
Happiness is the best medicine


Don't you think it's a little creepy to watch her sleep like that?' Jimin teased but I ignored him. I wasn't going to let y/n out of my sight 'you know I'm only joking anyways' he added.
I rolled my eyes and looked back  at y/n who was sleeping soundly beside me.
It looked as though, thanks to her condition it had actually allowed her to stay asleep, she must have been more tired than I thought.
I moved hair out of her eye and kissed her cheek lightly, she stirred but didn't wake up which was good.
I sat there and gazed down at her, she was so beautiful, how I had managed to keep my feelings to myself for so long was beyond me but now I had her and I was so happy, I would do anything for her.

For the first time in a while my leg was bothering me, but I didn't want to give up, I couldn't give up, I was so close to getting this perfect.
I was tired, my whole body ached now too but I had to keep going.
Had I taken my meds recently? Was this just my narcolepsy playing with me? I decided to take more just in case. Why couldn't I remember?
God I was tired.
I took some for the pains too, hoping that would help and went back to work.
And that's when everything went black.

My phone lit up with an unknown number, usually I wouldn't answer it but last time I had was when I found out about y/n and I had been reunited with her so I answered it this time too.
I frowned 'yeah I'm his friend, why? Is he okay?' I asked worried 'WHAT??' I shouted, jolting y/n awake.
'W-what's going on?' she asked sleepily rubbing her eyes.
'Hoseok's in hospital, they think he's overdosed' I replied.
'Oh my god. Why would he do that?'
'I don't know, I'm going to see him now'
'I'm going too' she said standing up.
'No, stay here,I don't want you to hear what ever might be said' I told her, she tried to protest but I stayed firm.
'Give Hoseok my love' she said.
I nodded and kissed her 'Jimin, I'm going out for a bit' I heard him reply and headed out.

Why had Hoseok done this? I hoped and prayed that it was all a big misunderstanding and he hadn't done it because he had wanted to.
He had been socheerful when I'd met him a few days earlier and he had helped me to look on the bright side again,he had to be okay.
Jimin came and sat beside me.
'Everything will be okay y/n, you'll see' he smiled and hugged me.
'I really hope you're right Jiminie' I sighed.

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