Day 9 : Best Gift (Part 2)

Winter in the air

"Oh look, a village," Wonyoung jump off from Virtus' back. It was nighttime and they decided to stop by at the village to purchase some food and a room for one night at the Inn. As soon as they reached the market, they were greeted by two women.


"Sakura and Chaeyeon?"


"If it isn't our baby bunny Wonyoungie?" Chaeyeon squeeze her checks,"How have you been?"


"Tired from my journey," The bunny replied. 


"You're journey? Where are you going at this time?" Sakura asked.


"I'm trying to meet up with Yujin unnie," Wonyoung continued, "I haven't seen her since 6 months,"


"I see," Chaeyeon looked at Virtus and started petting him.


"Even your furry friend grows up well," Sakuta giggled to witness Chaeyeon feeding him with meat. The trio and Virtus went in to the Inn and find themselves a seat.


Due to the upcoming Christmas eve, the Inn was surely packed with a bunch of crowded people with drinks on their hand and sing a song of joy.


"It feels so alive." Wonyoung smiled.


"It mostly happens every December." Saura took a sip from her drink, "Come on Wonyoungie let's drink."


Chaeyeon slapped her in the head, "Hey you do know she's too young to drink it don't you?"


"Oh yeah," Sakura scratches her nape, "I totally forgot you're underage,"


"Thanks for the offer but I have to buy a room for me and Virtus. I'm gonna sleep early so that we don't get hit by a blizzard."

Wonyoung called over Virtus and went upstairs to rest themselves. 


Sakura and Chaeyeon sat there being concerned. 


"Gather up the rest of them," Chaeyeon said. 




"We have an emergency meeting." 

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Chapter 14: My annyeongz hearteu
Chapter 1: uwu i'm waiting for the next chapteeerrrrrr♡