What Is Love? What Is Hate?

The Leader's Choice

A mysterious masked blond timidly fiddled with his hands and fingers. Because he'd lowered his chin, his neat, uneven bangs fell just over his large eyes that were gleaming with both anticipation and anxiety. Donning lensless black frame glasses and pulling his hoodie low over the top of his head past his forehead, he hoped he was sufficiently disguised. Judging from the absence of screaming fans and blinding camera flashes, he decided he was safe.

Daehyun sidestepped to the right and left, backward and forward, on the corner of a sidewalk in front of a small boutique, narrowly moving out of people's ways whenever they passed by in his general direction. The street itself wasn't too congested with traffic, but there were plenty of affordable cafes and trinket shops that stretched for at least two lengthy blocks, making it the perfect place for young friends and couples to frequent in their spare time - and the perfect place to meet up for their date. Date. Just the thought of the word brought back that giddy feeling that had been stirring within him ever since Yongguk had asked him out.

Yes, he was still incredulous at that reality. He'd pinched himself over and over until his cheeks went slack with numbness. And even though he must've seemed like a girl experiencing her first love, he didn't mind it one bit because, well, he was experiencing his first love. Besides, in this relationship, he wasn't too far off from being a girl.

He didn't know the reason behind Yongguk's sudden change of heart. Maybe avoiding him for the past month was his way of dealing with his own sudden confession; he needed to be alone, he needed time to think and to sort his feelings out - this much Daehyun now understood with relief. Maybe, just maybe, the older had liked him, too, and was caught off guard, unprepared to come to terms with the new feelings toward his dongsaeng. And he was the leader; it would be strange if he didn't think about the group as a whole, and how their romantic relationship would affect its chemistry. Yes, it all made sense now. Then again, Yongguk could be doing this simply out of pity for the younger boy, but he firmly shoved that thought aside. His hyung would never do that to him.

He had to admit this was somewhat suspicious; after all, Yongguk had never shown any attraction or interest toward Daehyun prior to the day he asked him out. Sure, they had been increasingly friendly with each other, but he was sure the other had seen him as nothing more than a close friend. He couldn't possibly have known how he truly felt about him, could he? He'd been so careful around him - at least, that's what he'd thought. But even if Jongup had managed to catch on (though he didn't know how he managed to do so, either), the other members didn't seem to notice - and if they did, they didn't comment on the matter. So if Yongguk hadn't known all along, what were his true intentions?

The jumbled mess he'd made of his own thoughts formed a throbbing ache in his right temple. He realized that he was probably overthinking things, considering the worst case scenarios as he'd always done. But Daehyun forced the pessimistic thoughts from his mind and focused on today, on the warm sun shining down upon him, on the now bustling streets, and on the promised date sure to commence sometime soon. He wasn't going to let anything bring his mood down.

The air was slightly chilled, but Daehyun felt the urge to yank his mask off; it was getting pretty stuffy. But, of course, he couldn't do that - not with so many people around who might recognize him. Then again, Yongguk hadn't set an official time for their date. Regardless, he would continue waiting patiently for the one person he knew would never let him down. And despite the fact that that nagging feeling - taking on something similar to a warning signal - he couldn't quite place persisted, he seemed content enough in the moment.


Jongup was disappointed, to say the least.

One, his preconceptions had been wrong; Yongguk had actually gotten together with the boy he still loved. Two, he was the one who'd provoked Yongguk to come to that decision in the first place. And three - and possibly the thing that pissed him off the most - was that he knew Yongguk wasn't being sincere.

Frustration welled up within him, for there was nothing he could do about their new "relationship" without telling Daehyun how he truly felt. And if he did tell Daehyun how he felt about him, that would make their situation even more messy than it already was. Jongup didn't want to hurt or confuse Daehyun. Besides, it wasn't him who was at fault for deceiving the other boy, though he couldn't help but wonder if he would be held just as responsible for the act because of the simple fact that he knew.

