Play the Blues for Fat Albert

Blue Tone

Blue was Haseul’s least favorite color. Almost everyday, from eight in the morning till five in the evening she would be surrounded by the depressing but calming hue. 

She liked warm colors, like red and yellow. Haseul was a vibrant person so she would make sure to fill her life with things that would give her the energy to keep the enthusiasm in her voice.

Her voice was one of the most important things in her life. One because she loved to sing. Two she was a tour guide at one of the biggest aquariums in the country. So therefor Haseul used her voice quite a lot.  

It also meant that her eyes were always filled with the color blue.

The creatures and...what she’d like to refer to as monsters were most of the time were in glass habitats filled with aqua water. The paint that they used for the walls and decorations were also blue. The lights were blue. The tiles in the bathroom were blue.  

Simply put it, everything was blue.

It was a pretty color, don’t get her wrong. But Haseul couldn’t enjoy it like the other colors. She doesn’t want to blame it on her repetitive and mundane job nor the fact the color is associated with sadness. Haseul just thought it could be prettier, more appealing to look at. 

She’s on her fourth round today. It was an elementary school class in which half of them were way too interested in turtles and the other half were interested in who could run the quickest down the shark tunnel.  

Haseul was patient but in her mind she wanted to strangle everyone of the little snot nosed- “hey miss? Why don’t dolphins have butts?” 

She’s in the middle of explaining how dolphins are the most intelligent species in the ocean, unlike children when the question is asked. “Um I’m not for sure actually but great question!”  

The small boy is definitely disappointed but Haseul doesn’t dwell too much on it. She’s maybe gone through this thousands of times and she still doesn’t have the answers to the most simple of questions.  

Walking into the coral section that was filled with many tinier tanks Haseul anticipates the only good part of her day. Looking around at the class that were shaking with boredom she clears , “Okay little guppies you can have a 30 minutes break to look at all the neat fish okay? Be back right here in 30 minutes!” 

The kids cheer and split up. The area was bigger and there were a lot of colorful small tropical fish in the tanks. There was even a play area in the middle so usually Haseul would take a short break to re-juice her brain. 

That was until she started coming. Haseul checks her watch and smiles. It was almost time for her totally not creepy staring session at one of the prettiest girls Haseul had ever seen. Pretty was really an understatement, as the girl was comparable to an angel. 

About two months ago, around 1pm in the afternoon. A lonely blonde waltzed through the aquarium and straight to a tank that held a single Blue Betta fish and continued to do that every few days. It was probably the fish that received the least amount of attention because you could see it in any pet store.  

When Haseul first noticed her she was giving a tour and she had kept glancing over. Soon enough the girl had vanished mid air and left Haseul scratching at her head for an explanation.   

The mysterious girl became a part of her routine. Some days Haseul would get to stare at her the whole 30 minutes, other days the girl would disappear in a flash or wouldn’t show up at all.  

It was the best part of her day sometimes. Even the best part of the week sometimes...

It was cute, the way she would squish her face against the glass. Her hands spread out as if she was trying to slip inside to swim with the fish. Haseul never really got a good glimpse of the girl’s face however since it was pressed against the aquarium. But the small glances she got a good outline of her features.

Her blonde wavy hair contrasted the excessive amounts of blue hues, while her monocolored wardrobe complimented it.  

Haseul scolded herself often by hiding behind one of the information podiums and stare at the blonde’s back, while she stared at the lonely fish. The girl wouldn’t move a muscle for ages and then suddenly she'd back off and with one swift turn she made her way out of the aquarium. 

She wondered if the girl would only come in for that one fish, or if she’d walk around the aquarium everyday. Haseul wasn’t for sure. She had only seen her in this one area. 

After a few minutes of making sure no one was needing her assistance she goes to her usually spot and waits for her own Blue Betta to come.  

Haseul was never interested in the ocean or what was in it. But if that’s what it takes to get to understand this girl more, then maybe she’ll start listening to her own information pieces. 

Pacing around the podium that talks a little bit about lionfish...nasty creatures and they reminded her of her ex a little bit. She waits for the girl. 

