Chapter 7: Jong-in

Love & War

"Jong-in," his mother calls from the intercom. It must be serious if she's calling for him personally and not the housekeeper. "Can you come downstairs?" Jong-in was making plans with his best friend but had to put them on hold. He goes downstairs and finds her in the living room reserved for guests. He walks in and his mother was there with a girl about his age. She was pretty he'd give her that, but she wasn't her. She wasn't his best friend. He was going to tell her tonight how he felt. "Jong-in, did you hear me?" "I'm sorry, Mother." His mother rolls her eyes. "This is Jennie she's the girl you'll be dating until we, your father and I, decide it's time for marriage." Jong-in's jaw drooped. "You're arranging for me to get married?" "Yes, and you're never to talk to her again." Not be able to talk to her again? That was his best friend, the girl he was falling for. "She's my best friend!" "She'll be in the way and you'll only have time for one girl in your life and that's Jennie." Jong-in looks at Jennie who wasn't paying attention to anything except who she was texting on her phone. "I want you to get ready I've made reservations at the restaurant your father took me to on our first date."



I wake up in tears of guilt and frustration. Hurt cause the girl I choked the girl I was falling for and the frustration because I couldn't figure who my best friend was. I looked to see I was in a different surrounding. I was in another white room, but it was a bit bigger, the only other pieces of furniture besides the bed I was in were a desk and chair and a wardrobe. I had a private bathroom and I looked at the door to the room and there was a spot in the middle of the door where people can come in. I knew where I was: the psych ward. 


I begin to cry. They had me strapped so I couldn't move my hands. I wanted to throw something, but instead I shout Min-ji's name. A nurse came in and he looked like he shouldn't have even considered getting a job in the psych ward because as soon as he sees me he looked terrified. "Uh, he's awake!" He calls in a shakey voice. Doctors and nurses from different departments come rushing in. I couldn't stop screaming out for Min-ji. "He's awake!" Duh. "WHERE'S MIN-JI I NEED HER!" The doctor that had me sedated in the emergency room came in. "You, Mr. Kim will not be seeing her the whole time you stay with us. Until you can control your hands and that loud mouth you will not be participating in any groups, you will stay in this room with your hands tied-- unless you eat which you will be supervised-- until I see some improvement. Also all your doctors and nurses will check on you when necessary on your injuries and the plastic surgeon will be here to check your burns for your skin grafts."


Everything he said, I wanted to die. No Min-ji, my only friend. How am I supposed to see her? How am I supposed to remember the past from the stories she has told me when I can't see her. I started to hyperventilate. The psychiatrist didn't care, he just sneered and walked out of the room. Before he did he threw the bear that she gave me against the wall.


They took the straps off of me so they can check the bandages around my ribcage where the stitches were and I heard a nurse say that I need them redone because I ripped them apart. All I could do was cry. The nurse before fixing me up smiles at me, picks the bear up and lays it next to me against the wall. "I love you, Min-ji." The nurse smiles and says. "If I may say." I nod for her to continue. "You'll see her again. If she loves you as well then you two will cross paths again." She smiles then leaves and closes the door. I hope she's right. I do the only thing I can do, which was cry myself to sleep.

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Chapter 15: I read in one go. Ahhh Such a nice story!
Hayagi #2
I'll subscribe for now, because the story still seems interesting, but please let me know when you're done with the proofreading, then I'll read the entire story~
Levatorani #3
Wow this is underrated
Hayagi #4
I'm surprised this barely has any views yet. It sounds interesting to me.