목표 (The Target)

욕심 (GREED)
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The Target - a person, object, or place selected as the aim of an attack.


"Trigger Warning: This chapter contains explicit language and graphic descriptions of violence."



In the private room, a well-guarded upper floor room, two individuals found themselves under the stern gaze of a powerful woman - the sole judge in this space. Access to this chamber was a privilege reserved solely for Yoona and Yuri, those sanctioned by the inner circle. It was a room constructed by Chairman Jung for weighty matters, one which he'd surrendered to Yoona after stepping away two years prior. The passcode had changed since, under her command.


"Kneel before me if you acknowledge your wrongdoing,"


The two figures promptly dropped to their knees, bowing their heads in deference, their apologies cascading forth.


Yoona's discerning eyes swept over them with a measured scrutiny. Shedding her coat, she handed it to Yuri, who hung it on the coat rack.


"You," her finger indicated the fresh face of a young man, who cast his gaze upwards, a cocktail of trepidation and guilt swirling in his eyes. "How did you dare come here so naively?"


He remained mute, chastened by the intensity of the situation, fearful that Yoona's retribution might prove indelible.


"And you," her accusatory finger pivoted toward another man, whose age matched that of Jessica's elder sister. "Nearly a year of absence, and you presume to command him like that?"


Similar to his counterpart, the older man found himself struck dumb by Yoona's words.


"So, you've found your tongues now. Very well," 


A signal from Yoona set Yuri into motion, and she forcibly dragged the older man. In an unexpected display of defiance, he swung a punch at Yuri, catching her off guard. As blood trickled from Yuri's mouth, Yoona leaned casually against the table, arms crossed, a bemused smile playing on her lips.


"A bit of a fighter, aren't you? But you're sorely mistaken if you think Yuri can't hold her own. She's well-versed in martial arts, my dear." Yoona's gaze shifted to the young man, offering him a faint smile. "And I must say, your eyes betray your fear quite well."


"You insolent wretch!"


The older man lunged once more, but Yuri retaliated swiftly, delivering a forceful kick to his leg. He crumpled to the ground, and Yuri proceeded to secure him with ropes, binding his hands and limbs to the chair, rendering him immobile.


With a blend of admiration and terror, the young man watched this scene unfold. While he recognized his own strength as a man, the display before him rattled his confidence. "Astonishing," he muttered to himself, the urge to flee now entwined with a growing sense of dread.


"I applaud your efforts, Yul," Yoona's voice interjected, her slow applause punctuating her words. The younger man's anxiety intensified as he wondered about the fate that awaited him. "Fetch the boxing gloves, won't you?"


Yoona meticulously rolled up the sleeves of her polo, allowing Yuri to slip on the Gucci boxing gloves. "Bear in mind that these gloves cost more than your existence. I'm almost reluctant to sully them with the likes of your repugnant faces. But, alas, punishment is due."


With Yoona's nod, Yuri approached the trembling young man, pulling him upright. "Don't even entertain the thoughts of escaping, unless you yearn for death," Yuri hissed, a chilling glint in her eyes that dispelled any thoughts of resistance.


Taking her stance, Yoona positioned herself in front of the older man, her laughter tinkling through the room. "Let's give this a shot, shall we?" Her punch landed with brutal force, causing shockwaves of pain to course through the man's damaged face. "Well, would you look at that! Your face is now a testament to my handiwork."


As the older man coughed up blood, his half-mangled face was contorted in agony, half paralyzed from the assault.


A sinister smile played on Yoona's lips as she addressed the young man, her eyes locked on the injured older man. "Speak, unless you'd like me to complete the job on his other half."


"N-no! I'll tell you!" the young man stammered, his fear-choked voice barely audible. He'd been courageous before, but witnessing the brutal display of Yoona and Yuri had dismantled his bravado, leaving him raw with terror.


Yoona's smirk deepened, her gaze unwavering as she awaited his revelation. "Go on, spit it out. My patience wears thin."


"He... he ordered me to retrieve the files from your drawer while you were away. My attempt failed when I was caught on CCTV, and I didn't even bother to hide my identity. So, I fled," he confessed, his voice a mix of anxiety and apprehension.


"Why did he give you this order?"


"Just relax and tell me the truth so I could release you already." 


"He..." the young man's gaze flicked towards his boss, who nodded begrudgingly. "He had been instructed by one of the board members, Mr. Choi Minsuk. Their intention was to steal the files, then falsely take credit to impress Chairman Jung and undermine your position in the company."


Yoona's eyes gleamed with intrigue, and a chuckle escaped her lips, swiftly developing into hearty laughter that filled the room, silencing their anxious voices.


Yoona motioned for Yuri to approach, and as Yuri came forward, she deftly removed the blood-splattered Gucci boxing gloves and meticulously wiped them clean before stowing them away.


Yuri then presented a tablet to Yoona, who accepted it with a nod of gratitude. "Fetch me a glass of wine. I'm in dire need of it," Yoona requested.


