Only You


You paced back and forth as you impatiently wait for San’s phone call. Grumbling under your breath, you stopped pacing and closed your eyes as you tried very hard to suppress your annoyance. Turning your phone over, you looked at the time.




“This little still isn’t calling me?” You said through gritted teeth. “He said he’ll call at 7:30, it’s already 7:42! Where the hell is he?!”


Yelling out to no one, you grabbed your purse and keys and stomped out of the house, ready to face San head-on for missing out on the phone call that he had promised you earlier on.


In your sixteen months of being together with him, he has never been this late to give you a call. Even when he was going to be late, he’d send you a quick reminder that the phone call will be delayed. Annoyed as you may be, you were still always so relieved to know that he remembers and that he was just busy, like the usual. Unfortunately, he wasn’t being very courteous on that very day.


You’re not known to be quick-tempered, but when you’re angry, you get extremely agitated and annoyed. No matter how aggravated you have been, you always try to be calm and poised so as to not scare people away. 


You hurriedly but also calmly did a twenty-minute walk from your apartment to his practice room, only to be stopped by the sight that shocked you completely. At first, you weren’t certain but as you closed in on the visual, you noticed that it was San… with another woman. The sight enraged you so much that you clenched so hard on your keys. 


“This bastard…”


Remaining calm, you decided to wait by the entrance. Just as you were about to reach the entrance, you saw the both of them standing up. You tried taking a look at the young woman, but you didn’t recognise her. Though, you did notice that she didn’t look too pleased at all. You glanced over at San and saw his apologetic look.


What did he say that he upset her so bad?


You thought to yourself but you remembered about the missing phone call and rage filled your heart again. As you waited by the entrance, the young woman stormed out, sniffling as she walked away. You were busy focusing on her you didn’t hear San come out.




“Bloody hell!” You jumped at the sound of his voice. You clutched your heart and steadied yourself against the wall. You have never been good with surprises, and San knew that. But he was just as surprised to see you there.


“, I’m sorry,” San apologised, as he reached out to you. You pushed his hand away and glared at him. “How long have you been standing here?”


You were quiet, and San noticed your clenched fists. “, please let me explain…”


“So much for a phone call at 7:30PM, hm?” 


“, please—”


“San, if you don’t want to be with me anymore, all you have to do is just say it. Say it!”

You were on the verge of tears, and San was taken aback by what you said.


“What? God, no! It’s not like that. Please, just listen to me first.” San snapped, his frustration taking over him. It shocked you a bit because you have never seen him so frustrated before. 


“Remember the woman I told you about? My ex-girlfriend, Hyunjae? That was her.” You raised your eyebrows at him and right before you could say anything else, he intervened. “You know how when we first got together, I told you upfront that I couldn’t let her go? It was hard at first, but the more I spent time with you, the more I realised that you were all that I need.”


San moved closer to you and took your hands in his and began rubbing his thumbs on the back of your hands.


“Right when I was deeply in love with you, she came back to me. She told me that she still loves me and wants me back. I told her that I already have a girlfriend and that she should get over me, she said I was lying. For months, she’s been trying to torment me, make me fall in love with her again, but time and again, I tell her no. I have you, and she should leave me alone. She threatened to get near you, but I threatened her back. The reason why I always had to delay our calls was because I had to sit her down and talk with her, and make her understand that I no longer wish to be with her. She gets angry whenever I mention you and always tells me to break up with you.”


You weren’t sure whether to believe him, but noticing how sorry and sincere he sounded, you felt relieved.


“The reason why I couldn’t tell you I was going to be late with our phone call was because she was already pleading to me and I had to waste my time and energy explaining to her again and again. I told her that for months I thought I lost someone special, but I realised that that someone special has been with me from the time of sorrow and I needed to appreciate her more. I told her that I don’t wish to hear from her again or even see her again because...” San stopped midway and closed in on the gap, cupping your face. “I’m in love with you.”


“I know you may find it hard to believe me, but , you matter so much to me, and I can’t bear to lose you,” San whispered, caressing your cheeks.


You sniffled and played with the zipper of his jacket, not knowing what else to say.


“Babe, I’m sorry. I really am. Will you forgive me?”


You turned your face away and side-glanced him. Not wanting to give in so easily, you stifle a smile, and playfully said,”No.”


San’s face fell a bit and he smiled faintly after that. He knew you were just playing with him and decided to go along with you. Reaching out to your chin, San gently turned your head to face him and tipped your chin so that your eyes were levelled with his. His smile slowly widened exposing his dimples, making your heart race as always. He knows you get super embarrassed and shy when you are up-close with him like that and he enjoyed teasing you when he gets a chance.


Bringing his face closer to you, you could feel his hot breath on your lips. With a cheeky smile, San brought his lips to yours and whispered,”What can I do to make up to you?”


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