Fell In Love At a Stranger


"heeeeeeey, wassup?"

is it weird to get attracted to someone whom you just met on a strange website? because i did and i admitted it.

"have you already eaten your meal?"

is it weird to immediately fallen in love with a stranger by only the way he send his text?

"hey, i just wanna talk to something tragic... i hope you will listen."

is it weird to feel concerned about someone you even do not know his identity yet you are there, listening to his story?

"i just broke up with my girlfriend"

is it weird to feel happiness upon hearing this line coming from him? 

"and i still love her..."

but is it weird to cry over a line from a stranger saying this? 

is it weird to fall in love with a stranger you met on text?


~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~ ♡ ~♡ ~♡ ~♡ ~♡ ~♡ ~♡

I know this but thank you for viewing this. I hope you will proceed to chapter 1, uwuwuwuwuwu.


ps: this will be written in chat form kekekekeke.

☆ have a nice day ahead! ☆


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1122 streak #1
Looking forward to it :)