The exchange

Relay of the Heart

The paper slides over the desk, almost hesitantly. Sooyoung hides her frustration behind her back. Her palms had scars now from how many times she dug her nails in them. Standing perfectly still she doesn’t break a sweat, doesn't even show her disappointment. A blank face staring down at an even emptier sheet of paper.  

She had failed her second math test.

Sooyoung was good at hiding her emotions. Not like she had a lot to begin with. On the outside Sooyoung looked cool as a cucumber. But inside her chest was burning hot. Really she wanted to break down and cry. Sooyoung studied so hard for this test and for what? Just to go completely stupid when Mr. Kim handed the test out.

Running was easier, she didn’t have to think much. There was only one goal, get to the finish line. Push your body to the max until you win. Math had too many damn goals. Find X, what was the slow of this line, simplify this expression.  

Why the was there so many letters? Sooyoung thought she was taking Algebra, not english.

Mr. Kim frowned at her, relaying the disappointment for the both of them. He knew Sooyoung wasn't the one to show her feelings. “I’m afraid you’re failing my class Sooyoung.” She nods her head and takes the paper in her hand. It shakes in her hand and it’s too obvious how she’s upset at all the blank answers and red marks.  

So she shoves it the side of her backpack.  

“I’m sorry Mr. Kim I’ll try harder next time.” She nods her head and darts out the door, ignoring the teacher’s protests as she slams through the hinges.

Mr. Kim stands up, “it’s not about…” Sooyoung is already gone. He shakes his head. The kid thought everything could be accomplished through physical strength, brute force. Typical athlete. He scratches his head, Sooyoung was clever but for some reason numbers were a foriegn language  

Only if there was someone to show Sooyoung she didn’t have to try so hard. 


Sooyoung rushes through the hallways, tears burning in her eyes to escape. Not here. She didn’t want to seem weak. No matter how many times her moms have taught her that crying was a form of strength.  

She passes by the student council room.  


“So what the hell we gon’ do.” Vivi looks at her classmates. She was the class president and she had no idea what to do. Usually she didn’t anyways, she only ran for this position because she wanted a quiet place to eat her lunch. Damn did she regret it though, because she actually had to do .

They shrug, BBC held a bi-yearly sporting event. Where each representing class would compete against each other. Vivi didn’t really understand the hype or how people literally became animals at the expense of a little competition. But this sports was probably the biggest thing to happen to most students.

So yeah, it was a big deal.

Jisoo sighs, “I mean they voted for her so we have to put her in.” Vivi widens her eyes and tilts her head. Her class was ruthless and nasty. The name on the paper, in between three of the top sprinters on the track team...was Jung Jinsoul.

When Vivi first seen the name she screamed, THE HELL IS THIS ’S NAME ON HERE?  Her council had looked at her funny, so she cleared and apologized. 

Now they were racking their brains as to why...Jung Jinsoul was one of the runners for the 400x4 relay race. She was a mathlete, not an athlete and the track team took this seriously. Maybe too seriously.

Jung Jinsoul was in trouble. This was probably some sort of bullying, but Vivi was going to mind her business. The way people got put in these events were by a student vote. Vivi can just picture the snot-nose es writing Jinsoul’s name in for s and giggles.

If that girl lost that race for them track students…

She gonna pray for that girl tonight.

“There’s no way we could switch her out?” Jisoo shakes her head. Secretly she was in on it. Her and the cheerleader squad had put in effort to get Jung Jinsoul’s name on that list. Whatever Rose had against the girl, she was sure it was a good enough reason to torture the girl on a weekly basis.   

Vivi taps her fingers on the table, “alright, let’s get these printed out and posted.” it, wasn’t her problem. She was eyeing the plate of donuts across the room. Jinsoul was a big girl, she could handle it.

Stuffing the donut in , Vivi thinks of how easy it is to make decisions for other people.


Just right before lunch, students gather around the announcement board. Except two, one of them is still moping in the bathroom trying to figure out the damn answers to a math test while another is dragged to the board.

“LET ME GO!” Jinsoul is being pulled by two basketball boys, her feet slipping on and off the ground. They easily lifted her tiny frame and laughed as they locked their hands around her elbows and under her arms.  

She was just minding her business getting a soda out of the machine when the hefty boys came to collect her. Jinsoul kicked and screamed, afraid she was going to get shoved into a locker again full of gym socks and jockstraps.  

