Melting Frozen Walls

Ashes of Dreams

It had been a few weeks since they agreed to give their marriage a chance, yet no progress could be seen between them. They were surely behaving in a civil way with each other, being respectful towards each other and kept sharing a meal every day where they would have some casual conversations about their days, but their interactions could not of something more than mere acquaintances. There was an invisible, yet a strong wall standing erect between them. They both understood the reasons of the other being aloof, yet did nothing to cease that because they were both entangled in their own issues and insecurities. Sehun, despite of wanting to let go of his past, did not put extra effort in that process because he was still very much stuck in the whirlwind of his feelings for Jieun. On the other hand, Yun Hee was being careful because she didn't want to play the cards wrong. Things were going like this pretty well until Sehun realized that they were going nothing and decided to take the matters in his hands.

It was just like any other day when Yun Hee woke up before Sehun, got ready for the day and had her breakfast before whispering a soft goodbye to the still very much sleepy Sehun, who was sitting on the bed with droopy eyes to complete one of the unspoken rituals of  their regular day which was saying goodbye to her. Just when Yun Hee turned to leave their bedroom, Sehun regained his senses and asked her to stop so that he could say what he had been meaning to say since the previous day.

"Yun Hee, would you please try to come home earlier tonight? I have some plans for us." 

He saw Yun Hee staring at him with disbelief for a while before fidgeting in her place, trying to come up with a reply.

"Sehun, I can try but I cannot assure....

"It's not going to be anything strenuous. Just some take-outs and a movie, a cozy hangout. I want to get to know you and want to let myself be known to you. It will certainly not be possible if we don't spend any time with each other. Please?"

"Sehun, I have no problem with this", Yun Hee said when he saw his disappointed eyes. "It's just that we both are still very much awkward with each other. Will you feel comfortable to spend time with me? I can feel how much you are fighting with your inner self by being with me at home when all you want is to curl up in a bed and form a cocoon, I know that very well. So I don't want you to force yourself to do all these more than you are already doing?"

Sehun got up from the bed and went towards Yun Hee. He took her hands in his own ones and looked straight in her eyes.

"Look at me Yun Hee. When I said that I am ready to take the next step, I meant that. Yes, it's true that I am still not over my ex, but I am a human being with feelings, so you certainly cannot expect me to get rid of them so easily. Just because I still have feelings for my ex doesn't mean my life has to revolve around her. I am starting to focus on other aspects of my life of which you are an irremovable part, something I don't dislike at all. So, please let me do something for us. Now what do you say about the plan?"

"Are you sure?"

"More than anything else. If you are afraid of me being a boring company, then let me tell you, it's time for you to the other sides of me, the fun side."

Yun Hee chuckled to herself and said, "We will see that, Oh."

"You are most welcome to see that, Oh." Then both of them burst out into laughing. When they got over their laughing fit, Yun Hee shook her head and said, "Wait for my super presence, hubby. See you later."

Yun Hee waved her hand and left the room. Sehun smiled to himself as he watched her leave and went to get himself ready for the day. Things were finally starting to look up for him.



By the time Yun Hee reached home, she was shaking with excitement. After all it was not her first movie night with her husband, but also the first movie night with any man beside her father, cousins and friends. But when she entered through the main door, her smile fell halfway as she saw the dark living room, the only lights that were illuminating the room were the dim lights lit in the kitchen, signaling to her that the maids had left already. She looked around herself but saw no trace of her husband who was supposed give her the first date night of her life. She sighed to herself and made her way upstairs to freshen up, scolding herself for getting her hopes high on the way. Once she was done cleaning up, she made her way downstairs for dinner, making a mental note to call Sehun for having the meal with her when she heard the ring of the doorbell. She furrowed her brows in confusion since it was too late for someone to come to their house and went to open the door. 

When she opened the door, she saw a delivery boy standing in front of her holding two boxes of pizza, the upper half of his face was covered by the cap he was wearing.

"Here is your order, ma'am", said the boy, which made her even more confused since she didn't order anything. She thought about the possibility of Sehun ordering them and asked it to the boy to clear her doubts.

"I am sorry but I did not order anything. It must have been done by my husband. Let me just fetch him, so wait here."

Yun Hee was about to call out for Sehun when she heard the delivery boy speaking up again, but this time in a different voice, a voice that is awfully similar to her husband's.

"But the order is for you ma'am, the double cheese pizza that you love to death, quoted by your mom."

