His roommate


Moving in that old pick up car, D.O was driving, Chanyeol was sitting next to him, and the other were at the open back of the car.


Everyone was silent, no one dare to talk, no one dare to say anything, it was so nervous inside everyone, each one of them have does inner though of what if they find the gate and move there and find just destruction, what if they go there and give theirselves to the enemy and give them what they want, no positive thoughts, scared that they can’t protect themselves, that they can’t fight those things that they don’t know what are they even capable of, and the worst is what if the priests with them...then they know they are coming tonight.


“I can’t say am not scared” D.O said to Chanyeol while no one was hearing them because they are outside, he gain a look from the Phoenix and he continue “the fact that you are with us giving me calm, but am scared I won’t be enough to help you out” he said with a genuine tone and a soft smile looking at the road and moving with 50km/h and surprisingly no one refuse that speed this time.


“D.O, don’t you think even father who is stronger and experienced then me could be dead right?” Chanyeol said with a little bit of sarcasm but it is a fact

“you say we are ruching things?” D.O answered after being silent for seconds thinking about it “should we practice to be powerful then?”

Chanyeol shrugs

“You couldn’t refuse our request??” D.O said with wide eyes 

“What the point of waiting” Chanyeol said “even is we died at least we are trying”


D.O nodded “true” he smiled and step on the gaze making it 55km/h






The two heard Kai saying from the back outside of that pick up, arriving to the point in the map, everyone gets down and out of the car, looking around. There were houses with two to 3 floors in that area, a school, a closed shops, a very peaceful neighborhood.


“Where should it be?” Suho asked 


Kai said “I can feel something let me scan the place” he said and disappeared few minutes later he came back next to Chanyeol with a happy face “OMG I FOUND IT” He touched him and disappeared 


Chanyeol appears in the rooftop of the school, he saw Kai disappearing again and teleport one by one


Chanyeol look here and there, when the 8 are all standing in that roof top, wanting to see where is the gate “Kai?” He said when Kai look at him


Pointing at the sky “Phoenix I can see it, right there”


Everyone smiled at Kai expression and Chanyeol said “I guess your the only one who can” he smiled because the gates are indeed the teleporters expert. 

“Really?” Kai said shocked looking up “if I move from this roof I can’t see it, it way up in the sky, but I can teleport you there”


“All of us?” Chanyeol asked in concern 


And Kai nodded in  “Am way stronger when we are all together I guess I can try to”


Everyone look at each other nodding like they are ready, Chanyeol huffs closing his eyes tightly, he felt his confident start to shake, the time arrives and what he did is practicing for two days, even if he feels a huge different inside, even if he know now that he can easily control it, but still it his duty to fight, is his duty to not let down the others.


Opening his eyes with “guys give me a minute”


He move to a side not caring of the others reaction he took his phone and dial Baekhyun number, at least he should say a goodbye shouldn’t he? He was the one showing him a lot of things, he promised to do something for him if he helped him, and he did a lot, waiting the phone to get answered another voice heard




The voice was shaking and even sobbing after that ‘yes’


“Baekhyun?” Chanyeol said his face was giving the worries expression 


“He...can’t answer right now” 


Recognizing the voice Chanyeol asked “are you his family member?” He asked because he know that woman men confusing voice now


“Yes! Who’s with me?”


“Am The one who picked the earth card, Where is Baekhyun?” Chanyeol asked in concern his heart start to beat fast, fear crept into his body, why he is so much concerned about him since he is leaving???


