Please come over.

Why did you save me?

"", he muttered to himself.
Where did Baekhyun go?

He searched his whole apartment, no Baekhyun in sight. When he went back to his room to quickly throw on some pants and a plain white shirt, he noticed a piece of paper laying in front of his bed. On it, a note was written in sloppy handwriting:
"I am sorry but I can't stay here, she will find out. Sorry. I'm glad I got to save you at last."

"Huh? What does he mean?", he blankly stared at the crumpled note. He couldn't quite comprehend what the past few days changed for him. He slowly put it on his nightstand and grabbed his phone. He pressed on his contacts icon and scrolled down until a contact called "Jongin" popped up. He then pressed the call button. After a few rings, he answered.

"What the hell dude? It's barely 9am, you know it's my day off today."
"Can you please come over?"
Jongin stopped.


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