교활한 (Insidious)

욕심 (GREED)
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Insidious - proceeding in a subtle way but with harmful effects. 



Caught in a whirlwind of surprise, Yoona found herself tongue-tied when Jennie's greeting hit her once again. It was as if she had been plunged into a spotlight, ready to perform, yet the script had slipped her mind, leaving her feeling exposed and vulnerable. She wrestled with her inner turmoil, grappling to compose herself.


Act normal, she reminded herself. Just be yourself. "Jen, surprised to see you here," Yoona managed to utter, her eyes briefly flickering to the enigmatic orbs behind the cat-like gaze. She hadn't anticipated encountering Jennie and Lisa together. "With Lisa, too," she added, acknowledging the tall figure beside Jennie. A polite nod was exchanged, a token of recognition.


Amidst the charged atmosphere, Jennie's smile remained fixed on Yoona, her presence commanding the stage of Yoona's focus. Caught in the intensity of Jennie's gaze, Yoona's nerves got the better of her, prompting an involuntary cough that jolted her back to reality.


Gathering her wits, Yoona tried to steer the conversation away from treacherous waters. "So," she began, calculating how to extricate herself from this unexpected rendezvous, fearful that Jessica might discover her dialogue with someone linked to her mission. "What are you doing here?" Yoona inquired, her tone diplomatic, the tension between them palpable.


Jennie, undeterred by the awkwardness, tugged Lisa closer, eliciting a bashful response from the tall girl. Observing the pair curiously, Yoona awaited Jennie's response, her mind racing to find an exit from this perilous interaction. "I mentioned yesterday that I'll be out with the girls. Lisa invited me, and we decided to have dinner here since this restaurant is quite renowned," Jennie explained with her signature smile. Yoona nodded, concealing her inner turmoil behind a composed facade. "And what about you?" Jennie continued, eyes gleaming with curiosity. "Are you here with your cousin? Or—"




The sound of that familiar voice sent shockwaves through Yoona's system. Her heart raced as the click of heels approached. She couldn't afford to appear flustered; she had to maintain her composure. The stakes were high. She steeled herself, determined not to show a crack in her facade.


As Yoona's gaze shifted toward Jessica, she found herself met with a warm smile from the fashion icon. Jessica's eyes then flickered between Yoona, Jennie, and Lisa, an unspoken curiosity shimmering in her gaze.


"Who are they?" Jessica's inquiry sliced through the air, her intrigue palpable. She sought to unravel the identities of the two unfamiliar figures who had been engaging in conversation with her lover moments ago.


Behind a veil of outward calm, Jessica's intuition tingled, sensing an undercurrent that didn't quite add up. A nagging feeling whispered at the edges of her awareness, spurred on by an unidentifiable scent that had clung to Yoona's coat the previous day. An aroma that seemed unplaceable yet somehow jarring to Jessica's finely tuned senses.


As Yoona drew in a sharp breath, her mind raced to devise a response that could divert Jessica's attention away from the scent and the conversation that had taken place. The stakes were high, and Yoona needed a lifeline. She cast a glance at Yuri, her partner in this precarious dance, who had her back.


With a quiet confidence, Yuri leaned in toward Jessica, their conversation shrouded in secrecy. The whispered words seemed to carry an urgency, prompting Jessica's gaze to dart around her surroundings. It only took a moment for realization to settle in; Yuri was right. Paparazzi were looming, ready to seize on any snippet of gossip to fuel their headlines.


Recognizing the impending danger, Jessica's features shifted, her resolve unwavering. In an instant, she made a decision that could potentially shield them all from the storm that threatened. She turned her attention back to Yoona, a silent message conveyed in that fleeting look. Then, with a sigh, she took a step toward her car, yielding to the imminent threat of scandal.


As Jessica retreated toward her vehicle, Yoona's gaze remained locked on her, a mixture of emotions simmering beneath the surface. The weight of the situation hung heavily between them, a silent exchange that spoke volumes. The tension of the moment reverberated, leaving both Jessica and Yoona to grapple with the unspoken truths that lingered in the air.


As Jessica disappeared from view, Jennie seized the opportunity to question Yoona about the actress.


"Daebak! I didn't know she's a real goddess," Lisa exclaimed, captivated by Jessica's beauty up close.


Jennie prodded further, "Are you close with her?"


Yoona, slightly relieved, explained, "She's actually my business partner. You know I teach business, right? She just launched her clothing line, and I'm one of the investors."


Then Jennie's unexpected question emerged, half-joking and half-serious, "She's not your woman, right?"


Surprised by the inquiry, Yoona struggled to read Jennie's intentions behind her cat-like eyes. Her voice betrayed insecurities. Panic surged. No, I can't get caught. I'll never let that happen.


Gently, Yoona took Jennie's hand, maintaining her facade. "What are you talking about, Jen? You're my one and only woman." Her charming smile won Jennie over. "You know how much I love you, right? Don't ever doubt that, baby girl."


Despite Lisa's discomfort, witnessing Jennie's genuine smile erased doubts about their love.