Tears flow down her cheeks, she was so sick of this . Finally getting leverage she’s able to swing her leg out and kick one of their legs. It’s too late though and they let her go and push her towards the front. She knocks into one of the track team members. He’s tall and scary, “I-I’m so so sorry I-I didn’t.” Her voice is quiet and every word comes out a squeak.

Minho turns around, with his jaw clenched. The other two track members, Seulgi and Jeonghwa also have the look of death on their faces. Jinsoul keeps silent as she looks past them at the announcement board.

Jinsoul’s heart drops when she sees her name along with the other students' names on the board, The relay race? Are you for real? Jinsoul had never been in the BBC spring sporting event, only once in the fall because apparently zoning out was considered a sport. 

She’s shaking, how the hell was she supposed to participate, she wasn’t athletic in the least. This was the most important event. The track team ate this competition, they were the kings and queens of this school and if they were denied the win Jinsoul was sure she was in deep .

Minho crosses his arms, “Jung,” Jinsoul gulps, oh he’s tall and big.  He steps forward and looks at her as if she were some lowly worm. Jinsoul cowers and becomes even smaller in his presence. Deep in her mind, she still can’t take things seriously.  Hey he kinda looks like a JoJo character right now.   

Her life was on the line, Minho almost growls out, “you this race up for us, I’ll make sure you’ll never walk again.” With that Jinsoul is shoved out of the way. The other two shoulder bump her as well.

She stands there paralyzed as the crowd breaks up.


With three extra uncrustables, Sooyoung sits down in her usually seat. “I was wondering where the you was Ha!” Lisa, the co-captain yells at her with a mouth full of food. Lunch was always annoying to Sooyoung. She wanted to eat and enjoy her food but she was surrounded by animals in blue varsity coats.  

This was the track team’s table, the best in the house. Most of the student population wanted to sit here, because this table meant you were at the top of the social ladder. Sooyoung didn’t care too much about popularity, even if she was the most popular girl in school. She just did her, chilled and minded her business.  

Didn’t bother anyone or open too much. She guessed that’s why a lot of people were drawn to her, because she didn’t jump at the opportunity to talk about herself or bring others down like the people sitting around her. Ha Sooyoung was a mystery to most people. It also helped that she was hot, her cool personality with the help of having abs and a nice face drove the girls wild.

Not like she wanted anything to do with them anyways.   

Trying to zone out, the annoying voices of Lisa and Dahyun still pierce her ears. “Bro i was so close to third base, but she said that she was waiting for marriage.” Sooyoung glares at Lisa who was rolling her eyes. “It’s okay though, imma still hit you wait and see.” Dahyun claps her hands together as Lisa pretends to go at it in her seat, swatting her hand in the air like she was slapping and making horrible expressions with her face.  

They all laugh but Sooyoung doesn’t break a smile.  

Lisa takes notices of it, “yo Ha are you ever going to ing smile or is something broke up there?” Lisa points at her head smiling like she had just told the greatest joke, but Sooyoung keeps chewing. If there was one thing you needed to know about Sooyoung, is that she never smiled.  

There was no point, she wasn’t a fake. Every damn day, she sat at this table and listened to the empty conversations about girls and partying. Things that Sooyoung couldn’t relate to. Although currently she was talking to four girls, none of them she truthfully liked but they wouldn’t leave her alone, and if she were to party she’d lose focus of track and get her beat by her moms.

She was the captain for a reason.

And Lisa was the co-captain for the same reason, “so Ha, any es you breaking off these days?” Sooyoung didn’t do that stuff, she was sixteen. She liked to go home to a bowl of cereal and watch cartoons.  

“Nope.” Lisa scowls at her bland tone. Minho snorts, while Sooyoung didn’t vibe to any of these people at this table. Minho was probably her only friend. He was quiet and didn’t give a about the social status.

The co-captain scoffs, “you have the most gorgeous girl in school after you and you continue to be the lamest . The is wrong with you?” The table starts to quiet down. This happened often but it didn’t faze Sooyoung. She couldn’t be bothered, imma keep doing me.  “I can’t stand you.” Sooyoung shrugs and shoves more of the uncrustable in . 