His strides grew longer, his pace grew quicker, and his breathing came harder as he ran along the very edge of the sidewalk to avoid other pedestrians who shared it with him. Music blared from headphones in his ears, pumping adrenaline into his veins and pushing him futher and faster for reasons unknown. If he were in a less populated area at an earlier time in the morning, he would have screamed at the top of his lungs to ease some of the frustration plaguing his body and mind. Instead, he came to a gradual stop before a coffee shop, which he entered and emerged with an iced coffee in hand, seemingly unfazed by the sharp crispness in the air. He didn't usually drink coffee, but damn, he was exhausted from thinking too much and figured it would help to bring back whatever little mental sanity he had. Jongup ignored the slightly bitter taste and trudged his way onto the pavement.

Apparently, the coffee has no effect on him, as his mind wandered to thoughts of Daehyun and what he could be doing at this very moment and what time he woke up and what kinds of dreams he had last night...and then to where in the world Yongguk could be since he left the dorm earlier than he did, but Jongup stopped himself right there because just the thought of Yongguk made him more bitter than his coffee.

The coffee that he would have crushed in his hand had it not been for the wall in his path.

He was around his own height and standing straight, nicely fitting hoodie and all with most of his face covered. Jongup immediately bent down to stutter words of apology, but as he came back up, he caught a glimpse of a black mask, soft blond hair, and anxious eyes fluttering away from his own suddenly inquisitive ones. As he leaned in for a better look, the other shied away in fear, as if he'd been caught in the midst of a secret act. "Hyung?" Jongup tested using his softest voice.

The boy visibly stiffened then twitched, hesitating while contemplating whether to acknowledge the person staring directly at him. "Hyung, it's me." Jongup lifted the shadows hiding his face and shifted his own lensless glasses. Daehyun finally looked at him, wide-eyed, before breathing a sigh of relief.

"Jeez, you scared me! I thought someone recognized me!"

At this, Jongup chuckled before pulling his own hood back down over his eyes and glasses. "Even with all this, I'll always recognize you, hyung." To him, it sounded cheesy and hopelessly romantic, but Daehyun didn't read that far into it. Though he was only half-joking, the "humph" he took as a reply hit some sensitive nerves within him, and he realized how much he wanted to tell him how much he loved him. It was lucky for him that Daehyun was too busy rolling his eyes to notice the flash of hurt on his facial features that went just as quickly as it came. Jongup melted into the shadows beside the other boy and gently pulled him closer to a less hectic area at the mouth of a relatively wide alleyway. He took in Daehyun's disguise and clothes and couldn't help his curiosity. "What are you doing out here by yourself, hyung?"

"..." Jongup noticed the light blush that tinted his cheeks as his eyes averted to the ground beneath his feet. The way he fiddled with his thumbs and looked somehow guilty would have been adorable on any other day, but instead of causing his heart to beat faster or him to fawn over him, his eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What's wrong, hyung? Is it something you can't tell me?" He wouldn't usually prod Daehyun, but if his hunch turned out to be right....

"W-Well, no, not really. I-I mean..." Daehyun's eyes darted to his for a fleeting fraction of a second before returning to the ground, then to his hands, then back to his eyes. Jongup sipped his coffee as casually as possible, suddenly looking more mature while Daehyun was doing the opposite. "I don't think you'd really c-care, but..." A deep breath. He held his own. "Yongguk asked me out on a date."

He nearly choked on his drink; expecting the obvious hadn't helped him in this case. "O-oh." Jongup cleared his throat in a futile attempt to compensate for the awkward atmosphere. "So that's why."

His coffee couldn't have chosen a better moment to completely run out; now he was left nothing to busy himself with. In spite of this fact, the corners of Jongup's lips curled slightly downward. "How long have you been waiting?"

Daehyun pondered for a moment, then shrugged. "I don't have a watch on."

