
Frienemy Switch

Coming back to the little house, Baekhyun Rest his head on that  little bed, he look around with his eyes at the room, little window, very little desk, a little drawer, a box on the end of the bed, a mirror, pictures of some bands, an old guitar, that room felt so small yet so large with all those things in it,  he stand moving to a notebook near the guitar, and it have some note and scratches, he smiled looking at all the messed up papers, and some lyrics, he tried to read some but it triggers him when he did 


-circle square triangle X, aren’t you sick of games every day-


Baekhyun smash the note book immediately rolling hi eyes with “even if he doesn’t know me he attacks me unconsciously”


He look around and curiously move to the closed box, he open it and saw some old stuff in there, some paintings, a kids painting, some broken sunglasses, a peace of clothes, and there was a paper among them that he weirdly found familiar, he took it and open it to find a letter, Baekhyun unconsciously smile remembering it, it was the letter Chanyeol had in hand when he first confess to the girl ages ago, and interrupt his own of course.


“you are so beautiful, An i like you so much - Yoel”  


He read how simple it was, and how he have a little mistake in there, and how he bother to draw two hearts at the end, but then he stopped smiling, he look around the place.


“It was hard for you at home, and I make it hard for you at school” he said remembering how he was there everyday bothering him, even made his mother come when she doesn’t have the time! He felt bad, very bad, maybe he should stop bothering and fighting him for nothing, maybe he is grown up now to pass the term of fighting over a girl that now maybe had a boyfriend in her new university, and truly, to not lie to himself he stopped liking the girl since forever, but he kept fighting the other to just take out the anger inside of him. 


He huffs and throw his body on the floor, but he end up hitting his head on the desk since the room is so little, or his body is big, he start to laugh in a silly way, longer then he should be till he stop Looking at the letter for one more time. Putting his hand down on defeat he close his eyes, he wondered, if Chanyeol have money would he follow his crush? Would he let his family and go? The place seems relaxing even if it little! His family seems happy even if it bigger then it should be!


His dream would be way more reachable if he went there, but he did have a reason to stay, not like him his only reason was Chanyeol it self! 


How silly destiny is...


Baekhyun closed his eyes “i will stop bothering you, you do have living it hard, and you seems like a hard working person to your family” he take a deep breath “am going to stop” feeling the sleep coming to his brain little by little 



And he unconsciously sleep...




Opening his eyes in a fast way, like he was seeing a nightmare, Baekhyun look around he was sitting in a table, a familiar table, a moment of blank eyes and brain came to him not knowing who he was or where he is, but seconds later his mind start to put images together.




He heard a woman voice saying to him, he turn to look at her and his eyes got wide open


“you stopped feeling dizzy?” She said holding a cup of water.


Baekhyun stand immediately, he look around to see the now he remember house, and the faces of his family, not waiting a single second in there, he move outside




They called but he didn’t give a damn about it, anger all over his brain and body, did that idiot came to the memorial without even asking him? he move outside the house and saw a taxi waiting he went as fast as he can because he can hear steps behind him, and his name being called multi times.






He ordered the taxi driver in anger, why he came here? Why? How could he do this to him? How could he dare to do something so personal without even asking?


In an angry way not knowing how he can take it out, he took off his black jacket and open some buttons of the white classic shirt he was wearing.




He screamed till he made the driver look at him scared, but he doesn’t care he put his head on the seat next to him and start to think of millions theories he will get into.










Opening his eyes he saw a familiar ceiling, Chanyeol look around to find it his room, he smiled moving from his sleeping position to a sitting one, he look at his hand that was holding the letter “did he was searching in my staff?” He said not believing it, well he didn’t went searching in his, how curious that guy is? probably he wanted to find something on him to threaten him with, since he know his secret? He put the letter back inside the box, and thank god every thing is back to normal, he touched his body with happiness and jump on the bed with “I missed you” 


But then it triggers him, why they came back to normal at this time, he remember he felt a very weird sleeping urge and a little dizzy, he set on the table and Baekhyun mother went to bring water, and then he woke up here!


Did baekhyun did something for them to come back normal?


Saying the name his eyes got wide open he stand immediately to his bag taking his phone out and searching for history calls to find Baekhyun number was the first, he planned to go to the memorial and leave without the other knowing about it, it was a win win! But probably he woke up now there!


Before he could click the green button, he was surprised by the incoming call




He answered and heard a woman voice asking “Mr.Park?”




“This is the secretary of MN school, can you come over for few minutes please to the principal office?”


