Jisuho 27

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“Now if we can keep you safe and out of trouble long enough to heal…” The nurse smiled down at her. “You just need to stay in bed for a couple of days and let your body get over this trauma.”


She nodded and curled up under the sheets. She really hated hospitals. Although this was a nicer one than most. “I could go home and sleep.” 


“Maybe. Waiting on the rest of those X-rays first. If the doctor is good with them, then you can. But you have to rest. No more racing around the countryside.” 


“My racing days are done,” she whispered, yawning. 


“Good. Sleep a bit. When you wake up the doctor will be here.” 


She barely heard the rest of the nurse’s statement as the warmth and coziness of being curled up in bed, all the nastiness of the last few days over and the stress of the presentation and demonstration gone, finally allowed her to relax. 


Destress. Not that she knew what that was. Still, she needed downtime in a big way. Talk about surviving a week of hell. 


Suho had helped her off the stage, and she was ashamed to admit she’d all but collapsed on him afterwards. But he took it in stride, picking her up and rushing her here. She hadn’t seen him since. 


In fact, outside of the nurse she hadn’t seen anyone. 


She wasn’t sure what was to happen next. Was her little house she’d been in prior to the latest kidnapping available to return to? Did she want to go back there? She was of mixed feelings over that. She’d loved Suho there but had been kidnapped as well. Not exactly a good balance. Later, she’d think of it later. 


She also felt , until she reached up and clasped her necklace. She’d loved the start of surprise from the audience when she’d unclicked it and hooked up the special USB end on it. The enemy had to be kicking themselves over that. She’d been asked to come back in a few days for a more in-depth session. Of course she’d been pleased to accept. 


But she wouldn’t be showing them everything until she had a contract. She had a long list of add-ons she wanted to develop. She had to decide on a priority list first. And hire more help. She frowned, her fingers pleating the sheets. 


Poor Suga. He hadn’t survived. His body had been found, dumped in the woods by his house. 


The whole scenario felt… odd now. There’d been so much tension, fear… just that unknowing had driven her for so long she felt cut off. At loose ends in a way. As if adrift and no idea of what to do or how to do it. 


Maybe that was okay too. 


She closed her eyes and drifted. There were sounds in the hallway. Doctors talking. Clipped footsteps. Her room was empty and there were birds chirping outside yet everything was muted. She yawned again and snuggled deeper. 


Sleep waited just outside of her awareness. But she couldn’t seem to get there. She needed sleep. 


Sinking deeper she reached for it. 


And slept. 


She barely felt the needle go into her arm. Or the sheets under her lifting as she was moved to another bed. As the awareness of something happening to her filtered into her subconscious, she struck out, her arms falling limply at her side. The cold hit her next as she was suddenly outside. Then inside a vehicle. She struggled to open her eyes, but there was a weird set of colors everywhere. She had no idea what the heck was going on.


“Suho,” she cried, only her voice was weak as a kitten. 


She collapsed back to the bed, and the last thing she heard was someone saying, “She’s out. Finally.” 


“Good, the plane is ready. Let’s get the hell out of this damn country.” 




Chanyeol heard the rustling beside him. They weren’t in rooms yet just in the small examining rooms. His head was booming like a series of rockets going off. 


Suho walked in. “Hey. What are you still doing in bed?” 


“Trying to get this in my head to stop trying to break his way out.” He waved to the space around them. “This is hardly even a room. You can hear everything. It’s making my head boom like rockets going off.” 


“You’re off duty until that’s fixed.” 


“Good luck with that. Loved the nurse, I overheard her say something to Jisoo about no more running around and she needed to rest.” 


“Yeah, like that girl needs the reminder.” 


“I know.” Chanyeol grinned. “She’s good people.” 


Suho nodded, staring at the curtain that surrounded Jisoo. He’d tried to see her earlier, but the nurse had kept him away. Only now there appeared to be several people in there. And why was that? 


“The doctors maybe?” Chanyeol suggested in a low voice, but he didn’t sound like he believed it himself. Suho slid to the curtain and peered around the corner. Two men dressed as orderlies were moving her to another bed, only she didn’t seem pleased to go. Was she hitting them? Damn. The men pushed the bed to the door and maneuvered it out into the hallway. 


He watched a moment longer until the man whose back was facing him, turned slightly. Just enough that he could see his profile. 




He spun and stared at Chanyeol, who’d already bolted to his feet

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Chapter 36: I loved Jisuho story too muchh ❤️❤️ Waiting for an update now
malditangrenren #2
What happen to youuuuuu. Pls update
malditangrenren #3
Chapter 34: Oh common 2 chaps every update pls
yugenius #4
Chapter 33: Jenkkkaaaaiii
yugenius #5
Chapter 33: This story is sssooooo good
mieayarn #6
Chapter 8: omggg yessss!! looking forward for jenkai tho