the corner, if you feel like it."

"If they have a nice spot where we can talk, that sounds perfect," Yangyang pick his skateboard up and carried with him, raising concern from Hendery. 

"Did you take the bus over here? You can put your skateboard in my car if you want." Hendery extended the offered carefully, knowing that some people could get offended by the assumption that they had taken the bus and didn't own a vehicle. 

"Well, thank you. I don't have a car right now, which is why I either walk or take the bus places, if I

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Chapter 4: Poor Hendery, Yangyang sure is a moodie kid haha.

Nice story, I really like the idea of soulmate rings and how you built it around the past mystery of Yangyang xD
DubufulKoala #2
Chapter 2: Omg yes chapter2! This story is really catching my interest i wonder how frequent the updates will be
DubufulKoala #3
Chapter 1: I really like soulmate aus and this seems nice so i cant wait for the next chapter
Chapter 1: The story has a nice plot line, can't wait for more!<3
kandyz #5
Chapter 1: looking forward to chapter2 ! ive never read a soulmates au before
Omg Henyang! I love them together! I’m so excited to read this
Please finish this one. Like seriously. I want.