“Oh! You! I don’t know what happened! But they found him unconscious after he had been thrown from his lab”


“WHAT” Chanyeol screamed when the other start crying again while saying


“The doctors said he won’t make it, his body been brutally hit”


“Which hospital?” Chanyeol said in anger thinking that he did ask him to stop that dangerous life, he close the phone hearing the hospital name, and turn back to his friend taking Lay and Kai hands “I explain later go to the center hospital”

Kai nodded thanking god he now know the place, because after what happened before he needed that knowledge


Before anyone could say a word Kai obey the order immediately and disappeared, he can’t say no to the Phoenix even if he orders him to kill himself, appearing in the front doors, Chanyeol move inside quickly tailing by Kai and Lay, he move to the reception asking “Baekhyun...I don’t know his last name” the girl in the reception look at her laptop and said “oh that boy, he is in the emergency room no visites” Chanyeol huffs in anger


now knowing where he is coming, Lay asked “where is the emergency room we need to see his family”


The girl nodded “all the way down right side, the blue door”


Nodding to her Lay move to the way she said and look at the door “Kai you can?” Kai nodded, moving to the restroom Kai touches the two and disappeared.


Appearing in the middle of that emergency room, it was empty, Chanyeol eyes were wide open, a shocked state he gets in when he saw how the other situation was. scratched in his face, bruised, his neck and back and even leges were all patched with splints, while the heart beating machine was rarely giving that beep voice


Lay move to Baekhyun and touched him closing his eyes, but the moment he did he back off immediately with a scared face he look at Chanyeol, who was shocked “Lay what?” He said in anger because he didn’t heal him

“The injuries isn’t normal Chanyeol!” He said

“Can’t you heal him?” Chanyeol asked not caring

“Guys hurry” Kai said looking from the certain seeing some doctors near the place


“I think I can!” Lay said “but it will take time” 


“Guuuuys!! We can’t!” Kai said In panic he move fast touching Lay and touch Chanyeol but Chanyeol was fast to touch Baekhyun arm, and the four disappeared.



Appearing in the roof top, everyone was surprised of the extra body there “what going on?” Sehun asked


Lay didn’t wait he screamed “HE WAS BREATHING WITH MACHINES CHANYEOL!” Moving down on the ground to Baekhyun closing his eyes and little yellow power showed up in his both palms.


D.O look at the scratches asking “animal attack?”

Kai shrugs “Lay said it not normal too”


Waiting Lay to finish, Chen and Xuimin sits on the ground waiting, D.O and Kai were at the edge of the school wall talking, Suho was sitting next to Lay waiting, and Chanyeol didn’t stop moving his feet, Sehun who was looking at him he said finally after not wanting to talk about it “why you care so much?”

Chanyeol look at Sehun quickly with “what do you mean?” He never stop moving back and forward 

“We were about to go back Chanyeol” Sehun said “I accept the idea of suddenly having a gangster as a friend because you saved his life once, and he did you the favors back when he helped, but no! You wanted to say goodbye to him! Not Luna, not the owner of the shop”

“Sehun” Chanyeol was about to speak when the two heard Suho screaming “Lay!”


The two turn to see Lay fainting on Suho arms, every one move there and D.O was the one to be there, it his friend for 18 months.


Chanyeol look at Lay concerned did he make the other force his power to heal Baekhyun? He wondered feeling guilty inside, he heard Xuimin saying “are you okay? Let me help you” 

And Chanyeol turn to see Baekhyun moving his hand trying to take the splint that preventing him from standing forcefully “calm down” Xuimin said struggling to help Baekhyun who was wanting to take that off harshly

Chanyeol move to him “with easy! easy!” 


“TAKE IT OFF!” Baekhyun said with a hysterical voice and Chanyeol just grab Baekhyun both hands stopping him, while Xuimin took the splints off, feeling that he can move freely Baekhyun immediately stand and move as far as he can from the others, he look at where he was and surprisingly it was a school roof without doors. He turn to look at Lay and move to the corner of that half wall, sitting on the ground and putting his both elbows each on one knee and his hands on his face.


Chanyeol move to his direction, he took his jacket off and put it on the one who was wearing a hospital clothes and sits in front of him “Baekhyun what wrong?” He said not liking the other reaction “who did that to you?”

Baekhyun take out a huffing breathe not saying a word


Sehun came near Chanyeol “Chanyeol we shouldn’t today Lay doesn’t look fine at all”


Baekhyun heard the words, he know that Lay must be the one who healed him, he look at Chanyeol “did I cause a problem?” He said with a low shaky voice.

