I'm Dying

Jaemin the Icy Prince and Me

I'm at my locker, and you're at yours.

There's a crowd around you, as always.

And there's that girl.

She's always hanging around you.

She's the prettiest girl in school. Of course, she would be.

Su Lin.

Even her name is pretty.

That long, lustrous hair, the heart-shaped face, that flawless complexion, s to rival Miss Universe's, and legs that reach up to there. And I swear her skirt's shorter than it was yesterday.

Yes, she was there with you yesterday.

And the day before that.

And the day before the day before that.

Come to think of it, she's been with you every day. Every. Single. Freaking. Day.

She's smiling and laughing now, showing perfect, even white teeth, and tossing her hair, and doing things with her eyes.

She's flirting with you.

It makes me mad seeing her bat her eyes at you.

It does things to me, watching her with you.

It makes my heart feel heavy, and kind of squashed.  Like it's being weighed down with a sack of stones. Or bricks. Like the air's being slowly wrung out, like when you want to handwash a shirt, and you're squeezing and twisting it, tighter and tighter, so that you'll get every last drop of water out, bit by bit, and in the end, your shirt's all dried up and wrinkly and knotted up...that's how my heart is feeling right now - the only difference is, it's not water that's trickling out, but lightness and life; I'm dying, every second that ticks by, watching her with you, watching you watching her...

You slam the locker shut.

You're heading this way.

My way.

Oh God.

My breath is coming in jerky gasps.

I start to arrange the stuff in my locker frantically.

I can't breathe.


I feel your breath on my hair.

I turn.

You're looking down steadily at me.

"H - hey," I mumble.

Your lips quirk just a fraction, and a ghost of a smile plays about your lips for a second.

Your eyes flick over me slowly, taking your time, all the way down, then up, and rest on my face.

A delicious tingle is spreading all over my body, as if a ginormous tub of melted chocolate and fluffy warm cream has appeared magically out of thin air, and is tilting over, ever so lazily, so languidly, and the molten smoking lava of chocolate and cream is pouring slowly over, and seeping so decadently into every inch of me...

"So," you murmur, "bye..."

"Y - yeah," I stutter. "Bye..."

And then you're walking down the corridor, Su Lin turning her head curiously to stare at me, just before both of you disappear around the corner.

I touch my cheeks.

They're burning.

And my heart isn't heavy anymore.

It feels curiously light.

And it's pounding like crazy...






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Okay this cute