chapter IX

The Task of Pandora
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09 ELPIS  

Well, Kai was quite right.

They spent nearly three days in that field.

It was maybe because they were distracted by each other. After all, they spent some of the time with fighting, which made them not to focus on exhausting their Energy Cores.

But at the same time, the five of them also grew closer in the span of two days and a half. It was kind of weird, at the fact that they grew closer because they fought with each other.

Maybe because they were a part of Otrera? Maybe.

They spent those two days and half with no food at all, but Julius was kind enough to give them water bottles. Those bottles seemed like a paradise after all those fights they had with each other. Sumin gulped down her first bottle in one shot because of dehydration, which she regretted when she felt her stomach went a bit weird right after that.

Sumin was also impressed that the others other than her and Luhan also had basic combat skills.

Kai was obviously the better one between the other three, which was also helped by his teleportation ability. It hurt her pride when he defeated her at some points, and it really riled her up to defeat him. Which she did, though, at some points as well.

Chen was not that far from Kai, because he was quick and agile. The way he shot his electricity was right on the spot, and Chanyeol's trouser was one of the victims, apparently.

Chanyeol was the weakest between all the five of them when they looked at his skills, but he wasn't bad. He was quite awkward at some points, which made him depend on his fire ability more rather than his own limbs. But his rather tall height won to his advantage, with his legs being longer than the rest. If he practiced more, Sumin was sure he would be a good fighter.

Luhan was as good as always, his moves were smooth. His style was different with Kai; while Kai took you by surprise in instant, Luhan would attack you swiftly even though his moves looked quite soft. Sumin was tricked by that a few years ago, and she didn't want to fall for that again.

While Sumin herself, she would say she was quite good. She found out that she was the most flexible, even though Luhan was the one who told her to practice at first. She used her flexibility to her advantage in their battles: bending her back to avoid Luhan's punch, sending a high kick to Chen's neck, and then kicking right at Kai's face.

The last one made her smirk in satisfaction.

The five of them had also succeeded on finishing the Queen's task. Sumin could finally lift five objects accidentally when she wanted to throw things at Chanyeol, and finally knew when Julius told her.

Chanyeol finally could make bigger fire balls and then he threw each of them to Luhan and Chen. Kai teleported twice to the garden and brought each time he came back with a different coloured rose to Julius. Chen burnt a large spot on Luhan's spot, after Luhan dodged right on time before he turned into a roasted meat. Luhan lifted Sumin, Kai, and Chanyeol accidentally, which they fell right down after ten seconds, earning complaints from the three victims.

Beside the fiasco of her period, Sumin would say she was pretty satisfied with how things went.

After that, they washed themselves and went to dinner (the Queen was nowhere in sight, though). Kisoom was surprised when she found out their states ㅡ bruised all over their skins. She immediately went complaining at them to take care of themselves properly, and Sumin imagined puffs of white smoke would appear right under her nose.

Sumin felt the way Kisoom was worrying over them, the other ones beside Chanyeol, was quite overwhelming. But at the same time, she didn't find it bad. She had never felt anyone fussing over her health, and Luhan never did that because he was just not that type of person and they trusted each other anyway.

Either way, Sumin felt a new feeling blooming inside her at the way Kisoom treated them.

After dinner, Sumin asked Luhan to take her to the library, because she knew he must have known where it was by now. Which was, true.

Chanyeol, Kai, and Chen went along with the both of them. Sumin wasn't sure if they agreed because they wanted to, or just because they remembered the Queen's request. But she noticed Luhan's small frown when they said they wanted to join.

After Chanyeol waved a goodbye at his grandmother who was sipping on her tea, the five of them went to the library. Luhan led the way at the front, with the others following like chicks following their mother.

"How do you even remember the way? No, scratch that ㅡ how do you even have the time to explore?" Kai asked curiously.

Luhan glanced at Kai uninterestedly. "Unlike you, I use my time to do something useful."

Kai didn't reply back, but he glared at the older guy.

Once the five of them reached the library, Sumin's jaw dropped once more. There were rows of shelves, shelves, and more shelves! So many books she could choose from! This gigantic chamber was lit by a chandelier on top, and there was a second floor on top with even more books.