And I'm sure you know very well just how long you've been waiting. Through his subconscious nod, Jongup knew better. Seeing as how he was sniffling and his cheeks were red from being slapped by the unsparing wind, he'd been waiting for at least an hour. Jongup tightened his lips to form a thin line, not bothering to hide his unhappiness at the fact that Yongguk was making Daehyun wait for a date the older had never planned to show up for. He's not coming, hyung. Let's just go home. But that was just a hunch, and he didn't think he was in the position to tell him what he didn't even know would happen - which happened to be what he selfishly hoped for - if he continued standing there, and, knowing him, he'd probably stay out there well into the night. Who was he to take away Daehyun's happiness? Wasn't that all he ever wanted for him?

Or had it always been for his own happiness?

"I'll wait here with you." At this, Daehyun looked at him incredulously, earning a small laugh from Jongup. "Just until he gets here." If he ever shows up, that is. "Don't worry, hyung; I would never want to ruin your date ~ "

He desperately hoped his acting was better than the other members gave him credit for, or that Daehyun was too naive to look further into his words and expression. He didn't. Instead, a bright smile appeared on his features, and Jongup had to tear his eyes away if he didn't want the older to pick up on something a bit more obvious.

Daehyun seemed to take their awkward conversation and the silence that followed as code for Jongup's discomfort with the subject. "Jongup-ah?" Said person met Daehyun's concerned eyes. "You must feel uncomfortable around me now, right? Since you're the only one who knows, I think...you don't have to do anything you don't want to do. If this kind of thing isn't your cup of tea, then you don't have to put up with this on your own - "

Jongup successfully silenced him before he could continue saying useless things. Then again, Daehyun was justified in his conclusions; if Jongup was straight, how awkward would he feel to be the only one in the group to know about two fellow members dating each other? However, that not being the case, Jongup hadn't even thought about putting on an act because he hadn't felt the need to. How could he act like all this was normal when it shouldn't be? But Jongup wasn't about to start playing along now, not when everything he'd done before contradicted what was to be expected from anyone in his position; that would make Daehyun even more confused and possibly suspicious of his own uality. "I...I don't really mind, hyung. The whole, you know, two guys dating thing." He decided to be safe. "I mean, I'm sure I'll get used to it. As long as you're happy, hyung ~ !"

Well, as least part of what he said held some truth.

The concern on Daehyun's face had transformed into genuine skepticism; it was as though he could see through his lies. Jongup swallowed nervously, his throat suddenly dry from being scrutinized, and he thought this must have been how Daheyun felt when he'd done the same to him not too long ago. "It's fine, hyung. Really."

Though he knew Daehyun was far from convinced, Jongup felt a surge of relief as he nodded in a sort of restless acceptance, probably knowing that Jongup wasn't going to admit he was uncomfortable anyway, if at all. "Alright. That means a lot to me, Jongup-ah. Just...let me know, okay? I want you to tell me if something bothers you; I don't want any awkwardness between us."

Jongup shook his head and cracked a smile. "Never, hyung."

And he couldn't help but wonder whether he'd just indirectly vowed not to confess to him.


Jieun had been on her toes since that day.

One month - one month sans any contact with Yongguk, which meant little to no news of his group's activities, especially what was going on behind-the-scenes. She was genuinely interested in what became of the Daehyun and Yongguk incident back in the recording studio. Did they fight? Of course they did; Yongguk would've thought his dongsaeng liked Jieun too, and he would've told him straight up that she was his girl (even though she, technically, wasn't anybody's girl). But then why hadn't he called her or tried to seek her out this entire time? Was there too much drama going on within their dorm that he didn't want to bring her into the mess?

Of course there was; after all, what else could've happened?

She knew of Daehyun's little crush on his leader. It was laughable, really; Yongguk was straight. This, she knew for a fact, which was sad but true, and she didn't think that even a guy as attractive as Daehyun could broaden Yongguk's range of potential lovers. She never liked the kid anyway, coming in all scrawny-looking and asking her and her members to sign a CD when he first entered the company. She couldn't explain it - she just didn't like him, or maybe she just didn't give him a chance. Or maybe she did like him at some point, early on, but that memory seemed so vague and far away now that she wasn't even sure if it had been real or merely an illusion.

As of now, she was pacing across the dorm's living room and back. The other Secret members were, understandably, tossing her curious glances with arched eyebrows, but no questions were asked. While the others sat on the floor shrugging and mumbling mildly insulting comments about her current demeanor, Jieun was too distracted and preoccupied with other thoughts to come up with a snarky response. Biting harshly on her bottom lip, she tapped her cell phone rapidly against her chin as if waiting for a life-changing call, the soft pitter-patter of the consistent contact acting as the background music to the rest of the members' casual conversation. Her growing impatience and fidgety limbs could not be contained, and not two minutes had passed since she began the first stage of what seemed to be a nervous breakdown before she decided the anticipation was too great for her to bear any longer. Jieun dialed Yongguk's number, which she knew by heart, and slapped her cell phone to her ear as she listened for a deep, husky voice to emerge on the other end of the line. With her hand tightly gripping the phone, her other arm placed in front of her chest, and one foot bouncing up and down at an almost groundbreaking pace, she looked about ready to explode.

"Yah, Jieun-ah. Calm down, will you? I'm sure he's probably just busy."

But of course, Jieun would have none of that. That doesn't give him an excuse not to call me. Funny, because before that little episode with Daehyun not too long ago, she could care less whether or not he called her - in fact, he used to call her so often that she grew annoyed at his persistence and oblivion to his obvious infatuation with her. It seemed like just yesterday when she would remove her phone's battery to save her energy otherwise spent on talking to him.

Since when had she become so clingy and...needy?

"Hello?" An all-too familiar voice sounded in her ear, not allowing her to further dwell on that disturbing notion. Jieun cleared to rid of the mild shock she received from the slightly distracted and breathless voice that was usually calm, collected, and loving toward her. She could not see the smile behind his tone, but instead, she saw Yongguk wanting to make this call as quick as possible, as if there was something else more important than her at the moment. And, hypocritical as it might've been, that pissed her off. But she forced herself to speak in a pleasant tone - well, pleasant by her standards, anyway. And the only way she could pull that off was by physically smiling.

"Guk-ah!" The name came out more enthusiastic than she wanted, and maybe more so than Yongguk had expected too, based on his sudden stammering. "J-Jieun?" A pause, most likely to regain his composure. "Uh, what's up?" She could picture him scratching his head or rubbing the back of his neck now. Suppressing her growing irritation as their roles were switched, she asked the same questions he'd always ask her whenever he called. "Oh, nothing. I was just wondering what you were up to."

Silence. Jieun waited expectantly. "I...I...." Her smile vanished in an instant, and she was thankful that the other couldn't see her face now. Oh, would you just spit it out already?! "Are you free today?" Outwardly cringing at the sound of her own voice, she continued, "We haven't hung out in a while, you know ~ "

"Yeah, I know - sorry about that. We've just been really busy lately and, uh, there was some drama at one point." Yeah, I'm sure there was. She smirked as the scene of her genius plan unfolding back then replayed in her head. "But now everything seems to be alright for the most part." A kind of dumb laziness crawled its way into his voice, causing her to be skeptical; she'd never heard Yongguk talk like this before, with his guard down and lacking his usual leader aura. She was more than disappointed when Yongguk said no more, meaning that he either forgot her question or chose to ignore it.

"Really? That's great, then! I've been feeling really sorry for...you know. I feel like that incident was all my fault." True, but she didn't actually feel bad about it.

"Ah, no, don't worry about it."

That was it? That was his response? The Yongguk she knew would've consoled her with every part of his being, endlessly endeavoring to convince her otherwise and insist that she was not at fault. And now, what was this?

Jieun recovered pretty quickly. "So, umm, about today...are you free? We should hang out like we used to." You never call me out anymore. But she decided against uttering that one nagging line because it sounded all too desperate in her mind - and Song Jieun would never succumb to that level.

Jieun's heart sank at Yongguk's reply before fury at nothing in particular set in. "Actually, today's not a good day. I'm on my way to meet Daehyun near Cheonggye Stream."

She raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Just Daehyun?" The other Secret members looked up from the floor at her, wondering what the subject of their conversation was.

"Yeah. This might sound a little weird to you, but we're, uh...we're kind of going out now, I guess...something like that."

Incredulous and faced with the most unlikely situation ever to appear, she found herself gaping and scoffing, though not loud enough to be audible on the other end of the line. Her eyes grew wider, wild with utter disbelief.

"I'll call you back later, okay? I'm running really late."

A click. Her disbelief increased ten-fold as she was experiencing more things for the first time with Yongguk: he'd hung up on her first. Jieun hadn't removed her cell phone from her ear until some time later, and when she finally did, it was done slowly and shakily. She nibbled on her bottom lip, a foreign nauseous anxiety rising within her.

She'd helped bring them together when she needed to tear them apart.


Jongup was content to keep Daehyun company while the other softly hummed a tune. Even though no words were spoken, he felt comfortable.

He once again thought about the notion of Daehyun and Yongguk...together. But he forced himself to think past that subject for fear of losing his temper or losing himself to a sulking state, and instead, he thought about Yongguk and where the hell he could be. It wasn't that Jongup wanted his time alone with Daheyun to end - in fact, he wished for quite the opposite - but how heartless was Yongguk to tell Daehyun to wait out here, still vulnerable despite the disguise, in this chilly weather? If he were with Daehyun, he would make sure he'd be the one waiting for Daehyun through any and all conditions, not the other way around.

Five minutes later, Jongup grew impatient and tried to convince his beloved hyung that Yongguk wasn't coming - that maybe he forgot, or that maybe he got the date and time and place wrong. He would've more than happily settled for taking Daehyun on a spontaneous date, but Daehyun insisted that they wait for Yongguk, that he was probably just busy making some last-minute preparations, and who could refuse him with those pleading watery eyes staring back at him?

"You know, you don't have to stay with me, Jongup-ah. I can wait here by myself." But Jongup shook his head, determined not to leave him alone. "I don't mind." I feel better when I'm here to watch over you. To show his gratitude, Daehyun put on a small shy smile, which Jongup returned with a wide grin.

"Let's walk over there." He pointed to the nearby stream. Daehyun nodded, agreeing excitedly as he caught sight of its beauty. There also seemed to be significantly less people around that area, which was a plus.

On the way there, just as Jongup had enough sense to offer the other boy his own sweatshirt, a gasp of surprise followed by an "Omo!" - a female's voice - coming from somewhere before them stopped them in their path. Jongup looked up, and a scowl appeared on his face at the person his eyes landed on: Jieun. Her very presence didn't promise anything good.

"What are you doing here?" he seethed more sharply than he'd intended. And then he added, "Noona," because he realized that even if he didn't like her for hurting Daehyun, she was still older than him.

Jieun feigned a hurt expression. "Aww, don't be like that, Jonguppie ~ " She then turned to Daehyun. "Hi, my cute dongsaeng! I was so surprised to see you two here; I was just passing by on my way to get something to eat and drink, and then I knew you two looked familiar! Even with those disguises on, you guys still exude charisma."

Lies. Jongup envied her nearly flawless acting skills, but Jongup knew better than to fall for her saccharine words. "Stop it, noona. Tell us why you're really here."

Jieun's beaming expression faltered and died, replaced by an amused smirk not too long after. "You're not as dense as I thought, Jongup-ah."


Daehyun was surprised at Jieun's sudden appearance, but he was more taken aback by Jongup's disrespectful tone when speaking to her.

He still didn't know why Jongup disliked Jieun so much, but it hadn't always been that way. He wondered what it was that made him turn rebellious from the usually pleasant and kind character he was. He was about to make an attempt to calm Jongup down when Jieun revealed a side of her he'd never seen before - her true self, a side she'd always hid so well and that he'd never expected from her.

As he stared at Jieun as if meeting her again for the first time, her gaze averted to him, which narrowed as she held his eyes. "I heard you're waiting for Yongguk." Though she was smiling, the corners of her lips twitched, indicating that she was not happy about that fact. "First date, huh?"

