Memoirs in the Office

Breathing Space: Live Your Ink
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Forty-six minutes into the shift and my mind wandering through a cloud of haze is a good indication that this is not the place I belong to. I dislike its temporariness, the long sighs of a co-worker and his frequent browsing of
unrelated-to-work-sites pricking my irritation.


I looked within for any sign of loving the grind, anything that will continue to fuel my intention and feed my purpose. But I could find none. I am built to lead. My essence is to give back to the Earth, and bring humanity to their truest sense- being human.

I am living in a borrowed time, and I simply couldn’t afford to dilly-dally. I’ve done that countlessly in the past decade. An internal alarm is set. It is about to ring, and I, filled with anticipation, could almost hear it. Almost time, but not quite. And it is in the quiet stillness of waiting, waiting and waiting that you will be tested. Are you going to settle? Or is this where you rise above when things fall into place?

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