Sumin tried to hold her excitement, but it seemed like she didn't hold it enough because Kai seemed to notice.

"You like to read books?" Kai asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I liked to visit the public library sometimes," Sumin said.

Kai didn't ask anymore, but he stared at her for a few seconds before he walked forward with Chen.

"So, do we search in the fiction section or the non-fiction?" Chanyeol asked.

"Certainly the fiction section, as Pandora is part of a Mythology," Sumin said and finally walked toward the shelves.

She searched for the fiction section, but her eyes kept wandering to all the books she was interested to read. History of the Kingdoms? History of the Queens? The Map of the World? Almost everything were there!

Finally, Sumin arrived at the fiction section, so she just had to search for the Mythology books. It was hard though, because there were lots of books in different sizes and colours, so she had to depend only on her sight.

She slowly traced her fingers on the books as she walked pass them. Her fingers were itchy to grab one and read, but Sumin remembered they had a work to do and they would have to prioritize that first. She could read books however she likes in the future, anyway.

Her eyes widened slightly when she read the first Mythology book: Mythologies of the Norse Land. She kept walking forward, reading through more, various books about Mythologies from many oth

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[TASK OF PANDORA] will be updating the newest chapter today!! ♡


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Priestess #1
Chapter 2: back here again..i hope you are doing well author 😭 i’ll be waiting for an update with patience 🥲🥲🥲
Update soon
LKM_98 #3
Chapter 28: I am so happy that I came across your story! Althought I am late haha, I just found this yesterday hehe. You have written it so greatly and I love the way you uncover each different character unique personality ! The flow , the plot and at the same time uncovering each different characters' backstory is so smooth.
The way you write is just so wonderful ^_^ and I love fantasy genre alot , like really alot. The plot is just so good and I am totally in love with it. Definitely deserve an up vote!

Thank you for writing hehe <3
parkcarla #4
Chapter 28: Omg, this story is extremely good!!!
The plots, the story lines, the characters , everything.
It's also enjoyable. Maybe I should wait for the upcoming Saturday, or the next Saturday for the updates? That's okay, I'd wait for you to comeback!
I hope you are always healthy and happy!
And also, I give an upvote, cuz I love this story!
Chapter 28: Thank u for the food!!!! ksksksks i personally think those three are kyungsoo, junmyeon and luhan tho i’m betting on sehun who might be interested in our lovely sumin already
staceygwen #6
Chapter 28: Like heck it's for research. But she is definitely happy about the new knowledge and agreement of her boyfriends. I've already told you this before but I really love the different subject they have, including the final subject culturation. Though Jeanne's outburst let out some juicy information about her experience towards magives uality. And Sumin, this lovely gal, is finally showing some maiden's shyness rather than her usual cool headedness. They're cute though especially the chu (>0<;) part reactions, the spring of their life has finally began. As for those three, my guess is Kyungsoo, Suho and Baekhyun I think, I at this kind of thing so not much of an expectation on this.

P.S Thanks for the update and belated Happy New Year
Chapter 28: hmmm... i think the three mysterious persons are luhan, baekhyun, and jongdae (they are the ones who is sorta aware of the budding relationships surrounding sumin and some of the exos) 😁

thank you for the updates so far! i enjoyed the story and your writing ❤
blackjack08 #8
Chapter 28: Oh so it's normal to have multiple relationships in their culture. That's good to hear, considering Sunmi was stressing about her feelings with different guys. I wonder who those 3 pairs of eyes belong to? I'm guessing Kyungsoo, Junmyeon, and Luhan? Or maybe Baekhyun? Wonder how her plan works out though, I hope she doesn't get in trouble. Thank you for this update! ❤
Chapter 28: It is so cute to see sumin and kai kisses >.< The three people one of them is kyungsoo but for the two else I dont know maybe suho and luhan?

Thank you for the update^^
Nicole121314 #10
Chapter 28: You're back my dear thanks for updating.... and as for story, Kai is always a tease for Sumin and i can't wait for everyone to fall for Sumin especially my Kyungsoo and start to take her attention solely for themselves hahaha. May be the guys who look behind Sumin must Be Kai Chanyeol and Kyungsoo hehehe