Yun Hee turned to look at the source of the voice and saw her already overly handsome husband in all his glory, the outfit of a delivery boy making him look a few years younger than he really is. He was grinning from ear to ear, seeing her dumbfounded reaction, but suddenly panicked before he said, "Please tell me that you haven't taken your dinner yet. I don't want you to lose your appetite even before we start our date."

Yun Hee was still looking at him dazedly, so Sehun clicked his fingers in front of her eyes to get her attention. "Hello, there. Wake up."

When Yun Hee still didn't move from her stance, he continued, "I know that I am handsome, but please don't stare at me so much wishing to have me as your high school boyfriend. I feel shy." And to this, Yun Hee scoffed and said, "You wish" before rolling her eyes at him.

"But seriously, what are you doing in this outfit, pretending to be a delivery boy?"

"Have been wanting"to try this out for a while, found the perfect chance to do this today. I look really good, right? What do you say?"

"All I know is that my pizza is getting cold, so get inside as soon as possible. Thank you for the pizza, by the way. So you asked my mom about my preference, huh?"

"Well, I had to do at least this much, since this is going to be too casual for a first date. But look at you being so insensitive. You didn't even spare me a look over your pizza. Just wow!"

Yun Hee smiled sheepishly and stuck out her tongue before making her way inside. Sehun laughed at the reaction and got inside the house before locking the door behind him. When he turned around towards the living room, he heard Yun Hee saying, "Oh! I forgot to tell you that you look awful in that outfit" and then heard the sound of hurried footsteps indicating that she was running away from him. 



When the movie credits were rolling on the screen, Sehun let out a tired yawn and saw two empty pizza boxes lying in his lap. He turned to face the person sitting beside him and saw Yun Hee sleeping, with her head hanging low, lulling side to side. He chuckled slightly and was about to hold up her head that was hanging dangerously when he felt her squirming and opening her eyes. She let out a yawn, stretched her limbs, rubbed her eyes and then looked at him with droopy eyes. 

"Is the movie over?"

"Yes, it is."

"Ah! It was a really good movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it."

"Right. And this is why you were having a sound sleep, right?"

Yun Hee just rubbed her neck feeling ashamed before speaking up to defend herself.

"Now it isn't my fault that you chose such a boring and sappy romantic movie", she argued.

"But I thought that girls like romantic movie. This is why I chose one despite of not wanting to watch it myself", Sehun said immediately.

"Dude, this was such a ist remark. Besides, if you had known me even for the slightest bit then you would have known that I am more into action and thriller. Romance is cringy", Yun Hee said, making a gesture of vomiting.

Sehun laughed out loudly and shook his head. "I so agree with you. At least we share the same sentiment regarding something."

After they got over their laughing fit, a comfortable silence surrounded them as they looked at each other with eyes that were still shining with contentment. Yun Hee broke their eye contact to lean onto Sehun and placed her head on his shoulder before snuggling into his arm.

"Thank you, Sehun. Though I slept through most of the time, I still appreciate what you did for me today. I felt treasured. Thank you so much for giving me a heartfelt first date, though a casual one, but still my first."

"I am glad that you liked it. To be honest, it was nothing, really. I used to arrange even more glamorous dates when I was with...." Sehun stopped in the midway when he realized what he was about to say. He looked down to face Yun Hee with guilt but saw her staring up at him with the most gentle eyes. 

"Don't stop Sehun. She was an important part of your life, a part that helped you to be the person you are today. If you deny that part, then you would be denying yourself. So don't stop. Tell me more. How you guys met, how you guys became a couple, how you guys separated, everything. Didn't you tell me yourself that you wanted to let me know you? So do it then. I will be listening to you as a supportive friend."

"I met her in our kindergarten school", Sehun said and looked at Yun Hee, who smile assuringly before nestling her head in the crook of his neck. He continued.

"I had been very  introvert as a kid, always cooped up in my own world, having only Chanyeol and Jongin there because of our parents."

"You are still very much introvert. Now continue", Yun Hee said to which Sehun smiled softly.

"One day, she approached me saying that she wanted to be my friend. I denied immediately and asked her to go away. She was persistent though. No matter how much I pushed her away, she still kept clinging on to me annoyingly, even went to the extent of befriending my two friends. They were very much taken with her bubbly personality, but I detested that and was completely rude with her."

"This is so much like you. You have a weird for rudeness", Yun Hee said making Sehun laugh.