Chanyeol eyes got wide open “is Joon okay?”


“Yes sir, his fine”


“Okay am coming!”


In a trembling hands he didn’t know what to take, he just go with the phone in his hands, it his first time the school ever call him, did something bad happened to him and they didn’t want to tell him? Did he had a fight? No! Joon is a good kid! 


Moving outside the house, he run to the school direction without a stop. Arriving there he catch his breath at the school entrance then  move in with fast steps directly to the principal office


He saw the principal in his office, his brother sitting there, and a boy that obviously was crying with his father


“Hyung!” Joon said standing


“What happened?” Chanyeol said immediately going and check on his little brother if something physically hurt him




“What?” Chanyeol said “no way!” He look at Joon shocked, since when his brother is a bully? “Is it true?”


“He start it first!” Joon said defending himself


“Gentlemen please!” The principal said “Your his big brother?” 


“Yes!” Chanyeol replied immediately


“Am sorry, but since Park Joon ho here start the fight I may have to suspend him for two weeks for discipline”


“What? He said he start it!?” Chanyeol want to defend him




“Please Mr.Im calm down I know your son is the victim here”


Chanyeol eyes got wide open hearing the word “did you saw him?”


“No but am sure you can see who got hurt Mr.Park” the principal did gaze him with a weird look but Chanyeol didn’t bother at first till he heard the man screaming again




 “Sir no need to make it big!” The principal said smiling to the man “the kid will definitely get a suspending and a warning if he touched your son again he will get expelled immediately”


Joon who start to get red as a tomato look at his brother with pleading eyes “he start it!” He insisted “I told you about it in the morning!”


Chanyeol know he can’t do anything, the man know someone and the principal is siding him for sure! how could he be this low, he frown in anger, if he said a word it will get bigger and then his brother could be expelled, if he apologizes his brother will be safe but that mean he see corruption and couldn’t do anything because his poor! still what he can do? It better to save his brother future right?


“Am sorry sir this won’t happen again”


“HYUNG!” Joon start to cry immediately when Chanyeol bow his head to the father “HE START IT STOP!”


“Am really sorry!” 








Baekhyun couldn’t contain it, he want to take out his anger on someone, and who’s better then the problem it self? He asked the taxi driver to go to Chanyeol house, but passing by the area he saw him running to a direction


“Stopstopstop!” He said to the taxi driver pay him and left the taxi, Chanyeol didn’t go far from there because he saw him going in that school where he supposed he took the bigger among the dwarves there.


He waited in the entrance moving left and right, still not believing how he could go to his main house! How did he found it?, he couldn’t wait more, he went in, and look around the empty hallways of the school, wait why he will come here? 


He thought finally of something else not his own problem.


His eyes got wide open when he remember the kid he advice at the morning “damn!” He said searching for the principal office and finally finding it the door was open, and he take a peek overhearing their conversation, Baekhyun eyes got wide open when he heard the word “I will call” But he get more shocked when he hear Chanyeol apologizing and the kid crying loud “damn it” he said when he realize that Chanyeol can’t get into problems since he obviously won’t win it.


“Why you apologizing?”


Baekhyun said standing in front of the door, he couldn’t see him like that since he know why he really doing it! 


“What the are you doing here?” Chanyeol said unconsciously 


“See” The man said “he is saying bad words in front of the kids, probably he is the bad influence”


“Mr.Park what was that?” The principal said 


Chanyeol apologies again “am sorry!”


“STOP APOLOGIZING GOD DAMN IT!” Baekhyun screamed maybe he found where to take out his anger “AND YOU” he said looking at the man “ARE YOU AN EXAMPLE TO THIS KID SAYING YOU WILL CALL SOMEONE?”


“BAEKHYUN SHUT UP!” Chanyeol screamed trying to shut the shorter but he couldn’t because he obviously seems way angry then this subject itself.


“SHUT UP? YOU SHUT UP!” He said in more anger “what am going to do is...” he look at the kid then at his father “CALL SOMEONE” then look at the principal “to expel the principal himself because it corrupted” he look at the man “also find your job and CALL SOMEONE to expel you too and if you have your own business I will CALL SOMEONE..” he insisted to scream that word everytime “I will bankrupt it”


With that he stopped and that make everyone silent looking at him, Chanyeol could swear that more then a minute passed with everyone just looking at him till the principal talk


“Are you threatening us sir?” 


Baekhyun smirk but not waiting a second he take his phone and start to dial a number “you guys have no idea how I want to crush someone life right now”


“NO!” Chanyeol take the phone from Baekhyun hand in anger “am not like them”


“W..what?” Surprised at the words Baekhyun couldn’t believe it.


