NOTE: Why IJF is over and what would've happened


Hello everyone! 

I really wish I could've come back to you with a new chapter. I was waiting months for this, every now and then noting down a little idea or tiny line I wanted to include. Unfortunately, it was never enough. It's still far from being enough. 

Now, I don't want to say that this story is discontinued, because a large part of me doesn't think it is. However, at this point in time, I honestly can't write for it. You might've noticed that I have been writing another story, but even if you haven't, it's 'proof' that I'm still able to write. I've tried to think of reasons why I haven't been able to write any of my Twice stories and I think I have it. 

That reason is The Night and the Fae: my first and only completed story so far. To put it short, that story is a good 200,000 words. I love every letter of it and I'm honestly proud. When I was finishing it up, I think I almost wrote 20,000 words in less than a week and that was a tad exhausting. Once I got there, the rest of the stories, which I'd already put on hold, were even farther away when it came to writing for them. 

This all sounds like a load of excuses, which it probably is. I Just Fell is about 112,000 words and I had so much fun writing for it. To be honest, the point in time where I stopped, my mind also turned away from it. Saida finally overcame the main 'block' between them and once that was established, I genuinely think my immediate interest dropped. 

As for my personal life and how it ties into this, my uni started pretty early and it's a massive amount of work. We're also in two 3-4 hour lectures every day (and I'm complaining) and when I get back to my dorm, my mind is usually not on writing. If it is, it's not this story, or the other ones. 

That being said, I didn't want to leave this story off completely. I'll be including the portion of the chapter I'd been working on, as well as a small set of 'story beats' I'd been wanting to get to. That'll essentially be an excerpt from the planning notebook I was using for my stories. 

So, this story title will change to include that it's discontinued. I'll be completely honest, even though I don't want to stop it, I'm not sure if I'll ever come back to this story. What I do know is that you wouldn't like this story if I sat down and forced myself to type out a sorry excuse of a chapter. This story in particular was born duirng the 45 minute bus rides I took to and from my internship. I was writing this and The Night and the Fae simultaneously, which was honestly one of the highlights of last year for me. I got back into writing with this story and I've felt guilty for months that I haven't been writing for this. 


"And you're sure?" Dahyun stopped them in front of the stone wall. 

Sana gave her a soft smile. Dahyun loved to see it. “I’m sure.” She tugged her forward. “And only until they figure the rest out.”

“And if that takes a while?”

“They won’t be as mad by then.” She tapped their foreheads together. 

Dahyun knew Sana had good intentions with this, so she pushed down the doubts she felt and leaned up. 

Sana smiled not the kiss, a sentiment Dahyun could only return. She was still amazed that the Slytherin liked her, even after everything from last year, and especially this year. 

”Good night,” Dahyun murmured when they pulled away. 

“Night,” Sana replied. “Sleep well.” She gave her another peck and then said the password. Her arms were still wrapped around Dahyun’s waist. “Tomorrow in the library?”

“Another study date?”

She grinned. “Yep. I’ve got practice, but I’mm be going back with everyone this time.”

Dahyun got a flash of seeing Sana immobile on the ground. It made her feel cold. “Good,” she said, resting her head on the other’s shoulder. “In that case, get some sleep. I’m doing the same.” She hoped she wouldn’t have another dream like today. Something to remind her why it was better not to sleep. 

“See you tomorrow.” Yet another small kiss before Sana left for the common room. She looked back and waved, that smile still on her face. 

Dahyun had to return it. It was impossible not to. 

Whatever doubts she did have weren’t because of Sana, but the situation. They’d keep whatever this was a secret. She understood that part. Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung would probably blow a fuse if they knew about Sana and her, on top of Nayeon and Momo. 

But no, she’d think about that another time. Her head had to be at other places and focused on other people, specifically one person. She could do that. She would do that. 


That night, she dreamed of being followed. She knew there were walls around her, but couldn’t see them. All she was sure of was that she’d been running for a long time. Her legs burned, her chest was tight, and she had a terrible stitch. 

