i'm only one call away


It had all started with a Tumblr post


okay so this is a result of watching one of those 'meeting my girlfriend/boyfriend for the first time' videos so here i am. i didn't edit this a whole bunch and i pLaN On FiNiSHINg a sTORy foR OnCe but lets see how that turns out. hopefully i can get another chapter up next week :] pls pls leave comments or feedback anything helps 

let me know if yall want like one more chapter or something. im horrible at endings and quite lazy so i just left it here i also dont' know how to write a kissing scene so i was D: that entire time i was writing it. pls leave comments if u want <3 thank you guys for reading this


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Chapter 3: I'm so happy for this update! Thank you ♥_♥
Yay20happy #2
Chapter 2: awww soo cute...finally jongdae's pov...
Yay20happy #3
Chapter 1: please continue this..i need this in my life...
Chapter 1: They are so cute!!~~ Can't wait for more ♥