Lisa was about to go in on her like she always does, but the table is interrupted by the presence of cheerleaders. Lisa and Sooyoung continue to have a stare down, as the girl’s go to their designated seats.  

Rose goes straight to Sooyoung’s lap, “hey y.” She closes her eyes as she’s pulled into the daily kiss. It was easier to just let the Rose do it then fighting it. Sooyoung quickly eats more peanut butter to get the minty taste out of .  

Again, lunch was very annoying.

If it wasn’t Lisa failing to clock her, it was Rose talking her ear off. Sooyoung hums and nods her head even if she doesn’t know what the girl is saying half the time. Do we still got captain crunch at the house?  “Baby are you listening?” Sooyoung looks up from where she was deeply staring at her fruit roll up wrapper. 

“Hmm? Yeah of course,” okay, maybe Sooyoung was a little fake. But god, she couldn’t give a about whatver the hell Rose was talking about. Jennie was in Lisa’s lap constantly nagging at how disgusting the co-captain was. Sooyoung could actually agree with a cheerleader for once.

Today though, turns out to be different. Because Minho actually talks unlike the usual silence he exudes, “I can’t believe Jung Jinsoul is in the relay.” The whole table goes silent. Sooyoung is even intrigued for once in hee life. How odd...

Wasn’t Jinsoul that weird kid that didn’t talk? What was she doing in a pretty intense race.  

After the silence dissapears, the collective what’s  and the ’s  are thrown out. Seulgi scoffs, “yeah the ing math geek is our running mate.” 

Lisa lets out an obnoxious laugh, “what the hell is she gonna do? Naruto run?” Sooyoung watches her teammates take turns in making fun of Jinsoul. By the way they think she runs, to mimicking her deep voice, and calling ue ugly and lame.

Sooyoung is still stuck on the term math geek though all the negative thrown at the girl is making her squirm in her seat. This was probably her least favorite in the entire world. She couldn’t understand how someone could have the energy to diss someone else when they haven’t even done anything wrong, “she’s good at math?” They all freeze, even Lisa who was running like a chicken.   

Sooyoung however focuses on the positive. She thought being smart was pretty neat.

Jeonghwa is the one who answers, who was using onion rings as glasses, “yup! She’s like a mathlete or whatever. Crazy smart but like...that’s weird. Who cares about grades.” Sooyoung cares about good grades. She looks around the cafeteria. Trying to spot the girl, Sooyoung remember what she looked like back in primary school.

The girl was chubby cheeked and had oversized glasses. Kinda like Simon the chipmunk. Finally spotting her Sooyoung learns that not much has changed. Jinsoul’s black hair pulled in a low ponytail and her glasses are way too big.

Her cheeks were puffed up and the girl is crying as her few friends try to comfort her. Sooyoung had a weird urge to do the same, Jinsoul looked so damn defeated. But her chin is grabbed and her focus is pulled by to Rose, “baby don’t pay them no mind she’ll be fine.”

Rose smiles, “you’re not mean like them are you?” Sooyoung doesn’t say a word. She knows it was probably rose’s doing the reason Jinsoul was in that race. Sooyoung may have been failing a class but she wasn’t dumb.  


The rest of lunch Sooyoung thinks of Jinsoul, maybe this was the key to passing math. Some of the kids around the table are creating a beat by banging on the surface. Jeonghwa even got her pencils out. Chaeyoung raps about something. “Ay, just like milk i slurp on dat- MMM!” Sooyoung doesn’t pay any mind.

Her goal for now was figuring out how to talk to Jung Jinsoul.


“Mom...momma I have to show you something.” Sooyoung looks at her moms. Dasom and Nana cross their arms simultaneously waiting for her to say something. She’s already crying because she knows she’s gonna get an whooping.  

Unfolding the paper they collectively gasp at the big fat F on the paper. Dasom gets the slipper.   

Twenty minutes later Sooyoung is crying on her bed, soaking her pillow.  

“Hey, crybaby can I borrow your airpods?” Sooyoung screams and throws her pillow at door. Hyejoo only dodges it, “okay I’m gonna take that as a yes.” Hyejoo steals her headphones and ignores how she’s practically throwing a tantrum.  

Hyejoo takes her phone out to record, snickering she sends it to Chaewon on snapchat. Look at this .   

Her blonde friend texts back HA! Loser...anyways I’m coming over.   