Chanyeol shrugs with a comforting smile “probably tired just like it happened to me at the first day” he look at Sehun “tell Kai to take everyone to the coffee shop”


Sehun look at Chanyeol with confusing look because if Kai did that it means they will teleport in front of that human, “Chanyeol!” He said but Chanyeol just ordered “do it Sehun!”


Nodding to his Phoenix, he couldn’t say no even if that means exposing their identity, 

“tell me what happened Baek! You know if I didn’t call to say goodbye you...” Chanyeol stopped thinking of the worst scenario

“You should have left” Baekhyun said “I know my ending, it no different if it now or after”

“DON’T SAY THAT” Chanyeol screamed “YOU ARE MY FRIEND NOW” 


Baekhyun look at Chanyeol with a hurting looks, how can he say he is his friend, he is one of them, he is a traitor to their planet, his house are traitors, and his lying about all this to him, he won’t forgive him if he know his true identity, he will never do

“You know what, I think we shouldn’t be friends,” Baekhyun said standing he know this isn’t good, he know by the outsiders being here that means they are searching the universe for them, and they found him so if they saw him with him that a destruction for this planet too.


Chanyeol look at him with wide shocked eyes 


“I am done with this power bull the moment I say it my farewell and I won’t have to deal with this life again you show up and decide on your own to heal me, when I wanted to runaway you decide again to show up and bring me back” Baekhyun said the words sharply “so please, I did my part of the deal, now do yours and never search for me or heal me ever again even if I killed my self starting now”


Chanyeol stands slowly looking at the deadly gaze Baekhyun gives to him, he knew he promised to do anything the other asked if he helped him, and damn he did help, he have confidence now, he know how to control it even if just two days, those specific practice he needed that the other weirdly know what to do for him, still all this because of him! How can he tell him to not be friends even if it still just one day or less left for him here, 




Kai said from behind hating that he overheard the two conversation, he couldn’t interrupt it, but seeing the sudden silent he manage to say the name.


Chanyeol look at him the place was already empty, he look back at Baekhyun, he know he promised and he know as a Phoenix he should never go back on his words 


“Just more time” Chanyeol said “come with me let me explain to my friends the situation, they can’t trust a normal human knowing their secret” Chanyeol said with a very sad and defeated voice, maybe if he had hope and win  he would be definitely coming back to earth to just tell him what he did and what he achieved, because the connection and the courage he felt when he around him could be the main reason for him to win. But this won’t happen “Just few more time”


Baekhyun huffs, rolling his eyes but he nodded


Chanyeol look at Kai with “let’s go” 


Kai nodded touching Chanyeol and asking for Baekhyun hand, because really it was weird or him to do so, still from the conversation he heard he know the other already know and he didn’t tell anyone, and also The Phoenix trust him so he don’t mind too. He saw the gangster taking his hand, Kai smiled with “close your eyes it better” and when Baekhyun did he teleported to the coffee shop.






Appearing in the coffee shop everyone were there except for D.O who was with Lay up stairs, feeling the gaze of everyone looking at him, Baekhyun look at them one by one, when he reach Xuimin the other smiled to him, at least he know one doesn’t hate him even if he beat him up


“Chanyeol” Suho talked “should we explain?” He asked because he thinks that the gangster doesn’t know about it


But Sehun was the one replying “I think he should be the one explaining” he said with a very angry look 


“Listen” Chanyeol said “he know about us, I already told him everything”

“Everything everything?” Chen said shocked and Chanyeol just nodded “How could you trust him? He is a freaking gangster!” Chen said with a loud voice “he could sell us for money, then what? Should we hurt human if they come after us?”