"Whatever. So one day, I was walking home on my own because my nanny was late in picking me up when I was surrounded by some elementary school kids, who started bullying me for fun. I started crying out of fear when suddenly she appeared before me and told the kids off. They walked away from us that very moment and I thought of her as my savior and thanked her, not knowing that the kids went away because they were scared of her driver who was standing right behind us."

Yun Hee laughed lightly, her vibration was felt by Sehun because of their closeness. "I can imagine a baby Sehun crying his hearts out and the image is hilarious. Though I have already seen you crying once, but still my imagination is making me amused."

Sehun gasped out loudly and asked her, "When?"

"On our wedding night", Yun Hee said before moving her head from his shoulder and shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly.

"You invaded my privacy", Sehun said dramatically, to which Yun Hee just rolled her eyes and said, "Ok, I am sorry for that. Now please forget this and continue your story."

"You are enjoying this, huh?" Yun Hee nodded vigorously. Sehun sighed before continuing again. "Since then, we became really close friends, sharing every moment of our lives. We had formed the best quartet, me, Chanyeol, Jongin and her. When we reached our teenage life, we boys grew a bit distant from her while she formed of a group of her own friend consisting of girls only. I had a crush on one of them and thought of it as love. Silly teenager I was. I used to constantly bug for the information of that friend of hers to which she used to react violently everytime. I started feeling confused at her behavior so one day, I confronted her. To my surprise, she cried that day and told me that she liked me before slamming the door of the rooftop of our school that day."

Yun Hee clicked her tongue and said, "Typical teenage drama."

"This was the start of our love story. She started avoiding me since that day which started eating me alive from the inside. What irked me the most was that she started getting close to a particular guy and spent most of her time with him. Jealousy was burning me to death, making me totally forget about the crush I had on her friend and focus on her. One day, I saw her getting intimate with that guy and lost my cool. So when the guy was leaning down to kiss, I rushed towards them and punched his guts out before dragging her away from the scene. I took her to a deserted alley and both of us started screaming at each other. At one point, she punched me then pulled my neck and kissed me harshly."

"Ooo... Hormonal teenagers", Yun Hee sing sang.

"Sehun just rolled his eyes. "Since that day we became official. She was my girlfriend, my first kiss, the girl I gave my ity to." Saying this, he looked at Yun Hee for some reaction, expecting her to give him a judgmental look, but she was looking at him soft eyes, listening to him intently.

"We dated for more than 7 years, had been friends for longer than that. We had the perfect relationship. After graduation, we moved together. We were doing really well in our career and still going strong despite of all the changes. So on our 7th anniversary, I proposed to her and she agreed. Everything was going smoothly but one day, she asked for a break up, the reason she stated was that she thought we were moving too fast, so she wanted some space. I was okay to give her whatever she wanted, but she gave me no chance and blocked from contacting her and left the country at the first chance given. Till now, I still not know the real reason of her breaking up with me."

Sehun could feel his eyes watering when he felt soft hands rubbing his back. He looked up at Yun Hee and saw her looking at him with gentle eyes, trying to comfort him. He gave her a look to state that he was okay and smiled slightly to reassure her.

"You are so lucky that you didn't face anything called love", said Sehun, trying to joke to ease the situation.

"For you information, this is not a good thing. You could say, I prevented myself from enjoying my life just to dedicate it to my parents."

"What do you mean?", asked Sehun when he saw the sad smile on Yun Hee's face.

"I was an unplanned product of my parents,"


"Yes, they were perfectly happy with Yun Yeong, both of them not wanting more than one child because of being career conscious." Then Yun Hee looked up to see Sehun looking at her with pitiful eyes. 

"Don't give me that look. My parents love me as much as they love Yun Yeong and I know it. It's just for the majority part of my life, I felt the need to impress them because I felt indebted to them. Yun Yeong has been perfect ever since she was born. She was always a bubbly child, a friendly kinder and a cheerful girl, while I was grumpy, a crybaby and an unapproachable kid. My parents always dotted on Yun Yeong because she had been a constant attention seeker. So despite of being the younger, I was always given less attention."

Yun Hee looked at Sehun and saw him looking at her with sad eyes, so she joked, "You look like you are about to cry. I did not have a pitiful childhood, don't worry." Sehun just shook his head but did not say anything.

"So all my life I have trying everything just to attract their attention. I used to do many things to help them, but I was clumsy. So I would always end up making mistakes and get scolded. I started feeling inferior due to that and started making myself isolated. The situation got so out of hand that I had to be taken to psychologist. That day I saw the tired faces of my parents and decided to improve myself. I busied myself to the only thing I was good at, studying. I followed their choice of career and pursued medicine while Yun Yeong got to choose her own preference for career. They were still more proud of her since she decided to something different like interior designing while I chose what they themselves were."