Her step subsides when she spots the familiar form, she was late today. Usually she was already in here by the time Haseul had made it, but she guesses that her groups delayed her sometimes. 

Mystery girl had went with black today, the only other color in her wardrobe was white. A peculiar style for someone who likes colorful fish. Haseul tries to not make it obvious that she was about to oogle this girl but if anyone were to walk by it wouldn’t take half a brain to figure out Haseul’s favorite species were blondes. 

Just ask her ex… 

The girl walks lazily and her form is lanky. To most people the blonde wouldn't seem entirely perfect. Her clothes are baggy and her hair is messy. Though it fits so well to the whole look maybe it was considered to be perfection to Haseul.

Holding her breath she watches the girl walk up to the tank. Ready for her heart to burst out into bubbles whenever the blonde decides to press up against the glass. 

Except she never does. 

Haseul steps closer, probably the closet she’s ever been to the girl when she realizes something. 

The Blue Betta died two nights ago. 

Blondie’s hands clench and she stands solid. Haseul doesn’t know what’s going through her head but it must be painful. She’s never had an attachment to an animal so she has no idea what the girl feels in this moment. 

She wonders if it’s different than being attached to a person. 

Because unlike people, pets and things in glass domes can’t hurt you. So maybe that trust is stronger. Until they disappear on you just like that.  

The blonde does her usual swift turn prematurely and Haseul starts to panic.  

Following the girl who walked a lot faster than it looks. Must be the long legs compared to Haseul’s little stumps. She tries to come up with something that will make the girl stay without being creepy. 

Hey I watch you almost everyday, just like you do that fish but um please don’t go you’re so beautiful and I could show you all the fish in th-  

Okay Haseul’s panic was getting a little out of hand. Or should she say outta tank... not the time Haseul. Maybe she should just tell the girl that they didn’t bring it out today. She doesn’t know what she’s going to say but her legs have started to pull her faster towards the girl. 

Haseul didn’t realize she was jogging. Blonde hair slightly bounces every time she takes a large step and soon enough it swishes to the side when Haseul grabs her elbow. 

They’re in the shark tunnel, Haseul knows because one of the hammerheads just bumped into the glass. He was new here, his name was Sanford for some reason.  

Starting to feel the heat rise on her cheeks she lets go of the girl’s elbow. Haseul didn’t understand how skin could be so soft. Her cheeks turn redder when she fully turns around.  

Mystery girl was an angel. Haseul squeaks at the height difference. Blondie didn’t look this tall from afar. She also didn’t look this pretty and the blue color was making her skin almost glow. Her most notable feature were her eyes and the scar that sat between them. 

Who was Haseul kidding. Every feature was getting burned into her memory.  

Especially high cheekbones that still had baby fat. Haseul would be ashamed of herself if this girl was a highschooler.  

She’s spent too long staring and now the girl was tilting her head to the side, curious to why Haseul had stopped her. 

Switching to a higher gear Haseul starts speaking a mile a second, “um so like I notice you come here a lot, not in like a stalkerish way or anything just that you’re really gorgeous and anyone with two eyes would reme-.” Haseul stops for a moment already embarrassed at what she’s said. 

The girl is smiling at her but there’s still a hint of confusion in her black eyes. Haseul clears and somehow finds the poise she was searching for. “I work here and I see you come in a lot to look at the blue betta. He has unfortunately passed away but we are working to have a memorial for him and also to find a new resident in the betta tank.”  

Haseul is prepared for the girl to start crying or something. Anything. She pats herself on the back for professionalism, she could totally be a doctor...maybe if she had the intelligence. Though to Haseul’s surprise, the girl smiles even more.

Her eyes are a bit wider now and it confuses Haseul. Did she actually just imagine saying all that. “Um Hi, I’m Haseul.” She sticks her hand out not really know what else to say or do.

And just like that her confusion disappears but her heartbreaks. The girl lifts her hands that were littered with rings and starts to make motions that Haseul could define as sign language.  

The blonde shakes her head and points towards her ears. 

She didn’t hear a thing Haseul had blabbered out. She can’t hear a thing at all.  

“Are you deaf?” Haseul blurts out and waves her hands around like an idiot. Of course, the blonde couldn’t understand her and gives her that same look of confusion mixed with curiosity. Slapping her hand against her forehead she curses herself for being an idiot.  

She almost gives up since she’s already ruined the first short interaction of her long-time infatuation until she feels soft hands tug at her wrist. Haseul stands there in awe as the blonde pulls her palm down from her forehead.  

The girl’s eyebrows are cutely scrunched and she’s shaking her head no at the self-violence. Haseul doesn’t know what to say. It’s not like she can say anything anyways.  

Suddenly she gets an idea, mystery girl may not be able to understand her words...but she could understand her written words. Hopefully, she thinks deaf people can read.

Grabbing the extremely and unbelievably soft hand she guides the blonde back to the area to where they usually are at. Haseul staring at her and the girl staring at the fish. Dragging her up to the tank she notices how clumsy the girl is and how she kept tripping on her feet on the way here. 

Haseul takes a marker out of her front pocket. She also had a half a stick of gum and an empty cigarette pack in there. She was trying to quit but with kids screaming at her everyday and the color blue leaking into her head it was hard not to inhale the stress away. 

Of course the marker was blue too. Typical. But now was not the time to be thinking of colors when the whole rainbow was in front of her. Scribbling on the glass she hopes none of her coworkers see her.

I’m Haseul, can you hear me? 

She hopes it’s not rude to ask but she really needed to get it out of the way for communication. Maybe the girl was just mute and her reaction to her favorite fish dying was one for the strange guest stories at the staff room.  

Offering the marker to the girl with a shaky hand she waits patiently for the girl to read her sloppy penmanship. 

The blonde smiles and gives her a tight nod before taking the marker out of her hands. Right below her words elegant ones contrast hers. 

Jinsoul. I am deaf and prefer not to speak. :]

Jinsoul, what a beautiful name and Haseul couldn’t think of any other that could fit this girl. Everything about this girl was beautiful.  

She was also straight to the point, although she used smiley faces that were kinda...awkward. Turning from the words etched onto the glass she figures out why Jinsoul doesn't use the normal smiley emoji. It’s because the girl actually smiled like that. Haseul is a bit in awe at the moment. 

You could say she was literally stuck on a smile.  

Jinsoul continues to crumble her brain into a million little pieces by simply just looking like that. Haseul was still trying to figure out how someone could be this pretty until she was left to figure something else out.  

The blonde then points towards the glass and draws a fish and a question mark. Okay yeah, this may be a high schooler because what adult drew things out instead of writing it. Haseul eyes the marker being dangled in front of her now.   

It was almost like talking to a caveman but without the grunts and rotten smell. Not really knowing what to do, because she really didn’t want that smile to go away she scribbles out a lie. 

He is sleeping.  

Turning to Jinsoul it’s clear that she doesn’t believe her. Haseul takes a deep breath to calm her nerves and becomes the bearer of bad news to possibly the cutest girl in existence.  

She even starts smiling again when Haseul erases the sentence. She swears the blonde was bouncing on her feet. Haseul figured that Jinsoul must have thought the fish was just misplaced or something. 

I’m sorry Jinsoul.

He’s died.  

Haseul sighs and lets her arm drop limp by her side. This was worse than that one time she told Yeojin, her snotty teenage sister,that the dog had chewed up her nail art kit. She doesn’t dare to look at Jinsoul afraid of what she’ll see. 

She can’t help it when she hears a sniffle. Snapping around her heart breaks at the site. Jinsoul’s smile was long gone and a terribly miserable frown had taken its place.  

Right now, Jinsoul was the color Haseul despised. Now she hated it even more because every time she’d see the hue she’d think of how sad Jinsoul looks at this moment. She was literally blue personified.  

The girl is clearly shaken from the fish’s death and is trying hard to keep it all in. But Haseul could tell how much pain she was in, by how her shoulders trembled and how hard she would have to in her snot. Tears were pouring down her face and she doesn’t really know what to do, “hey...hey it’s okay!” 