“I trust him!” Chanyeol said “and he didn’t tell anyone”

“Yet!” Sehun said 

“He won’t Sehun” Chanyeol confirmed

“We should leave as fast as we can” Suho said “am sorry Phoenix but human are unreadable, our powers could made him known and his just a gangster that lives his life stealing and doing bad things”

Sehun nodded “his standing between gods for him and he didn’t give a damn, not scared not anything, how come I can trust that!”


Chanyeol turn to look at Baekhyun who was just looking calmly at them, he knew it, Chanyeol know that trusting him would be hard for his friends. He doesn’t have a words to say to defend him, they should know him to trust him, words are not enough, and he doesn’t want to force his friends to trust him because he is the Phoenix.


“I trust him” Kai said “since the Phoenix do” he shrugs

Suho roll his eyes “Kai, your liking him since day one, this is way beyond that” 

Kai pouted “that my opinion”

“I trust him too” and everyone turn to look at Xuimin “if it were not him I wouldn’t meet you guys, and as I heard if it were not him we won’t meet Lay and D.O, he came here to stand inside of a bunch of not earth humans to just convince us!”

“Hyung!” Chen said and Xuimin look at him “forget your hate Chen because he beat me up and tell me the truth, if not him we won’t find that door to our home”

Chen stayed silent and just nodded 


Sehun huffs “he should stay here under our watch till we leave when Lay wake”

Chanyeol look at Baekhyun who roll his eyes but a panic D.O get everyone intention “Guys. Lay is not okay!” He said and Suho and Chanyeol were the first to run upstairs to see some black lines start to grow in the other skin, his color start to become pal, like blood is running out of his system

“Lay!” Suho move to him concerned “what happened? Why is he becoming like this?”

Chanyeol felt guilty inside, is it his fault? Why he suddenly becoming like this, the room was crowded now, everyone was looking without knowing what to do.


“How his power works?”


Everyone look at the door room where Baekhyun was standing


“Usually he can heal himself, but while he is healing he always says that his power look for the injury or the disease that make anybody on a worst shape and try to heal it by taking it inside his body that heal himself immediately” D.O said with trembling and shaky voice, about to cry

Baekhyun look at Chanyeol “I think his power tried to heal not just my injuries”

“The injection you did yesterday?” Chanyeol said and Baekhyun nodded he know the serum he used on himself to stop his power could be stopping Lay powers too since it in his body and Lay power could be counting that as a big NO in Baekhyun body system because normally he should be with powers.


“Who’s earth?” Baekhyun asked and D.O answered “me!”

“You can grow plants?” He asked and get a nodded as an answer  

He move inside the room to Chanyeol with “phone” Chanyeol give him his phone from his pocket, and Baekhyun start searching in google for some pictures “I want you to grow this and this one and this” he said while showing some pictures plants to D.O who nodded looking at Kai “any pot with soil here?”

Kai disappeared immediately and everyone watched silently how Baekhyun just move Suho and put his hand on Lay forehead “cold” he said while thinking, Kai appears with a pot full of soil giving them to D.O who take the phone and the pot immediately concentrating to grow the three plants.


No one dare to say anything because no one know what to do


Happily he succeeded D.O said am done and Baekhyun look at Xuimin “freeze them”


Xuimin nodded moving to D.O taking the plants and freezing them immediately. 


Baekhyun look at Chanyeol “basically if he did heal me before with no problem, the extra thing in my body was the cure, and it could be reversed by those plants, they are a rare type glad you have an earth one”

“You don’t make mistakes in those things right?” Chanyeol said because last time he tried he went screaming on nothingness and since they are rare that mean it could be his first time using it

Baekhyun roll his eyes “please undone what you did” he said to Xuimin who nodded undoing his ice on the three plants.


Baekhyun move to the bed and carried Lay making him in a sitting position and secured a place behind him for the fainted one to be stable “burn them, but let him breath it” he said to Chanyeol who just nodded and took the 3 plants from Xuimin and burn them to ashes in front of Lay face for him to inhale the smoke.


They all waited, if anything will happened...looking at Lay.

“It’s not working?” Suho said in anger but Chanyeol just said “wait!” Because he did go through the cure and it take a little time.


