

“I don’t like him,” I pouted while sipping on my strawberry milk.

“Oh, come on! It’s not like you’ll be working directly under him! And, think about it!” Sikyung yelled at me. We were in our shared apartment. It was 10PM, we were getting ready to go to bed, but then Sikyung tried to get me to give her my resume. “The fact that the CEO of Oh Industries ask you directly for your resume means something! You’ll definitely get hired! If you get a job there, our lives would be so much easier! Twice my paycheck, plus Chanyeol’s, we’ll be rich before we know it!”

I rolled my eyes and stared at Chanyeol for help, Sikyung’s boyfriend of five years, but he only shrugged as he continued munching on his late-night cereal. His eyes became glued to whatever KDRAMA rerun was playing on the television.

“Thanks, bro.”

They still hadn’t gotten married, but he was pretty much already family.

My parents tell all of my relatives that Sikyung and Chanyeol are married anyway, so he was like my brother. He had been in my life since I was 16. I grew up with him during most of high school and all of college.

Chanyeol worked in accounting for Oh Industries while Sikyung worked in Marketing. I guess siblings were alike because I had majored in Marketing.

Yes, it was a dream to work in a large company like Oh Industries and have a stable paycheck every two weeks, but I wasn’t sure if I was ready to put my big girl pants on.

“Urgh,” I groaned. “Fine. I’ll think about it,” I squeezed the rest of the strawberry milk out of the carton and threw it at the trash can feet away.



I stared at the particular time and date on my phone. The time and date of my interview. I had decided to apply online through the company’s website.

It didn’t even take a week before I got an email that I was accepted for a face-to-face interview, which was strange because Chanyeol, Sikyung, and basically everyone I knew that applied to work for Oh Industries always had a phone interview before even getting considered for an actual face-to-face interview.

So, there I stood at the front doors of my sister and sister’s boyfriend workplace, wondering if I really belonged there. I hadn’t quit my job at the café yet, just in case I don’t get hired, but for some reason, something told me that I’d get accepted, but I kept on telling myself that I was being a bit too optimistic, if I was even being optimistic at all.

I looked at my reflection as I walked towards the large glass doors of the building. I had dressed professionally today. I was a size smaller than Sikyung. I didn’t have any professional attire to wear, other than the black heels that I had from prom back in high school and one fancy shirt. So, I had to borrow from Sikyung. All she had that fit me was a black pencil skirt and a white flowly tank top. I decided to take one of her black dress jackets to cover my arms. I wasn’t comfortable with showing a lot of skin. I was already wearing a skirt!

I paired my outfit with a small black purse I had bought from an old grandma selling items at the night market.

It wasn’t anything much, but it held all of my needed items.

I could feel eyes on me the moment I stepped foot into the building. Whether they were scrutinizing my outfit and purse or talking about how I was the girl that the CEO Oh spoke to weeks before, I could have cared less.

But, that still didn’t mean that I felt uncomfortable.

I walked over to the front desk and gave them my name and reason for my visit. The woman standing behind the desk looked at her computer screen for quite a while. A look of distaste took place on her face. I gulped. Did I come at the wrong time?

“You have an interview with CEO Oh in five minutes. It’ll be in his office. This is the key that you’ll need to insert into the elevator to get to his office,” she handed me a skeleton key.

Ah, that was why.

No one ever had direct interviews with the actual CEO of Oh Industries. I was just getting interviewed for a mere subordinate position in the marketing position. Why was I being interviewed by the actual CEO!

I gulped, taking the key that seemed to weigh like hundreds of pounds. I breathed out a shaky breath and my heels to the silver double doors across the grand hall and marched onto my unforeseen doom.


The elevator doors opened to reveal a small hallway that lead to a set of grand double doors that seemed to belong in a King’s palace.

I gulped again, holding the key harder than necessary. If I lost it, they’d probably make me pay hundreds or even thousands for the key. With each step I took towards the doors, the more the feeling of running away grew in me.

It wasn’t like I actually wanted this job, right? I still needed to learn and grow as a person!

I sighed and decided that this was a once in a lifetime opportunity and held my tongue as I knocked thrice.

“Come in.”

It was muffled, but I heard it. I cleared my throat and stood up tall.

If I was going to go through with this interview, might as well swipe the man off his feet.

I opened the door to my right and stepped into another hallway with several other doors. CEO Oh stood before me with his arms crossed and a smirk plastered onto his face.

“Glad you could make it, Lee Sihyeon. You’re right on time.”

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Chapter 5: Woah he's kinda creepy actually! How did he know her, if he really had history with her? He's seven years older than her! When did they ever had the same circle? Please update soon, I'm excited to read more!
minyoungunnie #2
Chapter 5: Uhhh with their , when would she have ever seen him?
Also, just saying but 115,000 won is like...100 or so dollars.
Chapter 5: Omgeeeee~ Mr. OH~ straight to the point~ㅋㅋㅋ♥
He knew her~?
Can't wait for more~♥
Chapter 5: Omgeeeee~ Mr. OH~ straight to the point~ㅋㅋㅋ♥
He knew her~?
Can't wait for more~♥
Chapter 5: I came from the card au and im uwu at Sehun's behaviour ehhe he's being so cute <3
Chapter 4: Okayyy.... Uhh... What just happened with Sehun? I mean, okay, I was not expecting that nickname fiasco
Chapter 5: I'm so curious about Sehun's behaviour!
Chapter 4: Storyline is golden as I'm sure are your future endeavors. Good luck. Fighting!!!!!❤
Chapter 4: Update soon author nim
Chapter 4: Sehun is so playful and cute!