"Anyway, I need to attend to some unfinished business," Yoona regretfully addressed Jennie. She sensed the sadness in Jennie's eyes but had to go clarify things with Jessica. "We'll see each other tomorrow in class, okay?" Jennie reluctantly nodded and hugged Yoona, refraining from a kiss in front of Lisa and Yuri.




So," Yoona shrugged off her coat, planting a kiss on Jessica's head as she stood before her. "Who were those two unfamiliar girls earlier?"


Yoona nonchalantly replied, "They're aspiring businesswomen I met at a seminar a while back. They just wanted to catch up."


As she slipped off her shoes and headed to the bathroom, Yoona released a deep breath, realizing that both Jessica and Jennie had seen each other. "Damn it."


Jessica's gaze lingered on the closed bathroom door, a sense of familiarity tugging at her mind. "It's like I know her from somewhere, but I can't quite place it."


The next morning... (Monday)


Yoona checked her appearance in the mirror after completing her morning routine. She inspected her neck, where Jessica had left a hickey the previous night. Exiting the bathroom after washing her face, she found Jessica lounging in bed, her eyes filled with lust. Yoona anticipated that her planned 8 hours of sleep would be compromised, as they engaged in passionate intimacy for nearly four hours.


"Good morning, honey," Jessica greeted Yoona with cheerfulness as she entered the kitchen area. Yoona chuckled, although her fatigue was evident. "How was your sleep?"


Rolling her eyes playfully, Yoona responded, "Expecting me to sleep well after four hours of that? I envy how you're so chipper in the morning. Meanwhile, I'm grumpy from lack of sleep."


Jessica giggled, leaning in for a quick peck. But her desire escalated, and she deepened the kiss until Yoona pulled away with genuine laughter. Jessica's heart warmed at the sound; she cherished Yoona's laughter, especially when she was the cause of it. 


"What was that?" Yoona  teased, taking her seat to start eating. "Getting frisky these days? Should I be flattered?"


Jessica smirked, settling down beside Yoona and leaning in to plant a kiss on her cheek. She couldn't resist her affectionate nature. "That's why you need to eat more, to have enough energy," she playfully commented, feeding Yoona with a warm smile. Yoona had grown accustomed to Jessica's caring gestures, even finding them endearing now. Complaining had proven futile, as it led to Jessica sulking like a child, a sight Yoona couldn't resist.


After finishing breakfast, Jessica pulled Yoona into a final passionate kiss, her fingers adjusting the collar of Yoona's attire. "Safe driving," Yoona kissed her forehead and began to leave, only to be stopped by Jessica's unexpected words. "I'm here waiting whenever you leave."


Turning around with a quizzical expression, Yoona saw Jessica wearing a sweet smile that left her both intrigued and puzzled. Returning the smile, Yoona waved goodbye and stepped out of the house, her brows knitted together in contemplation. What's going on? Why is she saying things like that? Why does her...


"Hey." Yoona was pulled from her thoughts by the sight of Jessica's younger sister standing before her.


The young girl nervously bit her lip, fidgeting with her hands as a clear sign of her anxiety. Yoona immediately grasped the reason behind her nervousness. "Do you want to say something?" she broke the silence, sensing that the girl had something on her mind. "If not, I need to go now."


"T-thank you," she finally managed to speak up, her voice shaky. "I just wanted to say thank you for what you did. I don't know why you did it, you didn't have to, but you did. So, thank you."


The two locked eyes for a brief moment before Yoona approached her, gently patting the girl's head, eliciting surprise. "Don't mention it," Yoona offered a warm smile before heading to her car, leaving the blushing youngest Jung watching as the car drove away.


As Yoona killed the engine, ready to exit the car, the passenger door suddenly swung open, revealing those unmistakable cat-like eyes. "Jen?" she mumbled, taken aback by the unexpected presence.


With a sly smirk, the brunette effortlessly shut the door and then leaped onto Yoona's lap, leaving Yoona in a state of wide-eyed surprise. In a daring move, Jennie began to remove her uniform, despite the fact that they had classes to attend. Yoona tried to reason with her, "We're supposed to be heading to class," but Jennie appeared to be selectively deaf to such concerns.


Yoona couldn't help but maintain her own amused smirk, well aware of Jennie's knack for getting what she wanted. She was fully aware that with Jennie, "wants" almost always translated to "gets." With a barely concealed grin, Jennie replied, her voice playful, "So, what holds more importance? Me or your class?" Jennie's lips curved into a mischievous smile, her lip being seductively nibbled. "What if we skip the first class?" she suggested in that alluring tone of hers.


No sooner had Jennie's suggestion hung in the air, she was already locking lips with Yoona, passion igniting between them.


Sitting back in her driver's seat, Yoona took a moment to catch her breath. She couldn't help but think, I doubt I have any energy left after that intense make-out session with Jennie. Slowly opening her eyes, she observed Jennie fixing her makeup after getting dressed.


"Consider yourself lucky that your exam is the last one today," Yoona quipped, a hint of exhaustion evident in her voice. "Did you manage to review last night?"