Waiting again, they all suddenly saw the things on Lay skin start to disappear like his body was healing himself again. Baekhyun look at Suho and the other move taking Baekhyun position behind Lay who slowly was starting to open his eyes.


Smiles were in everyone face when they saw Lay looking at them with a tired smile saying “hello”

Suho hugs him from the back “please never scare me like this again”  

But Lay search in between them at Baekhyun asking “Are you Okay?”

They turn to the far corner of the room to look at Baekhyun who was mumbling things with himself repeatedly and closing his eyes like he wasn’t even hearing them

Chanyeol was in front of him in less then a second with “you smell it too, meaning the cure is gone from you body too?” He asked because the crazy side he can clearly see of the short one

Baekhyun stopped looking at a corner and everyone were sure that corner is empty “yes” Baekhyun replied


Chanyeol look at the empty place then Back at  Baekhyun “you know no one is there”

“I know” Baekhyun replied 

Chanyeol move in front of him hiding the place with his big body “let me give you some proper clothes first” he said taking Baekhyun hand interlocking their fingers and move outside the room to his own room.





Leaving the other seven in the room with a raised eyebrow from Lay “I healed him, that mean he shouldn’t be like this?”

“Meaning?” Sehun asked

Chen eyes got wide open “meaning that who ever is there standing is real?” He hugs Xuimin “Hyung! It’s a ghost”

Xuimin laughed an awkward laugh because he too have the same idea “we should let Lay rest am sleeping downstairs” he said leaving the room fast with a Chen running after him.


Sehun laughed and shrugs “take a rest” he said coolly and left the place, the moment he wasn’t on the other view he run downstairs too to Xuimin and Chen with “GHOSTS ARE REAL”

Chen screamed hugging Xuimin tightly


D.O smiled at Lay with “have a rest Hyung!” and left followed by Kai who smiled to him leaving a Suho and Lay at the room

Suho wanted to leave but Lay just said “stay like this longer” 

Suho smiled with a soft “sure”




>>>> Kaisoo <<<<



D.O move outside the coffee shop and sits outside the doors at the edge, still followed by Kai who sits next to him with “any problem!”

D.O just shrugs saying “if not for Baekhyun we could have lost a friend and an orb today”

Kai look at the sky stretching his legs and putting his hands behind leaning on them for a more comfortable view to the sky and a sitting position “I told you, humans doesn’t need powers because they have brain”


D.O Shake his head a no “that not my point Kai” the serious tone made the other look at him in concern “Am talking about what strategy we have if we go there, a sudden fall of one of us made us useless, Chanyeol was right we are rushing things”

Kai look at him “Phoenix said that?”

“He didn’t want to go now, he accepted because we wanted that without thinking of the consequences”


Kai look up again “so you said we need a plan?” 

D.O nodded “a plan and to be more powerful, I need to fight someone like Xuimin and see if I can beat him, we don’t know what those outsiders said the myths doesn’t talk about what they can do? How powerful they are? If they have super powers, if they communicate! Nothing at all, we are going to our death for sure, am going To talk to Chanyeol about it, I don’t want to go like this, I want to know at least am going to do something if he fall if one of you fall, I want to know everything about each one of you powers not just Lay”


Kai smiled looking at D.O “and that one thing Xuimin need to add on Baekhyun positive vibes, he made us realize how useless we are”



The voice of Kyungsoo was being heard from the inside, Chen, Xuimin and Sehun were looking at each other, realizing what D.O said is true.



>>>> ~ <<<<



Taking a shower and wearing clothes that of course were bigger than him, he look at his clean face without eyeliner and those emo that he was wearing every time to hide his fair skin that he hate because it remembers him of the him 4 years ago, his brain was calm now, he can feel his power running happily inside his brain and body, hoping that he will not start to see any visions or future because his cigarettes aren’t with him.