Yuri acknowledged the command with a nod and made her way to the well-stocked wine shelves. She poured Yoona's favorite wine into a glass, careful not to spill a drop. Returning to Yoona's side, she handed her the glass, and Yoona took a sip, letting the taste linger on her tongue as she focused her attention on the tablet.



Setting the wineglass aside, Yoona delved into the information she found on the tablet. Her voice took on an almost hypnotic tone as she recited Kang Mino's background, peeling back the layers of his life. She watched as his gaze wavered, and only when she commanded him to meet her eyes did he reluctantly comply.


Yoona's gaze pierced through him, unrelenting and unforgiving. "You're a piece of , do you comprehend that?"


As Mino was ordered to be restrained, he was held fast by Yuri, unable to escape from the impending confrontation that Yoona was orchestrating.


Stepping toward him, Yoona fixed her eyes on him, her anger palpable. "Why did you act so recklessly? Leaving your family in the hands of an alcoholic father, who could harm your mother and your siblings? Your actions are inexcusable."


Yoona's fist collided with Mino's face, a blow that echoed with pain and retribution. She continued to strike him relentlessly, each punch a manifestation of her contempt for his irresponsibility.




Yoona, despite her usual composed façade, was taken aback by the vehemence of his words. She stood there, momentarily silenced, her eyes narrowing as she processed his outburst. The room seemed to hum with his raw emotions.


Regaining her composure, Yoona scoffed, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Me? Born with a silver spoon? What a confidence for a newbie like you." Her scoff was a pointed dismissal of his claims, her amusement clear in her tone. She continued to scrutinize him, unfazed by his glare.


She gave Yuri a nod, a silent command to step back and allow Mino to prove his bravado. The atmosphere grew charged, and Yoona's eyes were fixed on Mino, her posture conveying an air of challenge.


Mino took a step forward, his frustration reaching a boiling point. In his attempt to punch Yoona, he moved with determination, but his efforts were futile. Yoona sidestepped him effortlessly, her agility a testament to her training.


Frustration gave way to anger as Mino's punch missed its mark. "Don't say a ing word you don't even know about, you !" he snapped, his voice raw with emotion. His words were met with Yoona's laughter, which seemed to echo through the room. Her laughter was an unapologetic response to his attempts to belittle her.


"I don't ing know? I don't ing care about your family?" Yoona repeated, her words laced with mockery. She leaned into the confrontation, daring him to challenge her further. Her posture exuded a confidence that belied his attempts to intimidate her.


As Mino lunged forward, Yoona's reflexes kicked in once again, allowing her to dodge his punch with ease. The combination of his frustration and the blood loss from his face created a disorienting effect, leaving him reeling.


Fueled by anger and humiliation, Mino took another step, attempting to punch Yoona yet again. However, his movements were sluggish, and his attack was easily avoided. Yoona's speed and precision remained unmatched.


With a swift and decisive move, Yoona pounced on Mino, her weight pinning him to the ground. Her fists struck out in quick succession, each blow landing with a force that left him defenseless. Mino's cries of pain filled the air as Yoona delivered her retribution.


"He still has his family, Ms. Lim,"


Yoona's rapid breaths began to steady as she reclaimed her seat. "Order your men to clear this up." she instructed, her voice composed but with an undercurrent of urgency. 


"They are en route. I'll retrieve them," Yuri replied, bowing before making her exit to carry out the task.


Yoona leaned back, her gaze drifting to her battered knuckles. Her frustration bubbled over as she muttered, "Why did I waste my knuckles on his face? They didn't deserve it. it." She closed her eyes briefly, attempting to regain her composure.


The distant echo of approaching footsteps snapped her back to attention. "Tidy up this mess and remember, silence," Yuri's authoritative voice rang out. The men moved efficiently, restoring the room to its previous order, erasing any traces of the recent tumult.


"Yul?" Yoona's voice sliced through the air, seeking Yuri's presence.


"What is it, Ms. Lim?" Yuri responded, her tone attentive.


"Send money to Mino's family and then let's discuss our plan," 


"Yes, Ms. Lim," Yuri acknowledged before leaving.


As the room fell silent, Yoona swiveled her chair to face the glass window. The world beyond appeared calm, a stark contrast to the machinations within her private sphere. A brief moment of solitude offered a welcome respite.


But tranquility was fleeting. "Ms. Lim," Yuri's voice interjected.


Yoona turned her gaze to Yuri, offering a welcoming gesture. "Take a seat," she invited, her tone warm. 


"Would you like a nurse to tend to your knuckles?" 


A chuckle escaped Yoona's lips, her head shaking slightly. "Are you any better?" she quipped. It was a moment of shared vulnerability, acknowledging the physical toll of their work.


Yuri winced as she tasted blood from her lip. "We'll discuss that later," Yoona reassured, her tone gentle. Yuri complied, taking a seat before Yoona.


With purpose, Yoona retrieved a file from her drawer and handed it to Yuri. As Yuri read, Yoona explained her ambitious plan to establish her own company, revealing details only they knew. "Our priority is to find three investors, outsiders to Chairman Jung's influence,"


"We have three investors lined up. We'll begin with Kim Dong-Hyun, a wealthy figure in Busan with ample properties. Our main focus is his daughter, Kim Ha-Yoon, a student at Kyungsung University. I'll employ my charm to gain her trust and secure her father's support," Yoona outlined.