Hyejoo smiles at her phone but clicks off to waddle over to her sister.

Shaking Sooyoung on the shoulder she gets a whine for a response, “listen...I know it or whatever. Being a that is I mean who can’t pass algebra.” Sooyoung looks up from her pillow.

“But you can have some of my ice cream.”

Sooyoung sniffles, really touched by her sister’s thoughtfulness. “Really Hyejoo?”

“Nope! Touch it and I’ll send that picture of you in care bear pajamas to the school.” Sooyoung blushes, that was probably the most embarrassing picture of her ever. Hyejoo leaves her to wallow in self-pity.

After getting it all out Sooyoung lays flat and stares at the ceiling, checking her phone she blinks at all the notifications. Not a single one she replies to, she doesn’t really have the motivation or desire to.

Yes, Sooyoung was a player. But she never chilled with anyone. She was too much of an introvert and well, the thought of being alone with a girl made her nervous.

[Rose]: my parents not home ;)

[Cutie from geo]: what’s your fine doing right now?

[Snack girl]: hey hottie

[Rose]: stop playing n come over.   

[Good kisser]: under the stairwell same time tomorrow?

Sooyoung ignores all the texts and dms on instagram. Her instagram was popular too, she hated all the attention sometimes.

Scrolling through the gram she thinks of someone. Typing in the girl’s name she gets nothing. So she goes to Chaewon’s page and instantly finds her. Sooyoung quirks a brow at the name.


Jinsoul...was actually kinda weird. Sooyoung was getting a little antsy looking at her page. There were selfies that were really cute. There were pictures of some things that Sooyoung didn’t even question.   Like the anime girl body pillow she had,  hello? What the ? But once she read the caption she sighed in relief. 

Went to this dudes house and look *throwing up emoji*   

Sooyoung was impressed by all the mathlete medals Jinsoul had. They complimented her track ones hanging on the wall. The door cracks open when she’s stuck on a picture of Jinsoul holding up makeup she won from a giveaway. A bandaid between her eyes.

Like she was getting caught she clicks off the page and tosses the phone.  

Several miles away Jinsoul gets a notification. Slurping more chilli in she spits it out when she sees who liked her picture from last summer.


Ha Sooyoung was lurking on her instagram. She was about to pass out. Not in the good way either. That girl was probably the scariest girl in the whole school. Just one glare from her almost had Jinsoul pissing herself.

Dasom peaks through the crack, “hey baby.” Sooyoung is pouting on her bed. Yes, she deserved the whooping but it doesn't mean she was still salty. “Your wanna go to the store? I’ll get your favorite.”

“Burger king?”  

Her mom nods and Sooyoung jumps up immediately. Maybe getting that whooping wasn’t so bad.  

A few hours later Sooyoung is shoving a double whopper in . It’s her second one, “I don’t know where that child puts it.” Nana mumbled to her wife, watching their oldest put it away.  

Dasom only smiles, Sooyoung was such a hard worker sometimes. But it pissed her off that she was lacking in school. Probably because of that damn phone . She knows how her daughter is a bit of a flirt. Dasom couldn’t remember all of the names Sooyoung has told her. Reminded her a lot of Nana back in the day. 

“So you said you were gonna get a tutor?” Nana asks and Sooyoung replies with a grunt before piling fries in .

She swallows before answering because her momma is giving her a death stare, “Yeah Jung Jinsoul.” Hyejoo and Chaewon start to laugh and cut up under the table. They still found it funny that Sooyoung was stupid enough to be failing algebra and had to get help from the school’s biggest loser besides Sooyoung herself.

“Oh I know that girl, Krystal's daughter right honey?” Dasom flicks fry.

Nana doesn’t notice her wife’s discomfort before continuing, “I was good friends with Krystal back and the day.”

“You sure was wouldn’t you.”

All the kids stop chewing as the tension between their mother’s build, “Dasom not now..”

“You was really good friends with her when I caught you between her-“

“Dasom!” Nana half shouts and the younger two are crying laughing. It sounds like windex bottles as Sooyoung continues her food.

“Anyways Yeah, I’m going to ask her tomorrow I guess.”

Nana and Dasom strain a smile, “that’s good sweetie.”

Later that night Sooyoung digs out her headphones when she hears her mom’s making up from the fight earlier. She was glad her room was on the opposite side of the hallway.  


Rose is at her locker...again. Sooyoung is digging through the material. What was her next class again? She doesn’t remember. There was a track meet this weekend and that’s all she could think of.  

Her girlfriend/ fling or whatever will not stop talking. Looking over her shoulder she sees her daily, under the stairwell makeout session, YooA. Sooyoung checks her out, the girl winking and waving at her as she passes by.  

Her heart doesn’t change rhythm.

Kissing was fun, kicking it with girls was fun, flirting with girls was fun. Girls in general were a game to Sooyoung. Something to do while bored. Never had she become attached or catching feelings. It wasn’t like that for Sooyoung.

“I find it so y how you accessorize it’s so fresh.” Sooyoung brings a hand up to her and ears. She always wore these diamond studs and gold chain what was so special about that. Rose keeps talking, but she’s become a master at drowning the noise out.

The girl plays with her cheerleader skirt, that used to work on Sooyoung. Now she was kinda bored of the blonde like every one of her games. Sighing sometimes she wishes she could be normal and actually like someone.

She ain’t ever had a crush.  

Sooyoung wonders what’s it like to be crazy over someone.

“YO JUNG! PISS TEST!” Sooyoung turns to thundering voice. It’s Lucas from the basketball team. He throws a cup of water right at Jinsoul’s crotch.    

The hallway bursts into laughter. Jinsoul storms pass the boy who just soaked her. Sooyoung locks eyes with her.  

Jinsoul is angry, because she looks like she’s peed herself. But there’s so much sadness and exhaustion. Sooyoung feels her heart crack.   

Sooyoung considered herself strong, but god this girl must have been a rock .  

Jinsoul had been bullied for as long as she’s known her.

And the first time ever, she feels the guilt of never stepping in to stop it.

Because that would up her flow. Imma do me.  Mind your business, strive for your goals, and just chill. It’s worked for her so far. But why did she feel like it wasn’t right now. 

Not being able to take her eyes off the girl she turns to watch her jog down the hallway. Rose is not amused, “hello? Sooyoung can you pay attention to me who cares if that loser pissed herself?”

“Yeah I’m listening.” It's a habit now, saying things like that to please whoever. To just be down for whatever. Sooyoung is starting to get tired though and the guilt is eating her alive. Her instinct is just telling her to finally do something for once. She wanted to pass this damn math class. Wants to prove to herself that she’s not like her peers or teammates.

Running after Jinsoul she catches her going into the bathroom. The first bell rings.  

Slamming into the door she stops when Jinsoul is fixing her makeup in the mirror. The girl’s shoulders shake as she wipes off the runny eyeliner.

Jinsoul can’t see that it’s her, but she can feel the eyes on  her. Her voice was so strained. “Listen I know I look like a mess right now but I would appreciate it if- Oh!” The girl had turned around and saw her.

Sooyoung can’t believe how cute it was.  

Jinsoul had squeaked and jumped a foot in the air. Quickly wiping away her tears she greets Sooyoung, “um sorry that was rude.”

Dropping her eyes the guilt eats away aggressively at the site of the wet stain on Jinsoul’s pants. Hands cover the area quickly, “Are you some kinda ert?!” The girl’s voice is deep and she talks so quietly. Complimenting her look.   

Sooyoung doesn’t break, “no, I just feel bad.” Jinsoul, takes a moment to study Sooyoung. The girl actually looked sympathetic. Remembering her goal, it’s not to comfort or befriend this girl no matter how badly she wanted to. Just to apologize for not standing up for her. She reminds herself it’s all about strategy, “Jung Jinsoul right?”

Trembling hands grip the sink. “Yeah...who are you?” Sooyoung opens in shock and so does Jinsoul.

Why the hell did you say that? Everyone knows who Ha Soooyoung is 

Jinsoul knows exactly who Sooyoung is. The most popular girl in school, also the hottest, Jinsoul wouldn’t admit that though. Jocks were overrated and they only thought with their- um well Sooyoung was a player long story short. Jinsoul doesn’t even wanna think about the time she seen her tongue battling with YooA under the stairs.  

It was very interesting. Something she couldn’t stop thinking about in class for weeks. Not like she was just imagining it being her that was kis- 

Jinsoul digresses.

She, however preferred music girls, like Kim Jungeun who could play the guitar. That’s what made her heart swoon. Not Ha Sooyoung, who never smiled. Who was four inches taller than her. Who was so absolutely amazing at running that it was inspiring.