He move out of the bathroom to see a nervous Chanyeol there, “thanks for the clothes” he said but the shocked look on Chanyeol face was priceless “what?” He had to ask


Chanyeol clear his throat when he heard the what, because he couldn’t say that he was speechless of how the other look younger and cute without those black make up on his face, how he look so white like there is open lights under his skin, how his big size clothes make him look desirable for anyone view, that shown shoulder, that longer sleeve for his two arms but how he tried to raise that sleeve unconsciously when it get loosen was more and more cute “nothing” he manage to say after noticing every detail.


“So the deal is done!” Baekhyun said “I came with you as you asked now I leave”


Chanyeol eyes got wide open “like this?” He said pointing down where his legs


Baekhyun look down “You mean th...” He said while lifting up the long shirt he was wearing that make him look like his not wearing anything from the down side


“NO!” Chanyeol screamed “DON’T” 


Baekhyun look at the other with a strange look “the shorts you gave me?”


Chanyeol thank god of the invisible shorts that was there all the time but he didn’t notice it “just spend the night here, it dangerous outside while your looking like this”

“Like what exactly?”

Chanyeol take a back on the sudden straight question “like...” he said but stopped 

, unconsciously moving to Baekhyun and drag him to the bed “just sleep on the bed, I don’t mind I sleep outside”


Baekhyun felt the gentle pushes till he sits on the bed, still he said “No! you sleep here too then” he said because truly he was tired too “that wind and water friend of yours will definitely kill me when am alone”

Chanyeol laughed at the comment “no! Sehun is just concerned because I had hard time trusting humans, I told you about that and Suho he is just an overprotective Suho as Kai said”


Baekhyun shrugs “they don’t trust me I don’t trust them easy”


Chanyeol nodded moving and taking out extra sheets and pillow and put them on the ground “happy!” 

Baekhyun nodded and lean down on the bed “please no bad dreams” he said closing his eyes 

Chanyeol smiled looking at how cute the other was, he lean down on his bed but he heard “can you heat up the atmosphere?”

Chanyeol smiled closing his eyes and the room start to get a little hotter

“That good” Baekhyun said “thanks”


Chanyeol smiled alone at the sudden request, he bit his lips to not take out a laugh and be a good roommate, because this is his first time sleeping with someone and he definitely didn’t mind at all, few Minutes later he start to hear a cute voice like a puppy voice, he move on a sitting position to look at the other who was now on his side at Chanyeol direction grabbing tightly the bed sheet

“You slept?” Chanyeol whispered but no sound from the other, he get closer to the sleeping boy in his bed and put his elbow on the bed with his chin on it admiring how the other look without make up with no “WHAT” interrupting him.


Smiling unconsciously when he was looking at him, at his closed little cute eyes, at the cherries calmly sense, at his perfect small nose, his white soft cheeks that he kissed before and his pink lips...he felt his heart start beating when he stayed noticing that, Chanyeol touched his chest, with wide open eyes, he look at those lips again thinking why he have that desire to touch them, still he move his fingers and slowly touched them, and unconsciously lean down closer, the action made Baekhyun unconsciously smile in his sleep, and THAT was THE sign for Chanyeol to move back as fast as he can screaming inside at himself -WHAT ARE YOU DOING ERT- and back to his ground bed turning to the other side and closing his eyes hoping that his heart beat will slow down and calm because this silence could let it be heard in all the room.




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Chapter 15: Awww that last part was soooo cute !
Chapter 7: Byun Cherry
Chapter 3: Love Those Little exo details you've added !
Chapter 1: Now I'm missing Time, telekinesis and flight😢😢

Great start tbh !
Chapter 21: hope you update a new chanbeak super new book
Chapter 21: u really knows how to express things and feelings I'm really impressed
Chapter 21: i love this book more than others
Chapter 21: superbbbbbbbbbb
noemimart #9
Chapter 21: Wow, a great story. It should be made into a movie. Your have an excellent talent as a writer. Looking forward to reading your future works.
Rb2012 #10
Chapter 21: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww