Chap 1

With or without memory you stay the same
Cries, tears, the sound of the hoof of horses scraping the ground, irregular breathing, a child running, pursuers on a black steed. The boy stopped, catching his breath. The men catch up, katana in hand.
- ... lie ...
The child got scared and ran away but his pursuers caught him by the collar and made him take off from the ground.
- ollie ... ...
The child was struggling but it was useless. He was going to die. The man pretending to be the chief put the blade of the cold katana on the boy's neck. He began to put a little pressure on it. The blood flowed at the same time as the tears of the child and ...
The man suddenly opened his eyes to face Myungsoo, who was looking at him worriedly.
-Myungsoo ... whispered the older man trying to calm his breathing.
-You're okay? Asked Myungsoo looking worried by the troubled air of her boyfriend. You slept and then suddenly you began to agitate ...
He had no answer from the older man who had just hugged him and paused his head on Myungsoo's chest so that he could not see his face. The youngest gently his boyfriend's hair in an attempt to appease him. If he wanted Yeollie to explain what was happening to him, he had to calm down first. Myungsoo thus remained a few moments waiting patiently for the older man to lift his face. It happened a few minutes later. But seeing Sungyeol's face, the younger's heart squeezed. Her boyfriend looked tears in the corner of her eyes. Gently, Myungsoo put his hands on the cheeks of his boyfriend and pressed his forehead against Sungyeol's forehead.
-Calm down, Whispered the young man. I do not know what you saw but do not worry it's over ...
- It was ... It was a child. Stammered the oldest in a low voice. He was fleeing guys ... who were on horseback ... they caught up with him and they got him ... .They got it ...

Myungsoo did not have too much trouble understanding what the older man wanted to say and took him in his arms again. The youngest of them kissed him and started talking to him to try to make him change his mind. The oldest listened without opening his mouth once. Hear the voice of Myungsoo soothe him. It was not until early afternoon that Sungyeol seemed to come out of shock, which seemed to relieve Myungsoo. Besides, he suggested to his boyfriend to go for a walk in town to change his mind. The older man nodded and that's how they came out of Myungsoo's apartment. The air was mild and the wind was not violent which made their walk very pleasant on this spring day. While they were walking, Myungsoo kept looking at her boyfriend and was relieved to see that the older man had regained his usual expression. While Myungsoo never ceased to moan that Sungyeol sometimes had a childish behavior that he annoyed but the boy had to admit that he preferred it as well. Myungsoo had to admit that seeing his boyfriend with such an expression as that of a lost child had deeply upset him. But hey he was better and that was the main thing.
-Watch out! He went crazy! A voice shouted in their backs.
The two boys turned to face an ebony black horse galloping in their direction. Myungsoo began to move from the stallion's trajectory. What was his surprise when he turned around And saw that Sungyeol had not moved. The older man had his eyes wide open and he was shaking in all his limbs while whispering an incomprehensible sentence.
-Yeollie what are you doing ?! Interpellated Myungsoo trying to get her boyfriend to react as the horse moved dangerously in his direction.
Without taking the time to think of the consequence that his action might cause, the boy threw himself on his boyfriend, causing him to fall. This action earned Sungyeol to avoid the standard of accuracy. He stood up, leaning on his elbows. He did not have time to sketch a single gesture that Myungsoo took from his shoulders and started shaking him violently.
-Are you crazy? ! Why didn't you move? Exclaimed Myungsoo, looking visibly angry at his boyfriend. If I did not do anything, you could have hurt yourself or worse! I knew you stupid but still not at this point!
-I'm sorry ... Sungyeol whispered, lowering his head to escape his boyfriend's gaze. But he looked like ...
-Are you okay? Cut off a man who had just arrived. I'm sorry this horse belongs to me. I did not understand at once he became crazy and I could not stop him. I am relieved to see that he has not touched you.
The man gives them a friendly hand to help them get up. But when the owner of the crazy horse met Sungyeol's gaze, his expression changed radically. He began to bow respectfully under the dumbfounded gaze of the young man.
-Please accept my sincere apologies I did not want to hurt you, young prince. Excused the man bowing more beautiful. Besides, I did not know you were back in Seoul ...
-Eh? What are you talking about? The older of the two boys wondered. I do not know what you're talking about, but there is no "young prince" here.
-Really? Yet you look a lot like him. You have the same look. Anyway, I'll let you go catch my horse before people get hurt. Once again sorry.
Without further word, the man ran away. Myungsoo, when he found it odd that the man called his boyfriend so. In the few courses of modern history that he had followed, he had heard that the Prince of Korea had been missing for at least 9 years but his body was never found, so it was possible that he was still in life. This story became more and more strange. Myungsoo then proposed to Sungyeol to return to his apartment because it began to have the eyes lost in the wave, after all, they could take a tour in town another time. But what could happen to her boyfriend? The youngest sighed once they were back at his home, happy that they did not have any further problems. On the other hand, Myungsoo thought he might have to ask Woohyun if he knew anything. Alas, what he did not know was that this day had just been the prelude to a series of strange events than the others and that a rather mysterious person had followed them following the mad horse event.
-I finally found it ... Murmured it by starting to disappear in a dark alley. It is only a matter of time but soon the plan I had prepared long ago will finally be completed.
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Kim_MYL #1
Chapter 3: I love it,and about the shortness of chap have u seen my chaps nowadays.
God this fic is good I want to read it none stop. Hehehe
Kim_MYL #2
Chapter 2: It’s ok
Don’t worry,I will stand by u in every moment

And take care of your health(:
Chapter 1: Nice first chapter. Looking forward to the next one
I’m so looking forward to it! >•<
Chapter 1: Read it Im looking forward to these

Kim_MYL #6
Chapter 1: Hello!!! How are you?!

Long time no see, so how is the work going?!

I was waiting for ur updates for sooooo long, and finally my patience bore a fruit(with dramatic effects)

Ok I really liked the first chap and I think I am already getting the idea where this story will go.
(I am at hiatus yet I still can't control myself from coming here)

Waiting for ur next update(s)

Until then,

Bye bye and take care(^- ^)