Daehyun gulped, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. He was nervous, but his voice came out fairly stable and strong - a pleasant surprise to him because he sounded a lot better than he felt at the moment. "You can say that." He didn't ask her how she found out; he could guess.

Jieun let out a brief laugh that carried no hint of a humorous or light-hearted nature whatsoever. He glanced at Jongup, whose scowl was still carved into his face, before turning back to Jieun. He was confused and slightly frightened.

"You think you could actually beat me?" Okay, so now there was apparently some sort of competition he was in that he'd never heard of until today? Daehyun blinked. "What...what do you mean?"

Just then, Jongup interjected. He seemed to know more than he, himself, did. "You two aren't even going out, so why do you care?"


Her sudden outburst caused both him and Jongup to jump, obviously startling them - and for good reason.

"Noona, you...do you love hyung?" It didn't make any sense to Daehyun; if Jieun had any feelings for Yongguk, she would've told him by now. She must've known how Yongguk felt about her (he wasn't exactly discreet about it), and he might've even told her a few times directly or indirectly through casual and unofficial confessions. If Jieun really loved Yongguk, why weren't they a couple by now? Why did Yongguk ask Daehyun out on a date and not Jieun?

To be honest, he didn't think she was being fair to Yongguk, always flirting with him, leading him on, toying with his sincere feelings. Had she been serious about him, Daehyun would've endeavored to find a way to cope and move on. Granted, it would be extremely difficult, but he would never want to see the one he loved unhappy, and certainly not because of him. Daehyun was willing to suffer alone, and he would do it for everyone else's sake.

Sometimes he thought his selflessness would someday lead to his downfall.

Jieun ignored the question, which solidified Daehyun's suspicion regarding her unusual and complicated feelings for Yongguk. "You don't love him," Jongup stated matter-of-factly for him. And he was right - she didn't really love him, but there had to be a reason behind her desperate craving for his attention. But what could it be?

This time, Jieun scowled at Jongup. A staring contest was in session, it seemed: glaring eyes full of venom against narrowing eyes that could pierce through one's soul. She was the first to tear her eyes away to direct her gaze at Daehyun, but not out of intimidation. "You should stop kidding yourself. Yongguk doesn't love you."

In that instant, Daehyun's heart slowed. At first, he didn't know why her words should bother him so much; after all, hadn't Yongguk been the one to ask him out? But then, deep down, he knew she was right.

"You're wrong," he whispered barely audibly. His eyes averted to the ground, to his feet.

It was strange that he'd asked him out after avoiding him for an entire month, and because he did so, he had time to think - about the possibilities, about the consequences, and to decide whether or not he liked Daehyun in a romantic sense or simply felt guilty about hurting a close friend. He didn't like to think about it, but if he didn't, he would just be in denial, and he didn't want to be a coward. "You're wrong...."

"Keep thinking that way, dongsaeng; you're asking for it."

He shook his head slowly, back and forth, not really seeing or feeling. He was significantly paler than usual, and his mind and soul seemed to detach themselves from his physical body. Jieun huffed in an exhausted manner. "You want proof, is that it? Fine." She whipped out her cell phone, furiously dialing away before slapping the device to her ear. Within a second, she was all charming smiles.

"Guk-ah ~ " Daehyun outwardly cringed at the way she said his name; they sounded so intimate. "I know you're busy right now, but I reeeeeally need your help." She pouted. "But Gukkie, this is important! You've always been there for me." A wide smile slowly stretched across her face. "I'll be waiting for you in front of the recording studio, then. Oh, and Guk-ah?" Pause. Her eyes, full of underlying mockery, locked with Daehyun's now focused ones. With a lazy expression and a soft smile, she said slowly in the smoothest and most irresistible voice, "I hope you come."


Yongguk was tired of running around.

