~*~ 002 ~*~

When There Was Us

‘Dang it!’ Jimin cursed several profanities at the standstill traffic, his eyes darting from the red dashboard screen to the several cars ahead of his own. He had told her to meet him there at 7, and now the clock read a solid 9:40, his phone completely drained of life and the bouquet withering within his passenger seat. He knew she was calling his phone, doubt crawling and caressing her skin, his tardiness never being excusable enough and he would be left with disappointment and wasted time and breath.

Nora didn’t argue when she was upset, instead she was dead silent, proven when he entered the restaurant at exactly 10:20, hair a mess from the frantic hands that combed through them, and her eyes stayed locked on the third empty glass of wine at the table. “Hey” he whispered tenderly, only to receive a narrowed glance and a dismissive shake of her head. “I got you flowers.”

“Thanks” she spoke out, reaching out to exchange the gift and placing them flat against the table, not even offering them the attention they deserved.

“Sorry I’m late” he continued to try, yet was answered with another shake of her head, her hair that was all pulled up and curled, now fell along her shoulders, draping the gold dress in which took her body. “You look beautiful” again, just a narrow gaze that was smudged by the eyeliner that once looked detailed with precision, now wasted by tears that must have flowed openly. Once again, he disappointed her.

“Are you hungry?” She spoke out the words, finally picking up the dozen roses and giving them a small sniff, her nose nestling within the petals as though observing their beauty and creating a soft glow against her cheeks.

“I’m starved” he admitted, thankful when she allowed him her hand and received the kiss, he placed upon it.

Conversations with Nora were always easy once they began, considering they often saw the same visions and views on several topics, creating a nice welcoming environment. It didn’t take them long before their laughter and playful shoves took over the disappointment, allowing sorrows to be replaced gingerly with love and affection. Life with Nora, was a happy one, and soon he would be taking on a vow with her, to continue their happy lives for as long as they both shall live. She only had to say yes.

“Where have you been?” The question he was dreading had arrived with the food, his eyes immediately falling towards the plates, knowing he wasn’t a very convincing liar.

“At work” yet despite knowing his flaws, he tried desperately to lie to her.

“I see” and as predicted, she knew it instantly and yet just nodded and placed her fork against the plate, indicating her appetite was finished, and his proposal at this time would not be accepted. “What were you doing at work?” Did she purposely say work weird? Jimin couldn’t tell if he was paranoid, or if she was suspicious.

“Simple things” his short answers, she had to have known, and yet she stayed silent and nodded instead, scooping up a spoonful of the strange soup she enjoyed so much. “How was your day?” He tried swaying her attention, but when her eyes looked up and met with his own, he knew, that he didn’t convince her, she was only trying to be polite.


“I can’t believe you finally convinced him to leave the office early” Kim Taehyung was Jimin’s best friend, considering they were the same age and the only two within the entire office field and perhaps even building.

“What do you mean?” Nora asked, she could never get that man to leave his office. If he had to choose between making a contract, or cuddles on the couch, he’d choose the latter.

“Yesterday” Taehyung gave her a weird look, questioning her sanity as she returned a similar one towards him. “he left before lunch Nora, don’t play dumb.”

There it was, the resolve of any hope she held of being wrong about her boyfriend’s whereabouts, crumbled and depleted within a fraction of time. Years of built love and understanding, demolished by two seconds of a day. She wanted to believe him, wanted to act as though she didn’t hear him talking to a woman on the balcony the other night, but here was the proof, smacked in her face and leaving her open for attack.

“Yeah, I can’t believe it either” she knew the name, heard so many stories about the envious couple that she would be naïve not to know her name. Bae Suzi, the same girl he called in his sleep, or scanned her social media when he thought Nora wasn’t looking. Yet she was always watching, breaking, and stumbling with each new discovery.

“and then he said some lame dad joke and…” she could only collect pieces of a conversation, yet her lips would pull upwards, lifting into the perfected smile she learned to perfect through years of pain. “Isn’t that funny?”

“It’s hilarious Tae” she hummed, but was stunned when her next step led her right into a hard chest, her eyes quick to scale the tall being until reaching his eyes.

“You alright?” Taehyung whispered, concern within his eyes that was dismissed with a bright smile of torture.

“Yeah, just tired” or so she tells the world, maybe one day, she’ll find her rest.


Taehyung was suspicious when Jimin left the office early, proclaiming that his engagement couldn’t wait, despite knowing the reservation was set at 7, he helped set it up. What was more suspicious, was the phone call he had received before leaving the office, and more suspicious than that? Was when Taehyung walked past the restaurant and physically saw Nora sitting alone around 8 in the evening.

Yet he also couldn’t just call out his best friend either, not without losing his friendship with the man he’s known since high school. So instead, he would lead Nora to the clue’s, knowing she was clever enough to figure it out, to put the pieces together. He only hoped, that she was strong enough to endue the pain, that came from whatever truth lied out there, waiting to be discovered.

“Should I walk you home?” He suggested, and wasn’t surprised when she smiled even brighter and shook her head, wishing him a goodnight, and walking away. As she had done since high school, never seeing the faults in people, and keeping hers hidden all the same.

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