Then something pushed her down, her shoulder slamming into the ground. She didn’t scream. 

Cracks were followed by footsteps. Her pursuers had come. 

“It’s insulting, you know.” A foot pressed down on her back. “That a mudblood would do what you do.”  Her wand was ripped from her hand. “And have secrets you don’t deserve.”

Dahyun didn’t respond. She couldn’t. 

Then the curse took hold. 

Then, Dahyun did scream. 


Someone was shaking her. 

Dahyun scrambled away, looking around. It was dark. 

“It’s okay,” someone said. It was Lisa. “Just a nightmare.” 

“Did I–” 

“Just a groaning sound,” she replied. “I’m a light sleeper.”

Dahyun nodded, sitting up. “Thanks for waking me.”

She smiled. “No problem.” A pause. “Wanna sleep in today?”

“I’m good,” Dahyun replied. Would everyone be thinking she was fragile now? Would they all think she needed protection? 

Lisa’s brow rose. “You sure?” 

I’m exhausted from what we went through. I have no idea what any of it really meant, except for what I’m allowed to know and I’m still scared.

Sana’s words. Did she have dreams like this too? Did she have to hide the way she was really feeling? Or was she just able to handle it better? She admitted it a lot quicker than Dahyun could. 

Or was that just what Dahyun was seeing? Even then, she didn’t think so. If Sana felt some way, then she’d make it clear. 

Her face flushed as more of yesterday came to mind. They’d kissed. And neither of them had run off after. 

As Dahyun got ready, she put a little more effort into her makeup. 

Lisa was waiting for her when she reached the common room. 

“You’re not planning on making Jennie jealous, right?” Dahyun asked. “First thing in the morning?” A part of her didn’t feel right doing that. It also reminded her that whatever she had with Sana was going to be a secret. She still wasn’t sure how to feel about it. 

“Nope,” she sighed, “I don’t think it even worked.”

Dahyun patted her arm. “Ever tried the straightforward tactic?”

They left the common room. The stone halls were already bustling with Slytherins and Hufflepuffs, as well as some stray red or blue robes. 

“I’m not about to expose myself.”

“To what?” Dahyun looked at her. “You think she’d humiliate you?” For someone with a crush on one, Lisa’s fears seemed to be backed by a few Slytherin stereotypes. 

Lisa frowned, but didn’t say more. Her feet were dragging behind her. 

“Jennie’s sweet,” Dahyun tugged her up the steps, “the worst thing that’ll happen is a bit of awkwardness.” Then she added, “not that I think it’ll happen.” 

She just shrugged. 

Dahyun stopped them in the Entrance Hall. “I’m not saying you have to make a move, but if you think getting her jealous is the way to speed things up, that’s probably not the way to do it.”

“Since when’re you the expert?” Lisa squinted at her. 

Oh, she thought, fighting another blush. “I just know that if she’s anything like me, getting jealous is just a reminder she likes you. Nothing else.” She tapped the top of her head. “So actual human contact might help you a little more.” 

Lisa rolled her eyes. “Great, treat me like a hermit.”

Dahyun laughed. “I’ll stop doing it if you make a move.”

Together, they walked into the hall. Dahyun let herself look over to a particular table. 

Sana sat, attention all but engulfed by cereal, her brow furrowed as Hwasa was talking to her about something. Probably quidditch-related. 

Dahyun fought a smile, looking away to the Ravenclaw table instead. Chaeyoung wasn’t there, but she spotted the first year from yesterday. Soojin. Dahyun waved before sitting next to Jeongyeon at the Hufflepuff table, Lisa on her other side. Momo wasn’t with them. 

“Hey,” Dahyun tried. The atmosphere of their section of the table was off. 

A chorus of hellos returned. “Finish the Charms essay?” Chaeyoung asked. Then she rolled her eyes. “Don’t answer that.” She stabbed a sausage. “How was yesterday? She didn’t try anything, right?”