Yuri's brows furrowed as she read, prompting Yoona's cocky smirk. "Read the last part," she urged. The revelation about Kim Ha-Yoon's unconventional inclinations elicited intrigue. "Fond of chatting with strangers online, a penchant for older individuals. Swings both ways."


Yuri observed Yoona, her brows wiggling mischievously. "This is just the easy level. Prepare yourself for tomorrow. Our destination is Busan," Yoona declared, her tone resolute. She handed Yuri a task, urging her to visit a link and engage in communication using a new account.


"But, Ms. Lim," Yuri hesitated.




"I... I lack experience in flirting," Yuri confessed.


Yoona's expression shifted to one of puzzlement before erupting into laughter. "Really? Alright then. I'll purchase a new phone for you. We need to be cautious. Jessica might check my phone and discover our conversation."


"Yes. Ms. Lim."



Meanwhile, at home..


"Why is his car here again? If he pushes my limits, I won't hesitate to move out." .


As Yoona stepped out of the car, she noticed the familiar vehicle in the driveway.


"I heard Ms. Jessica's siblings invited him over,"


"Ah, that explains it," Yoona acknowledged. She halted at the front door, exchanging a meaningful look with Yuri. Yoona paused, her expression pensive. "If they inquire about what happened, you know what to say, right?" she instructed Yuri. 


"Yes, Miss. Lim."


"Now, I'm not in the mood for games," Krystal sighed, rolling her eyes as Yoona and Yuri entered the living room. Tyler, Minyoung, and Krystal were engrossed in a video game.


"Me neither," Tyler smirked, not bothering to acknowledge Yoona's presence.


With a scoff, Yoona shook her head, mentally remarking, As if I'm thrilled to see you three.


Krystal's mother redirected Yoona and Yuri to the dining room, gesturing for them to join her for a meal. "You must be hungry. Come, let's eat together. They've already finished," she said.


As Yuri and Mrs. Jung headed to the dining room, Yoona twisted the doorknob and entered Chairman Jung's room.


"Chairman," she greeted.


Jessica looked up and smiled as she noticed Yoona's arrival. She leaned in to kiss her father's cheek, then excused herself from the room. Chairman Jung offered Jessica a gentle smile, watching her leave.


Seated before him, Yoona discreetly tucked her hands behind her back, concealing the bandaged knuckles. She smiled at Jessica before turning her attention to Chairman Jung. "I'll prepare dinner. After your talk, come to the dining room so we can eat together, alright?"


Yoona nodded and kissed Jessica's forehead, indicating she could leave now. As Jessica departed, Yoona settled in front of Chairman Jung, awaiting his explanation.


"I wanted to give you a heads-up regarding the company," Chairman Jung began, his fingers playing with his ring as he voiced his concerns. "There are some who are plotting behind my back, and I fear they might join forces against you. I wanted you to be aware."


Ah, so that's the issue.


Yoona's smile remained confident, her thumb gesturing a thumbs-up. Chairman Jung chuckled at her gesture, finding comfort in her response. People saw Yoona as cold and formidable, but she harbored a vulnerable side.


Observing her bandaged knuckles, Chairman Jung inquired, "What happened to your hand?"


Yoona scratche

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Latte908 #1
Chapter 27: Aigooo~~ If I’m a director I’d have this produce as a drama already. Your work never disappoint me. Keep it up author-nim. And don’t forget to feed us more yoonjen in the future
Latte908 #2
Chapter 20: You knew what? I can’t handle sth this heavy. My heart broke for both Jennie and Jessica. Hmmm, you’re amazing as always author-nim.
hitomihagiwara #3
Chapter 27: where the karma? now i hate yoona n jennie. uhuk. haha
oungie87 #4
Chapter 27: What a WOW. There's so many secret between them lol. The ending just really out of my mind. Serious author nim. Haha 😂😂
Chapter 27: Wow...yoonjen is the perfect partner in crime hee
Thank you for this great story author ssi..
Wait for more yoonjen story......
Chapter 27: Whoa didnt see that ending coming soon. They're both greedy. Lol congrats kylie!
allayjadhule #7
Chapter 27: Woooww it's end .. i hope there will epilog hehehehe
Chapter 26: I feel bad for yoona's past...
But maybe jennie can help..hee

Can't wait for the next update....hwaiting author ssi
oungie87 #9
Chapter 26: Ahh, for the first. I'm so happy, you updated this. Love you author nim. Here.. the second, this is so hurt knowing Jessica really that hurt. t.t I feel bad for her. But, Yuri there for her. And now, the next problem is yoona's love towards Jennie. Ah, I even dont know what to say. T.T

Yoona's flashback is just so hurt. Jennie please stay beside her, 😫
allayjadhule #10
Chapter 26: This is so heart broken .. so sad .. i don't know what to exsprese .. one side yoonsic is the best and another side yoonjen is to good .. oh no no no .. and i think yoong love jennie too .. please update again thor hehehheh