"Oh my god! How did you survive that?"

"I didn't give up and gave my best to my studies and got into Harvard Medical School. That was the only thing that made them proud of them like I wanted them to be. I was truly happy for the first time. So I gave my all to this and graduated with flying colors. I wanted to apply in the US after that, but when they asked me to return, I listened. For my whole life, I did everything just to please, even kept myself away from having a boyfriend because i wanted to give them the happiness of choosing my life partner. But when Yun Yeong got married to the one she chose, I heard them saying that maybe it would have better if their younger one had also chosen her own life partner instead of burdening them."

"What the hell? Why are they like this?", Sehun remarked, showing his frustration.

"They cannot be blamed, Sehun. They never told me to do anything for them. I did all these on my own accord. But now that I think about it, because of all these, I never got to enjoy anything in my life. I never had a sleepover at a friend's, never have been to party, never attended any of my proms. All that I did was burying my face in books. When auntie asked me to marry you, I agreed. That was the first time I took a decision of my life and guess what? They happily agreed. When they were supposed to back me up and refuse to give my hand to you, they did nothing. They knew about your girlfriend, your mom didn't hide anything. Yet they did nothing. So I had no option beside marrying you. That's when I decided to give my all to this marriage, find the love I had always dreamt of in this relationship. Now you know my reason", said Yun Hee, chuckling to herself.

Sehun looked at the woman sitting in front of him, amazed at how dedicated she could be for her loved ones. So he said the first that came to his mind.

"The person you would fall in love with and would get to love you would be the luckiest person on the earth, because I know that you would love with all that you have, you are that type of a person. If I hadn't been in love with someone else for almost all my life, then I also would have fallen for you, hard."

"So you are trying to say that there is a high chance of you falling for me in the future?", Yun Hee asked, wiggling her brows.

Sehun put a finger on his chin and tapped it lightly for a few times, pretending to think of an answer when he he said, "Well, you can say so."

Then they burst out into laughing. 

That night, they felt the wall that was separating them from being close to each other came melting down as they laughed out of pure happiness to their heart's content.

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The story has a new cover, yay... The credit, once again, goes to none other than, Pearllin.


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Chapter 40: I really hope oneday you will update. Cz this story deserves an ending ♡
real__katepark #2
Chapter 40: Update please. Omg this story is so good. I've cried so hard. I need a happy ending for them. 😭
Qexora #3
Chapter 40: oh no😭please dont fight
Ankita_123 #4
Hi Anika! Hope you're doing well. I'm really worried about you. Doesn't matter when you update the story, please just let us know that you're healthy and doing fine. Praying for your family's well being. Please notify!
Chapter 40: I read the full story again >< hshsgdh hELp. Oh I love this story. I was always been a er for arranged marriage AUs and this is so well written.

I wanna upvote it but it says i need 10 karma points or smtn. Anyone knows what's that and how to earn it? 😅 Idk how this aff thingy actually works.

Anyways I hope you update the nxt chap soon ^^. I can't wait to know what's the actually reason of Jieun to meet a psychiatrist 🤔

Another thing! If it's okay then may I ask which country are u from? *-*"
Chapter 40: Hey there! I'm not someone to put comments as I'm comfortable being a silent reader but this story is good enough to make me say that I love the way you are keeping the pace in the story and plot. It's not like the other arrange marriage AUs that I've read before. Not those typical ones where they would make the male lead look like jerk, arrogant etc.sehun is such a gentleman here with some flaws ofc,his efforts to make this marriage work. The female character too. Not like those fragile type of ones. I like OCs witha strong character which you put very smoothly in Yun Hee's character. I love the way you portray their feelings, you are making their character development go slow which I prefer.

Keep your good work♡ I really like this story^^. Hoping to get an update soon><
Ankita_123 #7
Chapter 40: Hi Anika! Hope you are doing well and everything is good on the health front, specifically. We're missing you. Be back soon. But prioritize your physical and mental health over everything, please!! Also, you can drop updates about yourself and what new is happening in life as well whenever you feel like putting it out. Take care!
ntsgstn #8
Chapter 40: i’m reading this while listening to Baekhyun’s Cry For Love. the pain!!!
Update please 🥺
Chapter 40: Ewch m'y heart is crying