it starts with hugs

it starts with hugs

It was just another ordinary day at school for Hyunjin; she got through her morning classes without being caught napping by any of her teachers. A great feat she'd thought. She'd been too busy the night before staying up until ridiculous o'clock just to talk to her girlfriend about nothing. But for Heejin she'd gladly do that. In fact it made her feel much happier and she always got these indescribable butterflies in the pit of her stomach when talking to her, whether it be in person or over text.

After a good half an hour of napping in her math class, Hyunjin was rudely interrupted by the ringing of the bell. Although initially annoyed at being suddenly awoken, she soon grinned a little when she checked the watch on her wrist.

"Lunch!" she exclaimed in her head.

She quickly pushed her chair back and gathered all of her things, shoving them in an unorganised manner into her school bag before picking that up and rushing out the door, but not before yelling a, "Thanks Miss Lee!" from down the corridor before the teacher had even had a chance to dismiss her class. Hyunjin didn't care though, she was too preoccuppied at the thought of seeing Heejin at lunch.

It didn't take long before the dark haired girl made it to the doors of the cafeteria, not hesitating to burst through the doors like a madwoman on a mission. Her eyes scanned the room and she was easily able to locate the table she always sat on. She made contact with the girl with short brown hair.

"Hey, Hyunjin!" the girl called across to her and waved, a welcoming smile on her lips.

"Hi Haseul." she replied, slumping down on a seat next to her and putting her bag down.
Looking across the large table she could only count 10 heads. "Strange." she thought.

But not as strange as the start of a conversation she'd just caught.

"So, Haseul unnie..." Yeojin, the youngest of the group started off, "how are babies made?"

There was a collective snicker from all the girls sat at the table. Haseul only choked on the noodles that were halfway down . Tears actually fell from just how much they'd gotten stuck in her airway.

Hyunjin couldn't help but laugh at the older girl sitting next to her though, it was just too funny, and completely out of the blue as well. She looked at Haseul and then at the older girls. She saw how Sooyoung's lips curled up at the corners and she could tell she wasn't about to beat around the bush and give Yeojin an explicit, detailed answer to the question.

"You see Yeojin, it takes two people who are very much in love to-" Sooyoung was cut off mid-sentence before she could finish.

"HUGS!" Haseul blurted out in a panic, just needing something to shut both Yeojin and Sooyoung up. In fact, Haseul had sent Sooyoung dagger eyes which she just smirked at. 

It was then that Jiwoo slapped Sooyoung on the arm, firmly whispering in her ear that Yeojin was the youngest and should stay "innocent".
At that very moment Hyunjin received a text, her phone vibrating in her blazer pocket, and she pulled it out and opened the message.

Heeki [12:43]: won't be at the table at lunch. sorry

The message was very brief and very vague. Hyunjin was a little worried; it wasn't like Heejin to skip out on meeting at lunch. 

Aeong-ie [12:43]: everything okay, i miss you

She sent back a reply. It was true, although they'd only spent the morning in different classes, Hyunjin still missed the older girl. She always hated parting with Heejin, it just made her feel uneasy and like a love-sick puppy (or kitten in her case).

Heeki [12:44]: fine. and how can you miss me, you saw me yesterday

Aeong-ie [12:44]: i always miss you 

She couldnt help but wonder what else to write, but she just couldn't think of anything. So she press sent and within seconds Heejin read it... but didn't respond. She'd left it on read. Hyunjin was about to put her fingers back on her phone before she was interrupted.

"Hyunjin's texting Heejin." Jungeun teased, her lips in a smug and teasing grin. If she wanted a reaction out of the younger girl, then she sure got one. Hyunjin's pupils dilated out of embarassment and her cheeks blushed a light pink and the tips of her ears were a deep red.

But then Jinsould decided she wanted to join the fun too, chipping in at Hyunjin's expense. 

"Aaaaw, the little kitten's all coy now. How cuuuuutttteee."
It was in that moment that Hyunjin died inside from pure embarassment. She just wanted to curl up into a ball and vanish into existence. 

"Leave me aloooooonnnneee." She whined to which the pair just laughed and teased some more.

Having had enough of the teasing Hyunjin quickly grabbed her bag and made her way out the cafeteria doors, all while quickly typing a message to Heejin.

