Story of My Life


He recently debuted, and he and s already have so much fans. Having fans are great, but they can also bring in harm. One day, he finds himself kidnapped by an obsessive fan. What can he do to escape?


I sit the pot in the sink. Then, I turn on the water and wait for the water to fill the pot. As I wait, I feel a pair of small arms encircle my waist. A warm presence hug me. My first thought is, one of the member is playing with me.

“Don’t play around,” I say. I take the arms off of me and turn around. My heart drops when I see [her] in front of me.

“Tae Hyung,” she smiles sweetly. “I’m sorry it took me so long to return.” She grabs my hand and starts pulling me away. “Come on.”

I try to resist.

“Our house is waiting for us,” she says sweetly. “We’ll be a happy couple again. No one can come between us this time. I promise.”

“No,” I shout. “I don’t want to go! NO!!!”






This story belongs to me. I wrote it using my own imagination. If there is any other story that is like this one, that is pure coincidence. 


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