D.O. Writes


Canon!D.O. writes fanfiction, gets writer's block (like we writers do), has Jongin as a best friend, and EXO are... EXO (we know how they are to). ;)  Read the Forward Section for more info and a chance to get the characters to literally talk back to you.


You Can Talk to The Characters - and They'll Talk Back?


Imagine that you're favorite character is finally coming to life.  They've been in your head for so long and you finally get to put them in the world you've also been imagining.  You have everything laid out and you know it's going to be fun-

But then you get stuck.  You grin and bear it because you know it'll work out.  You have well-deserved callouses or a brain ache... or an eye ache, so you refuse to accept that you've failed.

Time ticks by and your heart starts to race, your eyes prickle with tears and your fingers start shaking.  "Why isn't this working," you scream. You're stomach rolls as you realize that you may not be able to let your character live the life that he's supposed to, that you may not get to see the world that you spent back-breaking time on creating.

The darkness begins to grow closer, you break out in a sweat as your dream grows further and further away.

This is what D.O. and eventually Jongin are going to go through-


> It's not a dark story full of angst.
> It's a comedy with writer's block as a feature.
> And there's a lot of successful writing times, and times that have nothing to do with writing... maybe.
> D.O. writes fanfiction and dreams of writing an original book and self-publishing it.
> Jongin becomes intrigued by changing the outcome of anticlimatic movies and knows there has to be a way to avoid writer's block.
> There are even writing tips woven in here-and-there.

This is their story...

Also Includes The Rest of EXO.

So, how can you talk to the characters (and get them to talk back to you)?

PS:  Click Here.  Go to the Q&A Chapter and find out how NOW.  Follow the advice quickly before a new chapter is posted, because then you'll have to wait longer.


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