Dahyun frowned. “Yesterday was nice. And what do you mean try anything?” 

She shrugged. “You know, make a move while you two were alone.”

 This time, Dahyun didn’t feel a blush coming. What was with her tone now? Weren’t they at least on good terms? She just shook her head. It wasn’t much of a lie either. Technically, they’d both made moves. 

“Okay,” Chaeyoung frowned, “but I’d still be careful with her. With that list and all.”

So that was the problem. Now it was a problem. 

“Sana’s a great friend,” Dahyun said. “She’s not like that.”

“Tell that to the other Chaeyoung,” Jeongyeon muttered. 

“That isn’t fair.” Dahyun started eating, hoping they’d just move on. Until, she’d still speak up. The others all knew what Sana had done. No matter what happened yesterday, she couldn’t let them forget that because of some feud. “And I thought we were past this.”

“We are,” Jihyo said, shooting Chaeyoung and Jeongyeon a look. 

Chaeyoung nodded. “She’s nice and all, Dubu,” she sighed, “but that doesn’t mean she hasn’t dated her way through the year.”

Dahyun fought a sigh. She’d wanted to say that didn’t matter much now, but it’d mean opening a different conversation, one a bit too close to what had actually happened yesterday. 

“Anyway,” Lisa said, nudging her side. “How’s it look with you and quidditch?” 

She wasn’t actually sure, but she was grateful for Lisa’s intrusion. “I think I can start practice,” Dahyun said. “Slowly, but I’ll be starting it again.”

The Hufflepuff seeker clapped her hands. “Great! I missed my keeper.” She glanced around, biting her lip. “But Allison was great too.”

“She missed you too,” Jihyo added. 

Dahyun nodded. “I’ll also practice some more with her.”

She felt eyes on her then. She scanned the table, looking for any glare sent her way. She just found Sana looking over. She wore a near unreadable expression. 

Dahyun could hardly think of why that was. She sent her a smile instead. That softened Sana#s gaze. 

Dahyun turned her attention back to her breakfast. She still didn’t know how keeping ‘this’ a secret was going to look like. She wasn’t even sure if it was the right decision or not. 

But if it was what Sana wanted, then she’d do it. For now at least. 

An owl dropped something in front of Jihyo then: the Daily Prophet. 

As Dahyun finished her cereal, a letter narrowly avoided falling into the milk. Panic shot through her the moment she saw it. 

The others fell silent. 

“They still check your post, right?” Chaeyoung asked. She half reached for it. 

Dahyun grabbed it and nodded. She looked at the front, her heart racing. The handwriting let her start to calm down. It was from Yuri. She shoved it deep into her bag. 

“You’re opening it later?” Lisa frowned. 

“It’s safe,” Dahyun smiled, “but I’ve got to get something from the library. Ancient Runes.”

“Due in two weeks?” Jeongyeon started to smile back. 

She winked. “Three.”

They chuckled, but Dahyun didn’t miss how each of them still looked unsettled. She didn’t blame them. 

People watched her as she stood up. They watched her as she left. Was everyone really so sensitive to this?

Dahyun realised then that this might’ve been the very reason Sana didn’t want to make anything official. She was still at the centre of attention—for all of the wrong reasons. Sana was a part of that too. 

She felt both guilty and relieved then. She hoped that in an ideal world, Sana would want to be seen with her. But this wasn’t an ideal world. 

A question niggled in the back of her mind: was this worth it? Sana was a lot more expressive than her. How would she manage this? Would a relationship between them even make Sana happy? 

Dahyun reached the library. The silence there made it easy to shut her other thoughts off. 

She went straight to the history section. As always, no one was there. 

She took out the letter and tore open the flap. She tensed, the urge to turn her face away rising. She still remembered how it’d burned. 

No curse left it, nor any other sound. 

Possibilities for what words she’d find flooded her mind. Her eyes looked at the paper, but she couldn’t bring herself to open it. 

