racing in circles again


Ideas that never came to fruition. Latest: the finale to Joyrene's bartending reincarnation au


Welcome to my collection of Red Velvet one-shots and drabbles. They’re mostly ideas that I never managed to turn into full fics. Almost all of these will be based on anime or video games. 



Title is from EDEN’s 909 


So dive in, to my home

It's all I have, woah 

So drive me, 'till the shore

Spoken like a real life savior

NASCAR, we're just racing in circles again (Woo)

(We'll get it right for the next time)


1: one last stop before we go to hell (Joyrene reincarnation au) 

2: parasol beings (Seuldy Capcom 1996 au)

3: one last stop before we go to hell pt 2 

4: drawings and sick jokes (Joygi Mirai Nikki au)

5: one last stop before we go to hell pt 3 (finale)


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poplarbear #1
Chapter 5: Curious if Irene was indeed Joohyun reincarnation :') thank you for writing this tho! :)
poplarbear #2
Chapter 4: Love your AUs so far! Esp the Mirai Nikki and "pseudo zombje" !
Chapter 5: Thank you and happy holidays
Chapter 4: Oh c'mon that was a cool one and I needed to see it end, I have no idea about those animes that you mentioned thought hahaha
Chapter 1: Wow, great story
Chapter 3: Ok but why did she kill her? Who are they now?
Chapter 1: well, there should be a part 2 of this
Chapter 1: is Joy a grim reaper?

great story btw ^^