Aeong-ie [12:50]: i'm gonna come find you

- - -

If there was one thing the younger knew about Heejin it was that when she wanted to be left alone there was only one place she would go. So she followed her gut instinct (which may or may not have been growling at her because she hadn't eaten yet). But still she carried on and climbed a flight of stairs and ran down another corridor, until she came face to face with another flight of stairs.

"Oh what I do for you, Jeon Heejin." She sighed but tackled the steps.
She was out of breath by the time she finally reached the third floor but in her eyes it was worth it. She wiped away the little sheen of sweat off her forehead with her hand and walked up to the wooden door. As she approached she could hear the melancholic sounds of guitar strings seep through and she knew she'd found the right place.

Hyunjin grabbed the handle and pulled it down, pushing in and swinging the door wide open. As soon as she made eye contact with Heejin the sound had stopped and they were just staring at each other. But as Hyunjin continued to scan Heejin's face she'd noticed how her eyes were all puffy and her cheeks wet. The sight of it only made Hyunjin upset and she wanted to help.

"Heeki, what's wrong?" She asked, pouting. 

Heejin sniffled and placed the guitar that was on her lap, on the floor by the side of her chair.

"My rabbit died this morning." And as soon as she admitted it more tears came rolling down her cheeks, trailing down her neck until they met the collar of her white school shirt.

Hyunjin didn't know what to say. Didn't know what to do. She knew how much Heejin's pet rabbit meant to her and couldn't bear the thought of her girlfriend being so upset over its death. 

Not knowing what to do, the younger quickly and subtly sent Haseul a text.


Haseul [13:06]: well comfort her you fool

Hyunjin scoffed in her head. She'd already wanted to comfort Heejin but didn't really know how, that's why she was asking.

Hyunjin [13:07]: how do i do that?

She continued to look at her crying girlfriend in front of her and just prayed that Haseul would hurry the up already with her reply. She was losing patience and didn't want to see Heejin so upset anymore.

Haseul [13:08]: with hugs

Hyunjin [13:08]: with what? you said that's how children are made

- - -

As Haseul read her incoming message she couldn't believe what she was actually reading.

Hyunjin [13:08]: with what? you said that's how children are made

In that moment she actually facepalmed herself. She knew Hyunjin could have a weird sense of humour but this was on a whole othe level.

- - -


Just reading that message sent literal chills down Hyunjin's spine and she shifted her into gear, slowly approaching Heejin and holding her arms out with a warm smile. Heejin immediately jumped off her chair and pounced into the embrace, nuzzling her head against Hyunjin's chest and wrapping her arms around the taller girl's back. Hyunjin could feel the tears soak through the fabric of her shirt but she didn't mind. If it was for Heejin then she couldn't care less.

Besides, it was the least she could do. She wasn't the most affectionate girlfriend to Heejin, but this was definitely a good start.
After Heejin had finished bawling her eyes out to Hyunjin's shirt, she too was surprised at the younger's affection towards her.

"I like your hugs Hyunjin-ah." she sniffled out, "Why don't you do it more often?"

Hyunjin was a little flustered at the question. The only answer she coukld think of was that she was embarrassed by just how  much she really like Heejin. She thought it was scary at how quickly her feelings developed and deepened and she wasn't quite ready to show that through affection just yet. So she played it off like how she knew best: through humour.

"Because Haseul-unnie says that's how children are made." She blurted.

Heejin only giggled at Hyunjin's nonesense and went back to hugging the younger girl, not knowing when the next time she'd be able to do so freely.

- - -

i just thought i'd try writing a oneshot to see how my writing's been. i know i haven't updated my ongoing story but that's really going to take some time. i've started a new course now and i've got cortisol pumping through my veins like there's no tomorrow atm. so, for now, i'll try and see if i can pump out some oneshots here and there (whether that be for twice, loona, wjsn, dreamcatcher etc). so yeah i'm still alive and breathing and thanks for being patient with me :)

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Chapter 1: Aw, how cute!! When they hugged, and Hyunjin said "Because Haseul-unnie says that's how children are made." DHGKDSGHKLSD STOPPPPP LMAO
Chapter 1: this is so cute omg
Chapter 1: For a moment I thought Hyunjin actually believed Haseul lmao
Chapter 1: Haha I love the hug humor