It could be a simple update on what would happen to to Raven, bad news of a potential escape, a new job—she didn’t know. 

Her fingers trembled as she unfolded it. It was blank. 

She whispered the code. Ink appeared. The scribbles appeared in a furious wave. Yuri’s otherwise legible script was a scrawl. 

R’s in Azkaban. They’d put a block in his mind. No names, even with Ver. Others got a little more, but it’s bad. Nothing’ll happen yet, but in a few weeks, maybe months, you need to be careful. 

He wasn’t acting alone. Whoever he worked with is still there. They’ll be scared. They’ll wait. 

Dahyun made the words disappear. Then she crumpled the paper, stuffing it into her bag again. She’d burn it later. 

It wasn’t as if she hadn’t thought there was another. It’d been a very real possibility. She’d just thought that if there had been another, they’d have been in the forest when Raven attacked them. Then whatever they’d have wanted to do would’ve worked. It’d worked in Diagon Alley. Her training hadn’t been to duel, it’d been to withstand what came after. 

Dahyun’s eyes started to burn. She blinked them away and straightened. 

They weren’t going to do something now, not when Dahyun’s safety had become an even hotter topic around the school. 

The question was how they were hiding. Was it in plain sight? Or through the secret passages of the castle? Were they even still in Hogwarts or did they have a hiding place further outside? Had they actually gone into the Forbidden Forest? 

She pulled away from the shelves. She nearly ran into Sana who’d been walking through the library.

The girl’s eyes widened. “Hi.”

Dahyun smiled. It wasn’t even forced, even if her thoughts felt like a mess. “Hey.” Had Sana wanted to follow after her? 

“Everything okay?” Her eyes held concern. She’d also seen the letter. It seemed as if everyone had. 

Dahyun nodded. “Yuri wrote,” she whispered. “Everything’s good for now.” And it was. They had a few weeks of peace. She had a few weeks to figure this out. What she’d do then she didn’t know. She’d have to figure that out too. Later. 

Sana nodded. She looked relieved. 

Dahyun nearly took her hand. Sana had been through too much. She’d handled it better than Dahyun had, but she shouldn’t have needed to in the first place. 

“See you at lunch?” Sana’s eyes held another question.

Dahyun’s smile grew. “See you.” Then she went off to Ancient Runes at a decent jog. She was going to be late. 


Final Note 

As for what was going to come later, there was secret dating plotline. Dahyun was going to go along with it, but conflicted. Sana's insecurities, especially the ones about her reputation, as well as how she 'compares' to Dahyun, were going to come to the forefront. They'd both say it isn't a big deal to keep their relationship secret, but both, Sana for her wanting to be more open, Dahyun for the lying aspect, want to make it public. 

I was also planning for rumours/comments to be made about the two, even without any confirmation about them being together. For once, Dahyun would end up listening to some and her own uncertainties, especially the ones related to her not being a pureblood, would come into play. All the while, there'd be growing tension between Dahyun, Sana, and the rest of Twice when it comes to the secrets Dahyun is still keeping from them. The girls know that Dahyun isn't telling them things for a good reason, but they think that things have gotten way past that 'good reason'. I was planning for tensions ot grow between Dahyun and Chaeyoung, but also Dahyun and Sana, when it comes to that. Both Sana and Chaeyoung would've been completely fed up with Dahyun's continous use of a mask when she's around them. At two separate points, they'd reach their breaking points. The way the story was going for me, Dahyun still wouldn't have told them. She still thinks they'll be safe if they don't know anything. 

As for Michaeng, their 'making up' wasn't going to be too drawn out, but Mina would've been adamant when it came to Chaeyoung owning up to her own prejudices about Slytherins and purebloods. It's a bit of a stretch in judgement, which Chaeyoung would have Mina see, but she'd still see that she dwells on people's pasts more than their present decisions. 

