Chapter 28 - Jeon Clan

4D (Book 2): Book of Love

3rd Person’s POV

Next stop for 4D’s open concert is Osaka, which is where the Jeon Clan’s mansion is located. Jeril wanted to introduce Anika to her family and it was just luck that they’re having it here.

They told Erika and Lei that they were a couple now and the two rejoiced and congratulated their relationship, saying that they’ve been waiting for too long, and the new couple thought they could say the same thing. They still don’t know what happened between those two…

But that was none of their concern right now. They finally got together after a long, long time. After a lot of misunderstanding and being away from each other. They didn’t have their first date yet because of their schedules for the Japan concert, but they planned to have it soon…

“If you were born in Tokyo, why is your clan’s headquarters located in Osaka?”

“Osaka is like the Busan of Japan, it’s more peaceful than Tokyo, so my clan choose here.”

“Did you grow up here too? I heard Osaka has a different accent than Tokyo’s, I want to hear it.” Anika requested with a bright smile and who is Jeril to refuse this beautiful angel?

“Don’t make fun of me.” she mumbled before letting out a sigh. Hey there, pretty lady. You should be in the museum for your beauty. she stated in Japanese with her Osaka dialect.

“Wow, it does sounds like Busan’s accent. I heard it a lot from Jimin oppa!” Anika gushed.

“Then, you should just ask him to compliment you.” Jeril mumbled sulkily with a pout.

“Oh, my God!” Lei exclaimed with a teasing smile. “Never thought I’d see Jeril unnie act like that, it’s so cute!” she gushed as she pinch Jeril’s cheeks, making Erika and Anika jealous…

“Alright, alright. I know it’s cute, but that’s enough.” Erika pulled Lei away from Jeril.

“Chill, Kim. I’m not going to take your lover away.” Jeril struck her tongue out.

“You better not, or I’ll take yours away. Though, I’ll still choose Lei.”

“She’s not even your girlfriend.” the main dancer rolled her eyes. “Anyways, we need to go now. Update us about the Osaka’s open concert, okay?” Erika showed an okay sign to her.

“Take care, send our greetings to the Jeon Clan.”

“Will do, you two take care too. Bye!”

With that, Jeril and Anika headed to meet the Jeon Clan. Anika felt nervous because they just became a couple and now she’s meeting the family of her girlfriend, isn’t this a bit too soon?

“Don’t worry, they’ll love you.” Jeril assured her. “I mean, I love you. I’m sure they will too.”

“Thanks.” Anika smiled as Jeril held her hand. “Well, I hope they do. I really like you.”

Jeril couldn’t even stop the smile growing from her lips. Damn, my reputation! she thought as she tries to hide it but it was no use, she really couldn’t help it. It’s Anika’s effect on her.

“They will think I’ve gone soft.”

“Well, that wouldn’t be a lie, you are my softie.”

Jeril shook her head with a fond smile as she continued to drive using one hand while holding Anika’s hand in the other. They finally reached the Jeon Clan’s mansion and Anika should have expected it to be big (cause it’s a mansion) but she was still shock seeing it…

“You’re telling me all of your family lives here?”

“My father’s parents, siblings, their children…basically, yeah.”

“And I’m going to meet every single one of them?” Jeril nodded. “Oh, God…”

“It’ll be fine, come on.” they got down the car and entered the mansion, that looks like a castle, and headed to the living room. “Hey, guys. Look who’s back…” all eyes are on them.

“JERIL!” they, who are probably Jeril’s cousin, all ran towards their direction and jump on her.

“What’s going on?” a deep voice interrupt and Anika saw someone who looks like Mr. Jeon…

“Dad, Jeril’s home.” one of Jeril’s cousin stated, confirming that it was indeed Jeril’s uncle.

“Little Jeon!” he called as he help Jeril up and pull her into a hug. “Good to see you.”

“You too, uncle.” Jeril smiled that charming Jeon-smile of hers. “Where’s grandma and grandpa? There’s someone I would like them to meet.” then, all eyes were on Anika…

“I see.” Jeril’s uncle chuckled. “Hi, I’m Yamamoto Kenta.” he introduced himself to Anika.

“Choi Anika.” she introduced herself back. “You’re…not from the Jeon’s side?”

“I am, but I’m using my Japanese name. My Korean name is Jeon--”

“Kent!” another deep voice interrupted as all eyes were on the stairs, where an older man is making his way downstairs. “Have you seen your mother’s medicine--” he stopped. “Jeril?”

“Hey, grandpa!”

“Jeril! You’re back!”

“Who’s back?” a female voice also appeared as another person made her way down and was shocked to see Jeril too. “My granddaughter! You’re finally home! It’s been too long, dear!”

“Grandma!” then, some other people from the different parts of the house probably heard Jeril’s grandma’s shout and started to crowd the living room. “Seems like everyone’s here.”

“Except your parents.”

“It’s fine, they know her.”

“They know…who, sweetie?”

“Grandpa, grandma, aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces and nephews…” Anika chuckled despite of her nervousness. “I want you to meet my girlfriend.” she gestured to the girl besides her and smiled at her encouragingly. Anika smiled back at her before facing the whole Jeon Clan.

“Uhm, my name is Choi Anika Iniel.” she introduced. “It’s nice to meet you.” it was quiet for awhile before someone shouted ‘JERIL GOT A GIRLFRIEND!’ then people were congratulating them and cheering for them and everyone was supportive of them, Anika felt happy about it.

The clan made Anika sit in the couch and asked her a few questions while serving her drinks and snacks, treating her like a princess. That made Jeril chuckle, she had already expected it.

“I told you, they’ll love you.” she whispered to Anika and kissed her cheeks. “I love you…”

“I love you too.” Anika held her hands before facing Jeril’s family to answer more questions.


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WeAreOne1001 #1
Chapter 43: THE BEST CHAPTER!!!!!!!!
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Chapter 40: i hope you update regular now author nim ive been waiting for update for months now and you just go missing
i think maybe is beacuse i forget to comment but im commenting now so pleas update soon im gonna hope ok?????
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Chapter 40: this
PAPRIKA CHAPT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Chapter 39: OHHHHHH posessive kim erika dane is hoooooooottttttt~~~~
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Chapter 38: NO NO NO TO DANLEI
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Chapter 37: i forgive you i forgive you for keeping your relationshop because youre too cute!!!!!!!!!!
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Chapter 36: this is too cute t-t PAPRIKA IS TOO REALLLLLL t_____T
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Chapter 35: i did not read since you did not update for long author nim t______t where did you leave?????