Jinsoul can’t even hear her so it’s pointless. How do you comfort someone without words? She doesn’t know the answer but Jinsoul tells her.  

Haseul gasps as she’s pulled into a tight hug. Her arms flail around, everywhere besides the area they were supposed to be, as the girl sobs into the fabric of her work shirt. Haseul finally gets over the awkwardness and how fast her heart beating because the prettiest girl ever was squeezing her like her life depended on it, that was also crying her eyes out  and wraps her arms around her properly. 

Soothing out the back that shook with every mumble she starts to realize that her fourth-graders were gathering around. Haseul still holds onto Jinsoul however, because what kind of person would she be to just push someone away that was mourning. 

Even if it was over something as insignificant as a tiny fish. 

But that tiny fish must have been a lot to Jinsoul, so Haseul is there to comfort her. “Hey Miss, can we eat lunch now?” Haseul thanks the heavens for giving her an intelligent child. 

“Yes! Go over there to my friend Jiwoo and she will show you guys where you’ll be eating lunch.” Jiwoo was another worker at the aquarium, but she was in charge of maintaining the health and happiness of the fish. 

Sometimes the girl would literally throw the fish little parties so they wouldn’t get depressed. Haseul didn’t even know fish could get depressed.  

But certainly, people could. Haseul holds Jinsoul, she would forever if the girl wanted her too. She fits effortlessly in the blonde’s arms but now was not the time to think of the romance. Right now she had a 115-pound baby leaning onto her. Jinsoul was much taller than her but she acted like she was tiny, which was entirely okay. Except for Haseul’s legs were about to give out. 

Haseul taps on the girl’s shoulder getting an idea. Jinsoul pulls back, ( Haseul’s work shirt is ruined with tears and snot) , and gives her the saddest look known to mankind. Haseul’s affectionate side comes out and she wipes the tears and snot from the blonde’s face. She’s surprised when Jinsoul leans into her touch. 

Maybe she was just lonely.  

It would be kind of a shame for someone this sweet to be lonely, however. I mean who cries over a fish unless you have a heart made of sugar . First she wipes of what could be considered a violation and then she points in the direction of the staff room. Jinsoul is still huffing and puffing but takes Haseul’s outstretched hand anyways.  

Haseul leads her to the staff room, which sadly smelled like smoke and burnt microwaveable food, and sits her down in the comfy chair which was reserved to the employee of the month. Which was always Jiwoo .  

She gives Jinsoul her sandwich that was meant for lunch, peanut butter and jelly. Of course, she writes it on the whiteboard where everyone’s schedule and tasks were in case she was allergic. Jinsoul looks back and forth between the sandwich and words before she finally starts digging in. 

Jinsoul eats very slowly, it might have been since Haseul cakes on the peanut butter, or maybe it was because Jinsoul didn’t really like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. But within that time Haseul explains everything. a non-creepy way, the fish, and why she thought Jinsoul deserved the right to know.   

The blonde takes several minutes to take in the words. Haseul watches her eyes scan the paragraph over and over again. 

Jinsoul stands suddenly and paces over. Haseul lets her jaw drop at the sentences filling up the empty space. 

He was my fish, I donated him to the aquarium because I thought he would be less lonely. I came here to check on him and because I missed him.  

Instantly she’s convinced that Jinsoul has to be an angel because really. Who could be this pure-hearted?  

He hands are clammy but she still takes Jinsoul’s in her own. Taking the marker out of her hand she scribbles down. 

We are getting a new red betta soon, I’m sure he wouldn’t want to be lonely either. Maybe you could be his first friend. 

Haseul pats herself on the back when the cute smile that had left for at least an hour makes a comeback.  

Of course, thank you Haseul for everything today and taking care of fat Albert until his last gulb :]  

Jinsoul then gives her a longer than necessary hug and she forgets how stupid the fish’s name was. Haseul walks the girl out and waves goodbye, watching the girl in black disappear into the crowd. 

Later that night, when Haseul is comfy in her bed thinking of her unusual day. She enrolls in an online class and purchases the materials to go along with it. 

Gang Signs? Nope, LanGANG signs: Intro to Sign Language.  


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Chapter 4: It's very difficult to make me cry, but I've shed a tear twice this evening. I didn't even realize what was going on at first until I felt the taste of salt on my lips. this story touched my heart
Chapter 1: That's pretty interesting.
Chapter 3: this is so beautiful.
Chapter 3: why do i always end up crying reading your stories
hopelesswriter #6
Chapter 4: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1416839/4'>Blue tone</a></span>
This is definitely NOT some sweet nothings fluff like the foreword implied...that's wayy misleading and an understatement of the fic that i'm almost mad, this is so much deeper n thoughtful to just be sweet nothing's hard to find a fic these days that can make me feel satisfied...i mean there are plenty of good writers in terms of how well they write, but content wise, i'm not pun intended. i've been looking into Loona(specifically, lipseul and now jinseul) fics to read recently. there are a few that i quite like but they all share the same aspect in which everything's purely physical attraction and ual content is like the ultimate goal or on ual orientation when imo love should be just love, not something based on whether one is straight or not(especially to make it the big deciding factor in fics, no just no, yes, i'm big on romance when reading romance stuffs, anything that takes away major points are just no...) and while i wouldn't say i'm a prude(maybe i am though) but those goals/focus in stories makes it feels less romance and just yeah yknow...i won't go further and making harsh sounding remarks but even though here, such aspect still present, it's not focused as a highlight, it's just one of the many events that made up their lives together...and it's presented rather i'm fine with it. i prefer feelings than actions, especially if the feelings can be conveyed strongly without any actions. and i'm satisfied with what feelings i get here. this fic is just beautiful...and has it ended? because i don't see it labeled as completed. just imagining them communicating with their own language is just beautiful...many parts of this fic...especially Haseul's journey of thoughts on silence and sounds really made me think deeply and i guess made me want to be more appreciative as well of everything. in a way, this kind of remind me of an old fic i wrote with a lot of love despite its imperfection, but i can't write like that anymore i guess so i'm happy to find a fic that reminds me of that feelings again, especially involving one of the ships i find endearing. i love how the story is from Haseul pov, and though she seemed like a common shallow character in the way she's introduced...there's so much more to her, and depths to her thoughts as we peeled into her character...and her pains...are surprisingly...relatable, a little too much for me, in fact...since i lost my mom a year ago, and though i might not be going through as much agony or big regrets for the way she lost her mom, i do have things that i wish i had done differently...even though i had no regrets of how it ended, i guess there were nagging feelings/regrets looking at the bigger picture, of course....but it's not like i could change anything anymore for her to see, and reading Haseul's struggles and how she took her steps to move on, made me reflect on how i'd continue my life too; how long will i continue to avoid reality, and how would i approach it...things like that. and Jinsoul is such an interesting character much that at first i thought she wasn't actually human in this fic....haha, excuse my wild imagination...there are very mysterious side to her personality beyond her state of being deaf...there's so much character to her that i kept wondering how the fic would end, i felt it could be happy ending, but i also felt strong instinct that it could end tragically(of course that's more my style though my readers hated it but anyway), i guess it's Jinsoul's very bright, chic and playful personality despite her mysterious sides and despite how people with disabilities were often portrayed somberly in fic stereotypes, it's how Jinsoul written that made me feel like the story could go anywhere and i love it regardless...and i teared up when Jinsoul spoke for the first time telling Haseul not to cry, in all her struggles to form comprehensible speech. there's lipseul crumbs too, i'm happy, because despite lipseul being my ult ship in Loona so far, after making a compilation of jinseul moments...i'm quite torn now...jinseul is just..attractive in such awkward, understated way...their interactions might not be as loud or fun like them with others, but there's a calm, lowkey vibe of two people chilling and enjoying little moments together without making a show of it that would scream 'ship us' like with many popular ships. they seem so different which probably made them seem awkward, but at times, they're