Back to Saida, their styles of communication were going to be pretty different. It was already there in previous chapters, but Sana is a lot more open to being vulnerable with Dahyun, as well as pretty affectionate in the open. Dahyun, on the other hand, is closed off to letting things get 'too serious'. In her mind, her past is her burden to bear and to share it would be to drag someone else down. 'Putting your best foot forward' is a permanent thing for her to do. She can't exactly recognise that this is leading her further into the spiral she's in. That was also going to come to another point where she realises she can't bottle up her thoughts, or keep the events of her summer an absolute secret. 

Notice how I didn't tell you who's been organising all this. For a final bit of discourse on this story, I'd honestly love it if you left your guesses in the comments, as well as any other questions you have about the plot. Even though I won't be writing for this story anymore, I promise I'll answer every question as best I can. I spent a few weeks thinking about how I'd end this and one thing I knew was that I didn't want to leave you guessing. This was, after all, a story built on a mystery. If you want to know who caused it, you honestly don't even have to guess. Just type in a quick who and I'll reply. 

A Harry Potter Saida story wasn't exactly something I expected people to enjoy as much as they did. I said it before, but I was an absolute HP nerd (and still am to some extent. I've got HP pyjamas, I'm not kidding). I might end up writing one-shots for HP in K-Pop settings, but I can't guarantee anything. I'm really sorry that I stopped writing for this story, especially when there were people waiting for the next update. 

But really, thank you all so much for your support on this story. Writing this filled up a really busy time in my life, going through some really important events in the next steps of my life. My passion for writing also got strengthened again, and a lot of that was through seeing how you were reading the stories I was writing. Just knowing that my story was being read, and even enjoyed, by people was a wonderful thing to me. So thank you again for that. 

Twitter: @hblake44

If you have any other questions regarding the au. 

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Thank you!
Link to Chapter 17 if the other update didn't come through either.


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A_B_J_Ch #1
Chapter 28: I'm just going to take the last chapter as a happy ending. May as well add the "and they lived happily ever after" :)
I read in the comments below who was the culprit. And to be honest I had my suspicions with him.
With that being said, another great story. And even if it's discontinued, it's quality is better than most other on this portal.
oh man, i'm so sad this is discontinued. it's the first and only saida au based on harry potter i've found. thank you for the chapters, i see it's been two years? but i'll still subscribe if you ever decide to finish it.
Chapter 28: One of my fave Saida Hogwarts story!
Asianfanficreader1 #4
Chapter 28: I finally decided to read this chapter. When I received the update and I read it, I was very sad so I didn't want to read it. But now I'm here, with this pain and ending this.
Asianfanficreader1 #5
Chapter 28: Is Sana? haha
Chapter 28: I'm a little sad "I just fell" was also discontinued.. but that's alright :] I hope you're healthy and having some rest time from school!
Chapter 28: I haven’t been on aff for some time now and I’m glad I came back to see this last bit of one of my favorite stories. I just want to thank you for even coming up with a Twice Harry Potter story. Like my favorite book series and favorite group put together was amazing to read about. Also thank you to come back to explain why you’re discontinuing the story when you didn’t have to. Can I say one thing? Please don’t erase any of your stories or deactivate your account because what I see id your story is like a book/real life. A book that lets us the readers continue the story on our own. What I mean by real life is even if we die our stories will be continued by our children and their children and so on. So I hope you don’t feel bad for leaving this as it is. Now about who did everything to them... well I feel like it would be someone that is close to them because it’s usually like that in stories haha.
-XaRie- #8
Chapter 28: Thank you for giving us that closure. Not a lot of stories has me constantly checking for updates, but this one sure did. It was such a good read!

Since you ended it at that point, if you ever feel up to it, you could totally make a sequel for this. Even if you revealed where you want the story to go, I'm sure everyone in this comment section would still love to see it unfold.

(Also would like to know who)
Chapter 28: this story was really cool but i understand..... have fun dawg :^))) i’ll check out ur other story, thanks for letting us know tho!!!!!

(also... who? i thought about it a couple days ago but i couldn’t put my finger on it lol)