Be Free, Margaret!


You and D.O oneshot! Basically it’s one of those “bumps into you meeting” type of fanfic. This will be based on D.O as an actor! Not as an idol!

This is a feel good, funny, EXO D.O oneshot! I am in no way making fun of D.O! This is a comedy fanfic! 



You were walking aimlessly around town with your nose in your phone; trying to find the nearest Starbucks. As you rounded a corner you tripped! You came crashing down to the cement sidewalk, your face meeting its doom with destiny. Your phone went flying out of your hands and landed a pretty good distance away from you. You just laid there. Thinking to yourself ‘why me’. After a while, and weird looks from bystanders, you stood up and brushed yourself off then went to retrieve your phone, praying it wasn’t shattered. After examining your phone, which had one large crack on the screen, you went to go investigate what had tripped you. ‘It was a shoe?’, you thought to yourself. Puzzled, you looked around to see if maybe there was a homeless guy without his shoe, but to your surprise, there was no trace of any homeless people anywhere. You turned the shoe over in your hands. It was a fancy name brand shoe. The kind poor people can’t buy.

Whilst pondering where the shoe came from, you vaguely heard shouting. You spun around in a circle, your eyes scanning your surrounding, trying to find the source of the yelling. You couldn’t seem to find where it was coming from. Soon the shouting started to sound more like...yodeling? Now you were even more confused and curious. “Yodeling...people who yodel tend to bE IN HIGH PLACES!!” Your eyes widened with this realization and your head snapped up to scan the rooftops. On top of one of the rooftops was a person. Instinctively, you bolted towards the entrance of that building, with that shoe still in hand. You headed straight for the elevators. You were not about to tire yourself out by running up all those stairs. You made it to the top and walked out onto the roof. It wasn’t that windy up there like you’d seen in dramas.

Standing a foot away from the edge was a young male. He hadn’t noticed that he had company, and continued to shout, “MARGARET!!!”, he shouted through tears. You walked up to him and gently said, “Excuse me, are you okay?” The mysterious shouting young man didn’t turn to look at you. He showed no signs of backing down. “I saw you with him, Margaret. You were smiling. You looked so happy.” Confused, you thought ‘Who’s Margaret??’. You looked the man up and down and noticed he was missing a shoe. “Oh hey! This is your shoe! You dropped it.” You weren’t really thinking clearly. “I’m sorry Margaret. I’m sorry that I couldn’t make you smile like that. Not like he can.” Now you were tuned in. You walked a little closer and peaked at his face. He was very dorky looking, but in a cute way, with big bushy eyebrows like Rock Lee from Naruto. He reminded you of a puppy that you would wanna love and protect, or to help defend the hidden leaf village with. A single tear slid down the man’s face.

Your heart squeezed at the sight of this pitiful dorky human. “Who ever this ‘Margaret’ person is sounds like a . She’s not worth the tears. Come on, let’s go down and get some coffee, eh?” You tried to coax the poor guy down, but to no avail. “So I will let you go now Margaret. You no longer have to be tied down by me. BE FREE, MARGARET!”, he shouted. He opened his coat and pulled out a stuffed pigeon and just tossed it. We watched the stuffed animal plummet to the ground below. The man turned around and brushed his hands and took out a packet of papers and began to scan it. “Umm. Uh, ex..excuse me.” you stated rather dumbfounded. “How’d I do? Was it a little extreme? Did it seem believable?” he asked. You had no idea what to think or say. You just stared at the man with your mouth agape. “My acting skills. What did you think?” You threw his shoe at him and turned around and walked away. ‘IT WAS ACTING! THIS GUY IS CRAZY!  SHOE! MARGARET!! PIGEON!!!????’ You stopped and turned back around. The young man was putting his shoe back on. “WHY WOULD YOU BE ON THE ROOF!?” You yelled at the stranger. “I was in character. I am practicing for a part in a drama. The best way for me to learn is to be in character and act out my scenes. The stuffed pigeon was my stunt double”, he stated with a chuckle. “Oh thanks for my shoe by the way. I accidently dropped it.” You thought to yourself, ‘welp. That settles it. Mystery solved’. “Have you ever thought of yodeling instead of acting?”you asked him. 


**Somewhere on the streets below** 

“Ah, what a beautiful day! There are no clouds in the sky and it is such-” The mysterious guy was cut off when something suddenly fell on him, causing him to fall on his . ‘What the…’ Puzzled the guy got up and walked closer to the object that had hit him. “No ...IS THAT A PIGEON!!?” he screamed in a horrific realization.

I had written this back in 2016/2017 and had forgotten about it. This is based off of Kyung-soo's acting and that time Lay had interactions with the pigeons. I hope you enjoy this read as much as I enjoyed writing it! I am in no way a professional so keep it positive! Much love!


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