more similar than they probably think they're. okay, my comments going off but back to the fic, i also love that Jiwoo's character is a foil to Haseul's...and how parallel they're to an extent ironically despite their differences...that's just brilliant....did i also smell a hint of chuuseul? yep i did...whether it's intentional or not. and i love how in some ways, Haseul and Jiwoo needed each other too, for Haseul, to feel better about herself, and for Jiwoo, to get her ego in check and perhaps for both to improve themselves and move forward to surpass their hurdles. i love their dynamics, since i always feel that they do see each other as rivals in singing in reality even if they're of totally different 'status' with Chuu getting top three lines with Heejin/Kimlip and sometimes Yves and Haseul getting 2-3 short lines when she gets really lucky. but when it comes down to real deal, it's always those two. and they probly knew it too. anyway back to the fic again, i love how perceptive Jinsoul is and how proud she is of Haseul just by seeing Jiwoo broke down crying instead of being jealous or whatnot. and i love how Jinsoul is a big and strong...softie who easily cries goofily. and how she's just oblivious when Haseul's randomly singing for her but Haseul doesn't mind it anyway. and how she starts talking again and how her 'i love you' must've sound perfect by practices now. and Haseul....because we see the story from her perspective, we get to experience her most inner thoughts and i'm glad for it...her love for Jinsoul is so selfless and down to earth and her only concern is always Jinsoul's happiness, and Jinsoul might be the strong one, but Haseul is definitely the adult one(even her flaws), they're both not perfect(as Jinsoul would put it, perfect is boring anyway) but they really do complete each other. and i love how Haseul could hear her mother's voice again after she regained her lost self confidence in her singing in the form of dramatic crying Jiwoo, and not over the cliche reason being the lover's magic or whatnot(i cried on this part too, wait...there were probably more parts but yeah what's the surprise? lol). Speaking of cliche, i also love how in the end, they're still who they were from the start despite how far they've come, and Jinsoul didn't magically regained her hearing to make the happy ending 'perfect' as dramas would do...because in their little world full of simple joys, it's already more than perfect and perfect is boring anyway, again. That is sooo satisfying! and that little touch towards the end of Jinsoul taking care of drunk Jiwoo too and how she read articles on Jiwoo, it suggested how she wanted to know everything related to Haseul even down to her co-worker/frenemy too, since we don't get Jinsoul's perspective, it's nice to get little touches and hints that tells more than direct words would. i love all of Haseul's deep thoughts and her growing appreciation for silence. i love how Haseul loved singing for Jinsoul whenever even if the girl couldn't hear her, and how Haseul couldn't say in words 'i love you' for it to be heard but Jinsoul could do it for the both of them, and Haseul would hear it for the both of them and that's perfect(not in that boring way though) ok lastly, i love how the fic started with 'Blue was Haseul's least favorite color' and it ends with 'Jinsoul was wearing blue. Haseul's favorite color.' a full circle completed. it's just satisfying and beautiful. of course this isn't the end of things i love and would love to point out about this fic, but as you probably can see this is already too long and i can't possibly remember everything(though i don't mind to go back on the chapters, but that'd be too much writing when this is already an essay of a comment). Will i ever find a fic as satisfyingly beautiful as this again? i know not, so thank you so much for sharing this piece that not only entertains from fictional value but also feeds the mind and soul, and for completing it(assuming it's completed from how it ended). i'm sad i got to it this late but i guess better late than never? yeah that's it. Congratulations for completing the beautiful, profound piece of such a grand love portrayed and lived in the most down to earth, simple and humble yet full of gratefulness way, and that's what made it so grand.

ps: sorry the comment is wayy too long it looks ugly(?) and i can't be bothered to break it in paragraphs bcuz i just want to spazz it in one go. :x

pps: omg, i deleted my comment earlier, having forgotten i can edit my commentT^T...this was my first comment in a long time since i last found a fic i wanted to finish and comment on.
Chapter 4: this made me cry so hard. thank you for writing
locksmith-soshi #8
Chapter 4: it’s stories like these which make me believe in love
Chapter 4: Omg this story is so amazing and beautiful. You did a fantastic job writing this!
triggeredboi-- #10
Chapter 4: this story was so sweet. i loved it so much and it’s so sad it has to end.