His request


He was tired, so tired since he didn’t sleep the whole night, since he was waiting 2 hours on that chair, he sits in his place in the bus, and was glad it was near the window, he put his head on the glass, his eyes screamed tiredness, but at least this time he know...he know he will go to a place no one can make him think about his mistakes will be in, no one can heard them saying it was his fault, because he already know that and he already living in regrets.


Looking at his reflection in the mirror, he remembered what the other said to him this morning, someone else’s reflection? What he mean by that, he supposed to not believe in telling the future, still what he saw in his enlightenment happened...what his powers want him to see always happens, little by little he drifted in sleep.





Stop hiding...

You know you can’t stay in the shadows forever...

I know you can see me...



“Beep! Beep!”


Baekhyun open his eyes slowly adjusting to the day light, first thing he saw was the highway road because his head was resting on the glass, a big gas truck was in front of them with a loud and noisy voice, moving in the same synch with them, he stayed like that for more than a minute. Not feeling the welling to move, his body was so heavy, that he could swear he could think his paralyzed...but...with no time...he start seeing nothingness, all black.



Stop it...

Stop hiding...

You know it…

You saw it…

Stop it…





Jolting his eyes up, Baekhyun was breathing faster than usual...his heart beats was racing...he hate when this happened...he hate it...he look in front of him first thing and the gas truck was there moving with the same synch as the bus, he searched for his cigarettes box in his pocket, as fast as he can. He took one and put it on his mouth, with trembling hands he take the lighter he bought, and start opening it


“We are in a bus you can’t do that!”


Baekhyun look at the one talking with “what the...” He said stopping himself from cursing when he saw the familiar face. “No way!” he said looking at the place they arrived at, cursing inside on the stupid destiny that bring that poor guy next to him. “Can you?” He said looking at his legs asking with his eyes to give him a way to stands, and Chanyeol did with “where are you going?”


Baekhyun didn’t give a damn about the other question, he move to the driver and talk with him, and the driver look at Baekhyun and nodded.


Even if it the highway, the driver open the bus lights and slow down, pulling over. The moment he open the door bus, Baekhyun immediately goes out with fast steps.


The people in the bus start wondering what happened. And Chanyeol didn’t wait a second, curiosity? Worried? He don’t care but his legs move down that bus too, even hearing his girlfriend calling him he didn’t care, but that foot of hi didn’t even touch the ground when a very loud explosion heard.

Everyone screamed in the bus in fear from the loud voice, Chanyeol eyes got wide open seeing the sudden exploding truck not far from them, and not just that, the cars crushing after the explosion was more terrifying.


The fire was huge, screams of people burning could be heard from here, everything happened in seconds, Chanyeol saw the guy which is Baekhyun running to the accident scene, Chanyeol runs after him unconsciously, the fire was everywhere, Chanyeol stopped looking around to all the broken cars, the mess, the screams, the burning humans, the view was so frightening, did his planet was like this and he left it, he didn’t even defended it? His mind froze his body frozen what he should do? But snap out fhis shocking state seeing a sudden short guy, that his eyes landed on him running to the truck direction




He screamed unconsciously because the truck was still on fire and definitely could have another explosions in no time, and it did, he saw him stopping for second hiding his face but eventually he move to the cars who crushed behind the truck, looking inside of them, even if the fire was trying to eat everything. He start to open a door of a random burning car forcefully like he found someone alive, Chanyeol look at the view he can see him burning his hands to save the one inside, he look at the truck, then at the cars, he close his eyes, take a deep breath, “control it Chanyeol! Control it” he said and open his eyes that were flaming red.



Baekhyun in the other hand opened the door and strangely the huge fire around him start to low and suddenly disappeared, he know this isn’t something usual! Even the wind isn’t in their side today, but not caring he helped the two men in the car out and check on them, if they stay alive, the two were still breathing, but probably 1% chance to stay alive, he heard a kids screaming, and look at an upside down car, he run to it, and wanted to open the door, but he couldn’t, he look fast around and saw a piece of iron taking it and dig it in the edge of the car door, pushing and pushing hardly


He look at the tall guy who pushed him gently, and he just hit that piece of iron with a kick and made the door moved from it place, Baekhyun lean down immediately to take out the kids, they had some wounds but gladly they were fine. “Who was driving?” Baekhyun asked the bigger one and she said “sister”

He look at Chanyeol “take them far” and move to the other side looking for the girl, and yes she was there on the road, the poor girl being thrown from the front side when the crush happened, her head was all in blood, even her eyes were open, he check her pulse but the girl was already dead “Damn!” he cursed looking around if anyone need help


He heard a male voice and he run to help him, few minutes later the ambulance and the police whistles start to heard, in no time they were there, helping and taking care of the dead bodies, Baekhyun take a back finally, leaving the work for the professionals, he tried to take his breath first, he move to the other side of the road and sits on the ground.


