【TaeNy】Mr. & Mrs. Kim


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taeny01989 #1
Chapter 15: 恭喜完結 (灑花) !!!??
TaenySoSweet #2
下面都在评论说看中文的小说很难,可是我们看英文小说也一样困难啊(哭)感谢作者带给我们中文泰尼糖,加油(ง •̀_•́)ง
taeny01989 #3
Chapter 13: 好奇是什麼計劃?
taeny01989 #4
Chapter 10: ( ;∀;) 看樣子不是你死就是我亡呢
Gaejihyo815 #5
Chapter 4: 没看过电影但很期待接下来的发展!
Movie91 #6
Nice poster.
taeny01989 #7
Chapter 1: 好棒!!!好喜歡這電影的 ( ・∀・)
alex097 #8
Chapter 1: God, reading in English is already difficult for me, now in Chinese it is worse, but I will use a translator xD. Great work author :)
CrissYoung #9
I'm going to subscribe for now and just use google translate when reading this haha XD
Xoxosonegg #10
I wished i could read in this language D;