Summoning Demons isn't Cute (But You Are)


Jongin's just a dumb witch, but he's doing his best, and Sehun supports him.


The youngest Kim’s bedroom hasn’t changed much since he was a child. Posters of human and other celebrities fade in the sunlight from the single, floor-to-ceiling window. The wallpaper used to be striped and floral, something left over from the previous owners. Its pattern is indecipherable, now. The furniture all matches and is older than the house, and the bedposts sport claw marks from Kai’s childhood tantrums.

Jongin drops his bag onto the floor and turns it upside down. Shaking it, a brown paw drops out and then claws its way back inside. “C’mon, Kai. There’s no room for you and everything else!” With more forceful shaking, Jongin finally drops Kai onto the floor.

The bear groans and crawls to where Sehun’s made himself comfortable on the bed in the corner. Climbing up, he fumbles over Sehun and lies behind him, propping his head on Sehun’s shoulder.

They quietly watch Jongin pick up books from his desk and bookshelves, setting some back but putting others into his bewitched bag. Vials and envelopes get the same treatment. Once he’s deemed his packing complete, he pulls a piece of chalk from his pocket and starts drawing a circle in the middle of the floor, following the pattern in a book.

“And what is this one for, again? Beelzebub?”

“There’s nothing that demonic about this circle,” Jongin mutters, squinting at the book in his hand.

“Can it summon me a pizza or something? I’m hungry.” Kai perks up at the mention of food. He knows that meals mean Sehun will have leftover food.

“In theory, but you could just go downstairs and make something...” Jongin finishes the circle, adding a few electric candles to certain pints, and runs his finger along the edge of a page until it splits his skin, then he snaps the book shut and holds his finger over the circle. Where a bead of blood falls, the white chalk turns black, and it spreads like ink in water until the entire drawing is dark.

There’s a boom, a puff of smoke, and a long, tired sigh.


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