Lost & Found

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What if you lost someone?

What would you do to bring them back home?

What if you lost them for good?

Will you live with a heavy heart for the rest of your life?

What if you have given a second chance to change the past?

Will you take that chance, knowing it may break your heart over again if you fail.


In the enchanting world of "Lost & Found," the reader is transported to a realm where love and loss weave an intricate tapestry, and the fate of four remarkable individuals hangs in the balance. Set against the backdrop of an expansive sea, the story introduces us to four royal siblings, each possessing their own unique strengths and vulnerabilities.


The Crown Prince, a beacon of authority and responsibility, leads his siblings on a voyage of camaraderie and exploration. His commanding presence and unwavering determination set the tone for their journey, as they embark on a sailing adventure with dreams of discovery.


Beside him stands the Oldest Princess, a figure of grace and wisdom. Her innate ability to navigate through challenges with poise and insight is a testament to her regal bearing. As the winds of fate shift and the storm descends upon them, she is faced with decisions that test her resolve and redefine her role within the family.


The Younger Princess, with her spirited nature and boundless curiosity, lends a sense of youthful exuberance to the group. Her infectious laughter and optimism serve as a beacon of hope amidst the tumultuous sea, as she clings to the belief that their unity will guide them through the tempest.


And then, there is the Youngest Prince—a source of light and innocence. His wide eyes hold a world of wonder, and his laughter resonates like a gentle melody. Yet, it is he who becomes the heart-wrenching symbol of the story's tragedy, swept away by the unforgiving waves that snatch him from his siblings' grasp.


Amidst the chaos and despair, the four sovereigns find themselves grappling with an agonizing truth—their youngest member is lost to the sea's embrace. A journey of survival becomes a quest for reunion, and their grief propels them to an uncharted island that holds secrets of its own.


As destiny intertwines their fates with that of a young island girl, the narrative takes a poignant turn. The island girl, a beacon of resilience and empathy, discovers the unconscious Youngest Prince on the shore. Her hands, skilled in the art of crafting delicate jewelry, extend to a lifeless form, fusing their destinies in a moment of poignant connection.


"Lost & Found" unfurls as a tale of bonds forged in the crucible of loss, and the lengths to which love propels us to reclaim what is most precious. Amidst breathtaking landscapes and heartrending encounters, the characters' journeys mirror the ebb and flow of the sea, guiding them towards uncharted territories of self-discovery, compassion, and the enduring power of hope.


From the Series "Family Of Angst"


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