As Jennie finished up her makeup, she turned to Yoona with an affectionate gaze. "Surprisingly, yes. Mom and Dad were baffled to see me studying last night. You should be proud, they've never caught me voluntarily studying before."


A genuine smile curled Yoona's lips. "I am proud of you," she admitted warmly.


Jennie's smile widened, radiating pure joy. "If I ace my exam, will you grant me a special reward?" she playfully inquired, a mischievous spark dancing in her eyes as she observed Yoona's puzzled expression.


Yoona simply shrugged, meeting Jennie's gaze with a curious one. "Well then, name your reward," she replied, her intrigue clear in her expression.


"I was thinking," Jennie's words sparked Yoona's curiosity. As time went on and she got to know Jennie better, she realized that the young girl was a puzzle she couldn't quite solve, often catching her off guard with her unpredictable thoughts. "I want to be a little naughty with you," Jennie continued, raising Yoona's eyebrow in intrigue.


Her curiosity piqued, Yoona's brow furrowed slightly as she contemplated the nature of Jennie's mischievous proposal. However, she wasn't quite prepared for the direction Jennie's thoughts were taking. "Make out in the school restroom?" Jennie suggested with a playful glint in her eyes, leaving Yoona both amused and taken aback by her audacity.


Suppressing a smile, Yoona bit her lip. Why is that particular idea on her mind lately? "Deal," Yoona responded, meeting Jennie's gummy smile with one of her own, conveying her agreement and anticipation. "Now, go get your review done. If you're planning on making out in a restroom, you better make sure you're well-prepared," she teased, her voice laced with a mixture of playfulness and warning. With a sweet kiss, Jennie hopped out of the car, leaving Yoona to shake her head, amused and wondering, what kind of whirlwind am I getting myself into?


After a short while, Yoona stepped out of her car, making sure everything was in place before heading to her next class, her eagerness for time to pass quickly growing stronger.


During her break, her stomach growled, reminding her to grab a bite to eat. She made her way to the cafeteria, opting for a sandwich and coffee to fuel her body and ward off the impending heaviness of her eyelids. Spotting an unoccupied table, she placed her tray down and settled in, leaning back comfortably. As students bustled around, each attending to their own needs, Yoona simply savored her moment of respite, blissfully unaware of the familiar cat-like eyes that were discreetly observing her from a nearby table.


Meanwhile, Jisoo and her friends couldn't resist inquiring about Jennie's conspicuous absence from their first class. "You never told us why you missed the first class, Jendeukie. Even Ms. Im wasn't there. Were you and Ms. Im together?" Jisoo's curiosity was echoed by her friends, all eager to uncover the reason behind the mystery.


Jennie found a spot at a nearby table, strategically positioning herself for a clear view of Yoona. "Yes, we were together earlier. As for the specifics, you don't need to know," she replied in a solemn tone, hinting at the deeper connection between her and Yoona.


Puzzled, her friends exchanged glances, trying to decipher the enigmatic response. Slowly, realization dawned, transforming their expressions from confusion to a mixture of amusement and mild revulsion.


"Is that why she looks so tired? Girl, you wore her out. Poor thing," Joy chimed in, a teasing tone evident in her voice. "I'm feeling seriously insecu

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Latte908 #1
Chapter 27: Aigooo~~ If I’m a director I’d have this produce as a drama already. Your work never disappoint me. Keep it up author-nim. And don’t forget to feed us more yoonjen in the future
Latte908 #2
Chapter 20: You knew what? I can’t handle sth this heavy. My heart broke for both Jennie and Jessica. Hmmm, you’re amazing as always author-nim.
hitomihagiwara #3
Chapter 27: where the karma? now i hate yoona n jennie. uhuk. haha
oungie87 #4
Chapter 27: What a WOW. There's so many secret between them lol. The ending just really out of my mind. Serious author nim. Haha 😂😂
Chapter 27: Wow...yoonjen is the perfect partner in crime hee
Thank you for this great story author ssi..
Wait for more yoonjen story......
Chapter 27: Whoa didnt see that ending coming soon. They're both greedy. Lol congrats kylie!
allayjadhule #7
Chapter 27: Woooww it's end .. i hope there will epilog hehehehe
Chapter 26: I feel bad for yoona's past...
But maybe jennie can help..hee

Can't wait for the next update....hwaiting author ssi
oungie87 #9
Chapter 26: Ahh, for the first. I'm so happy, you updated this. Love you author nim. Here.. the second, this is so hurt knowing Jessica really that hurt. t.t I feel bad for her. But, Yuri there for her. And now, the next problem is yoona's love towards Jennie. Ah, I even dont know what to say. T.T

Yoona's flashback is just so hurt. Jennie please stay beside her, 😫
allayjadhule #10
Chapter 26: This is so heart broken .. so sad .. i don't know what to exsprese .. one side yoonsic is the best and another side yoonjen is to good .. oh no no no .. and i think yoong love jennie too .. please update again thor hehehheh