“Baekhyun, I don’t want my brother to live knowing that you can solve your problem just if you have more money!” Chanyeol said with a deep low voice that made the other more shocked because of how sincere he was, he saw him wiping the tears from his brother eyes


“One apologize wont bother if you know who the true faces of who your dealing with, bad people will find a way to him and he need to learn what to do even if he have no money at all”


the words make Baekhyun speechless, he look at the kid who was looking at the two talking he nodded on defeated “I agree!” Baekhyun said “you should take your brother advice”


Joon nodded with a little smile in that red crying face


“But still! am going to make the call, this guy need a lesson” Baekhyun snatched the phone back


“Baekhyun!” Chanyeol said trying to take it again




All who were in the room look at the second kid there, who look at Chanyeol “I bully him first! Joon’aa am sorry!” He said start to crying “am sorry! Am sorry!” The kid repeated a lot of times



Chanyeol look at the principal who look down not daring to look at his eyes, he clear his throat with “I think it’s clear who will get suspended”


“No!” Joon said “sir, i accept his apologies”


Chanyeol smiled proudly of his little brother, he tab his hair, and Baekhyun look daggers at the man “bad influence you said!”


the man take his kid and left the office, Baekhyun look at the principal who asked him “who are you?” But he shrugs with a wink “no one! I was acting!” Then left the office too not waiting the principal to reply, will he didn’t look like he will reply soon since his eyes were wide open then his mouth.


Chanyeol bow in respect “we will leave” he take his brother hand and go outside “go back to your class” he said looking at the back of Baekhyun moving outside the school building, he followed him from behind


“Hey wait!”


Saying that to take the other intention, but Baekhyun didn’t stop, he run to him with “hey! I SAID WAIT” he barely touched his shoulder but Baekhyun was fast to slap his hand stopping at the entrance


Chanyeol know the other was angry “i didn’t tell you am going to your father memorial”



Baekhyun was trying to avoid the subject since he heard those nice words inside, and they were in a school and that joon was looking at them from far away, but he talk about it, and that triggeres him “OHOO NOW YOU TELLING ME?” Baekhyun screamed


“But it wasn’t bad I swear, they were nice and they love you!” Chanyeol know he did wrong so he tried to tell him everything went good


“THEY LOVE ME! AHAHAAHAA!!” Baekhyun take out a loud sarcasm laugh “IS THIS A JOKE!” He hit Chanyeol chest “WHO GAVE YOU THE RIGHT TO GO!” He hit it again and Chanyeol didn’t move


“Baekhyun your family loves you I saw it with my own eyes” 


“BULL!” anger, hate, everything he felt inside of him was dark now, if he saw them he could swear he will kill them without a single thought, he close his eyes his brain start to hurt, he just shake his head “I really don’t want to talk about it right now!” 


He said with a low voice that made Chanyeol worried, maybe it’s the first time, but he really never see him like that, is he about to cry? Or the anger make his get stressed? But that didn’t stop his idiot brain from asking “why you hate them so much? They didn’t even say a bad word to me when u was there, they were welcoming you, and in my opinion your the bad one not even gave a respect for your own dead father! Even if the are bad you should have done it No matter what”


Baekhyun bite his lower lip and start to hitbhis feet in the grounds continuously, nodding multi times with a fast attitude “yeah am the bad one!” He said in frustration “but it IS my life and you have no right to try to make me look good!” He take out a sarcasm laugh that made him nodded again while saying “you know what I decided to not bother you since I though your a good person, but no, you don’t” He hit him hard this time in his shoulder “YOU DONT DESERVE IT, I HATE YOU PARK CHANYEOL I REALLY DO FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!”



he screamed till he can feel his throat hurt, then left that area promising himself he will never step in it again, wishing to not see his face again

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Chapter 21: Omo!!! This story is really fascinating! Woah it's soo good ! Suho and Lay part was so surprising!
I'm gonna miss it .
Chapter 20: Aww!
Chapter 16: What,..
Chapter 15: Oh No Yeol what have you done!!
Chapter 13: The hell I'm sCreAmiNg !!! I'm just so so in love with this story!
Chapter 12: Wondering What did Baek said!
Chapter 9: Ah my poor Baek 😭
Chapter 7: It seems Joon has a crush on Baekhyun 😂
And is that Baek's foster family or something
Chapter 5: Yes AGAIN!
Chapter 2: It is so confusing who is who ! I almost lost my last brain sell