Chanyeol, searched inside the mess for that little brave guy, and with a more worried expression his eyes landed on him sitting far away on the ground.

“Baby are you okay?” Luna came running to him hugging him “I was worried when you came here!”

Chanyeol nodded to her “yeah! Am fine go and wait me in the bus”

“But the bus is leaving! I came to tell you that, come on we need to leave!” she said pushing with her “I don’t want to be in this scene for a second baby” she pouted, and Chanyeol nodded.

“let me call the guy who was sitting next to me” Chanyeol said

“If that guy didn’t stop the bus…” Luna said looking at Baekhyun “we would have been dead!”

Chanyeol nodded to her “you right! What a luck” he move to the boy direction, thinking, today he was able to stop the fire, he never did that, he always burn things and run to get water, today he did control it, but not just today, the call he made to his friend, the stable rage, the very calming sense, all of this happened when he was around that boy, maybe he would be crazy saying this…

He stands in front of him, and saw the smaller who was sitting looking up with a sharp frustrated “what?”

“What your name” Chanyeol asked out of nowhere and the boy raised an eyebrow for the question he roll his eyes answering what didn’t Chanyeol want to hear “why you asking?”

Chanyeol lean down in front of, and the action made Baekhyun look weirdly at him, he touched his face with “you have burning marks”

Baekhyun just hit his hand with “mind your own business maybe!”

Chanyeol shake his head a no “I can’t”

“Excuse me?” Baekhyun said not knowing why that reply!

“Every time when i unintentionally meet you, you made me discover something new! I need that, and I don’t know how when why or what you can do, but deeply inside I think I need your help” Chanyeol said what he wanted to say,

Baekhyun roll his eyes “what are you talking about?” he said not understanding what his point, “you want me to do something for you?” he asked because definitely that was his job for 4 years now doing dirty work for others.

Chanyeol just asked again “will you help me?”

Baekhyun raised an eyebrow “sorry I will refuse, I am leaving that city for good today” but finishing his words he saw his hand get grabbed and being hold between the other two hand in a pleading way.


He heard the other saying desperately like his life is depending on it

“I will gave you anything, I can’t let down my friends or anyone else that could be waiting, I want to be at their expectations, but I never could do anything for two years till the day I met you so please, please help me” Chanyeol bit his lips saying the words, he never plead someone before, but still he find himself doesn’t mind if it was him, this guy really giving him another vibes that he may use to reach the Phoenix inside of him.


Baekhyun in the other hand felt his heart melting, like he need to accept it, in a seconds he remember what the other said taking the mirror card out, did he mean this one? He should accept this offer?



He said and the surprise look in the other face was priceless, “w...what?” he said with an unstable voice, leaving the other hand

“I have one condition, I will ask for one thing after I help you, and you promise you will do whatever I ask you to”

Chanyeol nodded continuously “I promise, whatever you want I give you my word!”

Baekhyun nodded “then it’s a deal!”

Chanyeol smiled standing “Deal! Am Chanyeol”

Baekhyun stands too “am Baekhyun! So what do you need exactly?” he asked, and Chanyeol smiled widely.


“let go back to the city first, it will be a long story”

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Chapter 15: Awww that last part was soooo cute !
Chapter 7: Byun Cherry
Chapter 3: Love Those Little exo details you've added !
Chapter 1: Now I'm missing Time, telekinesis and flight😢😢

Great start tbh !
Chapter 21: hope you update a new chanbeak super new book
Chapter 21: u really knows how to express things and feelings I'm really impressed
Chapter 21: i love this book more than others
Chapter 21: superbbbbbbbbbb
noemimart #9
Chapter 21: Wow, a great story. It should be made into a movie. Your have an excellent talent as a writer. Looking forward to reading your future works.
Rb2012 #10
Chapter 21: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww