The Way Things Were

Mine Only for One Night









Dream about swimming.


 That was Taehyung’s life story until things changed completely. Two years ago, his mother died in a car accident, and it has been hard but thankfully he had Namjoon by his side. Namjoon was a stray, a runaway his mother took in when Taehyung was nine years old, and Namjoon was sixteen. The three of them became family. Taehyung had no clue who or where his father was, aside from his last name. The only thing his mother ever told him was that his father was a worthless bastard and a coward. So, when his mother died, Taehyung often wondered about the worthless bastard in fear that Namjoon would put him in an orphanage or better yet, vanish. But none of that happened yet.

Namjoon was his legal guardian, and together they have been living as brothers, coincidentally, it helped that they shared the same surname too. It made the lie about being brothers easier. A Lie Taehyung enjoyed telling until last summer. He often wondered what it was that changed the way he looked at Namjoon? Was it the heat? Maybe it was the feeling of nostalgia. Maybe it was the way he laughed. His scent. His perfect muscular model likes body. His smile. His dimples. Or maybe it was the way he spoke. So sweet and caring. Smart and wise.


Maybe Taehyung was just losing his mind and needed to get laid but whatever it was, he knows he will never be able to look at his Namjoon-hyung the same again. But so, what? it was just a little crush. That was normal for teens his age, right? He wondered.

But that’s the way things are. Nothing will change that.

Deep in thought, and covered in sweat, Taehyung opened the door, catching his breath. He failed to notice the chatter that was coming from the kitchen. Two familiar voices. He couldn’t help but frown, when he walked in the kitchen to find Namjoon’s longtime boyfriend of three years, Kim Seokjin or Jin for short in the kitchen, with Namjoon leaned over the kitchen counter, watching Jin, make his popular breakfast that he usually makes when he sleeps over. Taehyung couldn’t help but check out Namjoon. He was perfection in denim jeans and a white shirt. His hair from the back, looked a little wet, probably just finished showering.

“Hey,” says Jin, with a huge smile, “Want some breakfast?”

“Huh?” says Taehyung, watching him.

“Go take shower,” says Namjoon, “You have school.”

“I know that,” retorted Taehyung, somehow irritated at the tone of his voice.

“We’ll save you some,” replies Jin. Without saying another word, Taehyung sighs, and heads towards his room. He takes a quick glance at Namjoon, who was taking a bite of whatever it was Jin was feeding him. Taehyung frowned, quickening his pace. His stomach burned with annoyance or so he thought.  

Once he was in his room, he dropped himself on the bed, face forward. He felt awful, Namjoon has been nothing but a caring and supportive guardian and with Jin’s help, he now works at a job that pays twenty and more. He loved them both, but why did seeing them together made his stomach uneasy and his chest tighten. It was jealousy? No, it couldn’t be? Taehyung groans, pressing his face further into the pillow, screaming internally. Having a crush on Namjoon, was like having a crush on an idol. It was all a dream and will remain a dream. Namjoon would never look at him that way, how could he when he practically raised him? Why would he when he had a boyfriend like Kim Seokjin. Handsome, like a Korean actor and successful. He was the youngest chef to win awards and comes from a wealthy family. Why would Namjoon give that up for a sixteen-year-old with nothing to offer?

! just get a hold of yourself, you idiot, he chastised himself mentally. He lifts up head and glanced at the alarm clock.

“! You’re about to be late for school, thinking about stupid ,” he scolds himself, getting up. He opens the door, and makes his way to the bathroom in the hallway, with a towel in his hand. He could hear laughter’s from the kitchen and closed shut the door, wanting to drown out all the nonsense he was feeling. I’m not jealous.

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Chapter 2: I really like the pace of this fiction. Hope to see more pain and angst <3