Dead Tired

Dead Tired

Dead Tired


Jin looked at everyone as they sat around the kitchen table. They had a day off, finally and the dorm needed a thorough clear out and a tidy up. They had barely spent time there apart from showering, sleeping changing and eating in the last few months. Most of the time they were going from one place to another. Sitting down and almost sighing loudly in relief as his body relaxed into the wooden chair.


"Right, you all know what you are to do?" he asked glancing at them all. He had spent the early hours of the morning, when he couldn’t sleep, thinking of everything that needed doing around the dorm and splitting it up between them all. He didn't want to do it all himself, and occasionally that would happen when the others were tired. He wouldn’t let them get away with it this time, he would get them all to help.


"Yeah," Jungkook nodded as he and the others all started to get up.


Jin watched for a minute as he let himself rest a little. he was exhausted, he knew that the others must be feeling the same. With a deep sigh, he struggled to his feet and got to work. Occasionally they would cross each others path as they went around the dorm. Changing the bedding and setting up another load of laundry. Jin walked into the living room, trying to find all the plates, cups and things that needed to be washed up. there were piles of it in the kitchen and he had nothing to use that morning for breakfast. Instead the older had ordered breakfast in so they could eat, and set them all to work after they finished.


Smiling at Jimin as they passed in the hallway where the bedrooms were an armful of crockery in his hands as he went back to the kitchen. He started to wash up, stopping for a moment as his swayed a little at the sink. Knowing that he would crash sometimes soon, he went to the fridge and grabbed one of Yoongi's energy drinks that he occasional drank. Chugging it quickly he threw it away and then went back to washing up. He would have to replace the few of them that he had had so far that day. Yoongi didn't mind the others drinking them, as long as they told him and replaced them. Much like anything else that someone brought for themselves.


Almost an hour later he was drying the last bowl and putting it away. Going to the chair, he flopped down in it, resting his head against the table as it swam. He was feeling dizzy and a little lightheaded. His heart was thumping oddly in his chest. Letting his eyes closed for a moment, he didn't realise he had dozed off until was startled away by Jungkook shouting.




Jin's eyes flew open, glancing around as his heart leap into his throat as he tried to find out what was wrong. He felt a hand grab him before he could fall off the chair he had been on. It took him a moment to realise that it was just Jungkook in the room with him, "What?" he asked him, breathing hard.


"You were sleeping Hyung, we've got work to do, remember," he grinned at him.


Jin huffed as he got up, clutching tightly at the table as his vision darkened a little for a moment, "Go back to work," he told him, ignoring the teasing tone of the younger. He wasn't really in the mood to play along with the maknae as he usually was.


"You okay hyung?" Jungkook frowned, a little concerned about the elder's behaviour.


Jin turned to him, smiling as normal, "I'm fine Kook-ah, go and carry on, I'll be working as well, so don't you worry," he told him as he ruffled his hair, much to the younger's protests. Jin kept the smile on his face as he then headed to the bedroom's, he knew that Hoseok and Jimin were the ones in charge of gathering all the bedding and changing them, as well as tidying the rooms. Namjoon and Taehyung had been told to tidy up the living room and gather the rubbish from all rooms. Yoongi had been sent to gather all the laundry and take it down as well as set up a load or two each time.


"Want a little help?" Jin asked as soon as he walked into Hoseok and Jimin's room. Seeing the two of them hard at work.


"If you want, we could do with it," Hoseok said as he glanced up from where he was pulling things from under his bed.


"Right," he nodded as he then began to help Hoseok and pick up the things he was pulling out. There were some clothes, a few books even a couple of CD's that had somehow ended up under there. "You need to take better care of them," he murmured with a small smile on his face.


"Yeah, I know hyung," Hoseok grinned at him, "I still don't know how they ended up under there, I put them away most of the time," he added as he pulled out another shirt, tossing it towards Jimin.


"Really, another?" Jimin snorted as he went over and picked it up, adding it to the pile of dirty laundry that would be going into the hallway for Yoongi to pick up.


"Sorry," Hoseok said, though they both could tell that he wasn't.


"Come on, let's strip the beds," Jimin suggested next as the last of the things from under both beds was picked up and put away.


