So This is Love


Love is annoyingly undefinable.


Sometimes, Wheein is just like a dog, sensing emotions and trying her best to make them happy or keep them happy. It’s a great trait in a friend, because she is the right amount of pushy.

“Love,” Hyejin remarks carelessly. She wipes away the ring of condensation with her hand, pulling down her sleeve to clean up the wet smear.

“Oh ho?”

Not like that. Please. With what spare time? Just, like, what even is love?” Song after song and movie after movie are about how amazing love is or how much it or dreaming about being in love. None ever actually really explain what it is.

According to a web search, the Greeks believe in eight types of love: unconditional love, romantic love, affectionate love, self-love, familiar love, enduring love, playful love, and obsessive love. She understands the adjectives. All but one sound nice, in theory. The fundamental love, though, is like something that everyone is just supposed to know, and Hyejin doesn’t.


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