
My Mysterious Girl (English Version)
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Jungkook's Pov 

"What happened to her? Why did she have so many wounds? So thats why shes always wearing jacket to cover her wounds." JHope asked. 

"Did you notice the other wounds that seems like a long time ago ?" Namjoon notice. 

"Yeah seriously, I couldn't believe what I saw, It was just like a demon doing that. How could Lisa handle that. Her body was thin and small. I wonder how was she able to endure all the pain?" said V. I couldn't believe it either. 

There's a lot question in my mind and all i want is to ask Lisa. I couldn't believe everything I saw. This girl is very mysterious. Lisa is still in the operating room. For about two hours we still had no news of her condition. Namjoon, Jin, JHope and Suga go home first because they have their things to do. V, Jimin and me whose staying. The three of us were the youngest of the group. We're pretty much in close to each other like a real brother. Were like the three musketeers. We basically like to do some foolish things to the oldies. Im talking with Namjoon,Jin,Suga and Jhope.

The door of the E.R. opened and the doctor came out. We got up and approached him. 

"Who's with the patient?" doctor ask. 

"We are her classmates." Jimin replied. 

"The patient is fine. Do you know what happened to her? Where is her parents? I need to talk to them. I want to ask them why is she having so many wounds. Her injuries are no joke. She has a gun shot. Even though the bu

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