Jin nodded as they went over to Jimin's bed first and started to strop it. Hoseok left to get some clean bedding for both beds as they started to stop it. Jimin tossing it out into the hallway, with the rest. It didn't take long for Hoseok to return. They were walking towards Jin and Yoongi's room when Jin started to stumble a little as he walked. His balance going off as his heart started to thud a little in his chest. Vision fading a little as he slammed his hand on the wall, to try and stop himself from falling.


"Hyung?" Hoseok called out softly as he and Jimin heard the noise from behind them. Only to see Jin leaning against the wall, eyes trained on the ground below him.


Jimin and Hoseok rushed over, "Are you okay?" Jimin worried as he placed a hand on Jin's shoulder.


Jin blinked a few times before he looked up, "Yes, I'm fine," he smiled at them, "come on, we have a lot of work still to do," he pointed out.


With that, he pushed off from the wall and headed towards his bedroom, wanting to get the work done so he could rest and have another coffee, or maybe another of Yoongi's energy drinks. Jin stumbled a few more times, and each time Jimin and Hoseok glanced at him in worry. He was able to brush them off, just telling them that he had too much coffee. They carried on working, going around the dorm as they cleaned up.


Jin walked out of the kitchen after having to do another load of washing up from the mugs and glasses that had been found in the bedrooms. He smiled as the others were in the living room, relaxing after their cleaning. Jin walked in, spots dancing in his eyes as he did so. He stood there, he could feel the eyes of the others on him.


"Hyung?" Namjoon called out, a frown on his face as he started to get up.


Jin blinked and then looked at him, "I'm... sorry," and with that, his eyes rolled back and he slumped, Namjoon rushed forwards, trying to grab Jin before he hit the floor. The others calling for their hyung in panic as they all looking on in horror.


"What?" Jungkook frowned as he saw Jin laying in Namjoon's arms.


"Do you think we should call an ambulance?" Jimin asked as he went over and knelt down beside the two of them.


Yoongi went over as well, settling by Namjoon, "no, I don't think it's needed, I think he's exhausted, I know he's been having a lot of trouble sleeping," he said softly.


"Well, let's get him to bed then?" Taehyung piped up from where he was watching, worried brown eyes locked on his hyung.


Namjoon nodded as he carefully stood up, just about able pick him up as he headed towards Jin's bedroom. The others all following, each of them worried. Soon enough he had Jin settled in his bed, sleeping peacefully. Jungkook and Taehyung had quickly slid onto the bed, either side of Jin as the others piled onto Yoongi's bed to wait for their hyung to wake up. They needed to know he was okay.


The others were all dosing a little as Jin began to wake up almost three hours later. He felt warm, comfortable and a little less out of it that he had when he had last woken up after only a half hours sleep. He shifted around, waking the two that were half asleep beside him.


"hyung!" Jungkook exclaimed, a happy note to his voice as the others quickly started to move around and sit up from where they had fallen into a light doze.


"You okay?" Taehyung asked him as Jin finally opened his eyes and glanced at him.


"Yeah, I am," he frowned, wondering why there were all gathered around like this, "Why are you all here?" he asked, curiously.


"You passed out," Namjoon answered him calmly.


"You scared us hyung," Taehyung said as he lay back down and wrapped his arms around his hyung and holding him tightly.


"I'm sorry, I'm just really tried," he said, hugging Taehyung back before he started to try and sit up.


Jungkook pushed him back down, "sorry hyung, but you're resting," he grinned.


"I'm fine now, I just needed some extra sleep, that was all," he protested as he tried once more to get up, shaking his head.


"Sorry hyung," Namjoon said with a soft shake of his head, "we're all tired, we know that, but Yoongi-hyung said that you've been having trouble sleeping. So, we decided that you are resting for the rest of today in bed, and tomorrow as well, you're not to do anything but rest up and catch up on sleep," he ordered gently.


Jin tried a few more times to protest, but nothing worked, all six of them putting their foot down and making sure that their hyung rested until he recovered, his dongsaengs making sure of it.

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Tomikochan #1
Chapter 1: Awww! It’s so cute. I am soft for members caring and being worried about Jin <3 I loved this short story :)