From early in the morning until now, he'd met and talked with the Inkigayo PDs about B.A.P's performance tomorrow, realized he had a small schedule regarding individual activities - which ran late - and rushed back to the dorm before finally going on his way to meet Daehyun for their, err...date. He'd lost track of how many times he'd changed since he'd woken up. Yongguk was searching through his closet for the perfect pair of sneakers to complete his outfit. Why was he being so paranoid, anyway? It was just Daehyun. He was going to hang out with Daehyun, going to go out with him...going on a date...with him.


It wasn't that he was beginning to see Daehyun in a new way - he was still having a hard time getting used to the "dating another guy" thing - which was why he was confused as to why he was wasting time over trivial details that never mattered when they hung out before. Shaking his head in an attempt to stop his worrying, he left his closet and returned to his bed. Just as he reached it, his phone began to ring.

"Jieun?" He saw the name flash on the screen, and he recalled the conversation they had earlier. He'd completely forgotten about it. Aish, I don't have time for this. Nonetheless, he picked up. "Hello?"

He left the dorm as he talked into his cell phone, not wanting to keep Daehyun waiting for much longer. He still wondered if he should go empty-handed or if he should bring something for him. Jieun's whines halted his thoughts and actions, causing him to do a double-take. Why does she sound like this? But that didn't matter now. "I'm sorry, Jieun-ah, but I really can't talk right now. I'll call you back later, I promise."

He would've hung up, and if he did, he would've ran straight to Daehyun. But his fingers didn't move fast enough, and his still present feelings for Jieun resurfaced as he reconsidered his route longer than he would have liked. Here she was, requesting his presence - something he'd always dreamed of. "But...I...Daehyun...." Yongguk ran his hand through his hair in frustration, settling it on his hips soon after. Looking down, he sighed, bit his lip, then glanced upward at the sky. "I don't know. I'll try to come, okay?"

And maybe he should've hung up on her. Because then, he wouldn't have to choose between his first love and his new one.








To be honest, this has been half-done since a month ago, but...I didn't know how to finish it, since I had no inspiration.

BUT I did it! I'm so sorry for keeping you all waiting! [/bows until back hurts]

I at least hope this chapter is mildly satisfying, or else the wait between the last update and this one would be disappointing. ;_____;

Please don't hate me too much? D'x

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Thank you!
Omg, I shouldn't make promises regarding updates anymore. Dx I've been sick and this coming week's going to be really busy. P-Please wait until next week? ;___;


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Dewdropz #1
I love this story. Please finish it. I would love to read it till the end.
Chapter 9: Please finish the story author nim
Wxnieyy_19 #3
Chapter 9: Please continued your story..i really like it <3
J-hopearmy #4
Chapter 9: Heyy when will you update this? I love this story and i curious about what next, keep going^^
Chapter 9: please update sooon i am missing this story
Chapter 9: Please update soon! poor Dae! I'm going to say sorry to those bangdae shippers out there because Daejong! Vulnerable, needy Dae and protective, sweet and caring jongup. Obviously, yes xD
meiadinda #8
just found your story. please update.
BluMonster #9
Chapter 9: Pleaseee updateeeeeㅜㅡㅜ
Chapter 9: read this just now, im so damn irritate with jieun acts here, what a ! poor my dae TT the way you portray each character make me imagine the setting of warrior era :) the year when dae looks so fragile, tiny, innocent and cute hahahaha and i as daelo/bangdae hardcore shipper, pleading to you authornim, this time i dont want to see banhdae in the end, jongup just said everything which seemed so trus abt yongguk behaviour, he's damn coward! and stupid and too naive! wth! im rooting for daejong here, i love how jongup love dae so much :'( another member too, first theyre family :) members can held themselves back at that night to give some time to dae and next morning, they wake so early just to know what happen to dae. and did daehyun by someone? why hickeys spread over his neck? why he bleeding? who the hell did that to him? let me kill those ppl! hehehe.. pleasee continue this? at least, let that coward know the feel to be left by person who we love, and please? tell us, what really happen to dae that night? did jieun include in this? fightingg!!! ^.^9