Navigation & Apps

☫ — Dremius: 1995 HARRY POTTER AU — MeWeRP。| SCHOOL & CITY | semi/full literacy. rated | closed.
Dremius RP.
Click anywhere on "Navigation" above to be directed to the Dremius Tumblr. THis link will have all the information necessary (masterlist, available roles, etc) to understand the roleplay and join!
How to Apply
Click over the underlined for links.

First, we recommend looking at the
roles overview.

As a Student/P.A./Professor:
1. Check
Hogwarts Roles
2. Check Part-Time jobs at The Ministry and Magical Establishments*
3. Establish
Self/family residence in London*

As a Ministry/Magical Establishment Worker:
1. Check
Ministry Roles or Magical Establishment Roles
2. Establish residence (and family*) in London

* optional

After reading through the listed pages, you should get an idea of how to fill out the
This section is found here and on the website. Submit this to either the Tumblr Ask box or as a comment on the AFF thread.

Part 1. OOC Information
I. Faceclaim Name + Group/Occupation
II. Faceclaim Age + Ethnicity
III. First or Second Character?

Part 2. Character Basics
I. Name
II. Age
III. Bloodtype
IV. 2 Positive Traits
V. 2 Negative Traits
VI. Extra ( moving couple, animagus, seer, etc. )

Part 3. Fill out what corresponds to the position you want to apply for. The part 3's for each role is located below.

make sure to include your password at the end of your application!
Student App

I. Year
II. House
III. If any, list the desired Hogwarts role, London residence, and/or job

PA/Professor APP

I. Subject
II. Alma Mater ( if known, also House )
III. If any, list the desired London residence and/or part-time/summer job

Note: P.A.'s are Professor Assistants. They help Professors teach their subjects and run the class. It is a non-canon position.
Employee App

I. Job(s)
II. Alma Mater ( if known, also House )
III. London residence
Note: Employees include ministry of magic staff, hogsmeade staff, st. mungo's, etc.

The average character age in the roleplay is ~21, and most characters are students. as a result, it may be difficult to interact with other roleplayers. Nonetheless, we strongly encourage those who are interested in non-student positions to apply and Diversify the community!
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We have moved to MeWe & we have a new application form! Please read carefully.


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hireath #1
Chapter 19: is your roleplay still active ?
Chapter 1: Sample Application B:

Part 1. OOC Information

I. Tom Holland, Actor
II. 23, English
III. Second, first is Edward Snarkleson ( Tom Hardy )

Part 2. Character Basics

I. Victoire Lyson
II. 21
III. Half-Veela
IV. Enthusiastic, Trustworthy
V. Erratic, Absent-Minded
VI. Occlumens

Part 3. Student

I. 7th Year
II. Hufflepuff
III. Family lives in Vygilkik, Venusia Road 428; Part-Time Intern for the Muggle-Worthy Excuse Committee

“[ insert password ]”
Chapter 1: Sample Application A:

Part 1. OOC Information

I. Tom Hardy, Actor
II. 41, English
III. First

Part 2. Character Basics

I. Edward Snarkleson
II. 39
III. Pureblood
IV. Adventurous, Confident
V. Aggravating, Stressed
VI. Animagus: Bear

Part 3. Professor

I. Alchemy
II. Ilvermorny, Horned Serpent
III. Minchumnents Building, 41

“[ insert password ]”
Chapter 1: ------ REVAMP ------
Chapter 2: Cain Bane has applied.
Chapter 2: Xavier Aytigin has applied
Chapter 2: Sera Davenstein has applied.
alphanumerique #8
Daniel Collins has applied.
alphanumerique #9
Mattheus Nott has applied.
Chapter 2: Persephone Jung has applied.