A Teaspoon of Cream and Three of Sugar


Medical AU where in OR (Operating Room) Nurse Yoo Jeongyeon crossed paths once more with Park Jihyo, a lady five years younger than her, who now bears the title "Doctor".  


There's not enough JeongHyo fics and I'm tired of that so I'm taking it into my hands to do something about it. I started writing fluff first but had troubles with pacing, didn't expect that the first fic I'll release about them will be light angst. Apologies for I am not the best writer out there but my obsession towards JeongHyo is way too real, so I hope that accounts for something. Fic will be open for all in hopes that a number will read this. Do enjoy this work and if possible, leave a comment and upvote if you can! 

NOTE: Please do remember that their ages are modified, having Jeongyeon five years older than Jihyo in this AU! Thank you so much and enjoy reading! 


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kiddoatheartu #1
Chapter 1: 2nd time reading this story and I can say that I still enjoyed it ( ꈍᴗꈍ) thanks author-nim
Chapter 1: I never get enough with this. Can u write more of jeonghyo, authornim?
TwiceOnce35 #3
pls do more jeonghyo authornim...???
cokacoola #4
Aff needs more JeongHyo??
bore_d1020 #5
Chapter 1: this is really good. really enjoyed the past and the present JeongHyo. how Jeong broke up with Ji, and how they both still love each other this whole time.
iam_dianne #6
Chapter 1: It's so good :) Thank you so much for sharing this story and I'll look forward to your next au.
Chapter 1: Im such a er for fluff stories! Haha, great job author! Loved this :)