Who was giving her the most sincere look she’s received in a long time.

Ha Sooyoung was cool. The type that couldn't be bothered with. Not actually being able to...make you feel better after someone made you wet yourself. Figuratively.

She didn’t actually care did she? Jinsoul knew better than that. Sooyoung was dating rose, she was probably put up to something diabolical.

But thinking of it. Sooyoung has never said anything to her till now. She’s never said anything to anyone. Maybe Jinsoul doesn’t know her like she thinks.  

Sooyoung keeps to herself.   

Jinsoul thinks that maybe Sooyoung isn’t as cold hearted as the rest of them. Maybe she’s just misunderstood.

However Sooyoung doesn’t know what to think right now. “You don’t know me?” It comes out more curious than offended. Sooyoung was relieved. This girl didn’t think she was like the rest of the popular kids.

Finally, a fresh start. Someone who doesn’t have a pre-made idea of me.   

Sooyoung often hated her image. So she appreciates that Jinsoul didn’t have one of her. Walking up to Jinsoul she holds up her hand, “Ha Sooyoung, captain of the track team.” Of course Jinsoul didn’t know her. The girl probably despised sports and didn’t pay attention to them.

Jinsoul stares at the hand, “Okay.” Sooyoung’s heart loses rhythm, she liked this attitude Jinsoul had. 

For some reason it was kinda nice for someone not to give a about her. Expectations were suffocating. “This might sound weird but I know you’re running the relay.”

Oh brother.   

Jinsoul tries to act chill in front of the coolest girl ever. She has to look up to even keep eye contact. It makes her blush. Sooyoung was so intimidating but her voice was so sweet and soft.

“I don’t think you run a lot do you?” Jinsoul shakes her head vigorously. Her glasses almost falling off. “Well I do,” Sooyoung had practice this persuasion all last night. She didn’t think it would be this hard but Jinsoul looks unconvinced.  

Sooyoung grips her hand tighter and pulls her close. Looking down seriously into nervous eyes, “let me train you.”

Jinsoul is shaking. It’s very noticeable.  

moves but no words come out. Sooyoung maybe shouldn’t have been so forward. She’s scared the girl mute.  

“I’m failing math, and I know you’re good at it. So let’s exchange our skills.” Jinsoul’s palm is sweaty. The girl only nods, too afraid to say no. “You can refuse you know.”

Jinsoul wants to...god does she want to. But Sooyoung is her only hope, Minho said he’d kill her for crying out loud!  

So she’d rather teach this entirely too scary, and reminder, the most popular girl in school also the hottest, stop it Jinsoul some freaking math instead of being crippled by Minho.

Sooyoung is ambitious and determined. She will make this girl a ing cheetah and she will become the next Einstein. She’s always been a hard worker.

So she hopes Jinsoul will allow her to.

“I-Okay.” Sooyoung hums, it’s too quiet for her to hear. Jinsoul swallows tightly as Sooyoung tilts her head and leans down. Jinsoul is red as a tomato and she’s sure if that wet spot wasn’t on her pants before it would be now. Whispering into the athlete’s blinged out ear.

She accepts the exchange.  


So this will be a maybe a four part little thingy! No angst or anything like that. Just some nice fluff or whatever. Also yves is a bit taller than she is in real life because well, I said so.


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Chapter 8: im in love (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`) this is soooooo good uwuuuu (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞
squoogle #2
Chapter 8: this was cute as hell,, ur ffs r always fire tho ?✨
Chapter 8: Gosh, your stories are so hella good
todayiswenrenebaebae #4
yvesoul so soft <3
Chapter 8: OH MY GLOB!
My heart hurt in the best kind of way reading this, this was so great, thanks so so much for writing this made my day ~
Chapter 8: OH MY GLOB!
My heart hurt in the best kind of way reading this, this was so great, thanks so so much for writing this made my day ~
Chapter 8: MMMAMAMAKQOSAOSOAISKAIS im deadass ugly crying rn im trying to even but i cant even
Chapter 7: the final chapter?? :( crying~
Chapter 7: Just...why??? ;-; The final chapter already?! Now I'm sad :(( a little bit of angst never killed anyone so yeah, I'm up for it too lol thanks for the update!