Demon Child (Part 1)

The Great Ones

As a man stepped outside from his long twelve hour work shift, the night sky had begun to turn a dark red; dark enough to not catch any attention, but staring at it for long enough someone would know the difference. 

A woman, coming out from the same work building, joined him. She nudged the man with her elbow.

”Leaving for your honeymoon, right? Excited?” The woman asked.

”You know it.” 

“Well, enjoy yourself. Wear a .” The woman said before walking off to her car. The man watched her drive off. 

The man lit a cigarette and took a few puffs before tossing it on the ground and stepping on it to put it out. He began to walk to his car. As he passed a sewer grate, a feminine voice called out to him. 

“Hey, sailor.” 

The man stopped to look to where he heard the voice. There was no one around. He shrugged it off and continued to his car. After entering and sitting in the driver seat, he started to his car. He fixed his radio to a rock station, as it was on an indie station. 

“Why are you ignoring me?” 

The man looked in his backseat. There was no one there. 

“Hello?” The man called out. 

“You’re making me angry.” The voice said. “I’m not nice when I’m angry.” 

“Where are you?” The man asked. 

“Behind you.” 

The man looked in the back again. A small male child sat in the middle of the seat. It’s face began to morph, it’s black hair becoming a flaky white, it’s hazel eyes turning black and it’s teeth sharpening into razor sharp pincers. It let out a sharp roar before pouncing on the man, ripping into his neck with its razor teeth, killing him. 


Yoongi scrolled through a job site. He sighed, finding no positions he wanted. He shut his laptop and groaned.

Ryujin walked in from the living room, “Hey.” 


Ryujin went to the fridge and pulled out items to make a sandwich. She noticed Yoongi’s mood, “you okay?” 

“Why don’t any places want a recent bio major graduate.” 

“Maybe you aren’t looking hard enough, and isn’t your graduation not until next week. You are technically still a student.” 

“My entire study group already have places to go. What do I got?” 

Woozi walked in from the back door, his face covered in a black substance, “Never thought I’d fight a demon at a renaissance fair.”  

“Well, that’ll be the first one in like, what, two months.” Ryujin said. 

“Give or take, yeah.”

”It’s been a nice break.” Woozi joked as he sat in a chair at the table. 

“Is your office hiring?” Yoongi asked.

”Always, why?” 

“He can’t find a lab to hire him.” 

“You want to work as an office assistant? What was the point of your degree then?” 

“Nobody I want to work for is hiring.” 

Woozi nodded, “I can give you an application when I go back after my days off.” 


”But you should just focus on graduation for now.” 

Yoongi nodded and rose, “I’m going to go pick up my cap and gown. Want anything while I’m out?” 

“Oh! We need milk.” Ryujin said as she put away everything she took out, her sandwich on the counter. “And maybe coffee filters.” 

“And chips.” Woozi added. 

“Okay. Anything else?” No one answered. “Alright, see you guys later.” Yoongi said before grabbing his keys and leaving. 

“Oh, Woozi! Guess what happened at work, you’re not gonna believe this, a demon attacked me when I was in the bathroom.” 


“Yeah, it was crazy.” 

“What did you do? Tell it to wait?” Woozi joked. 

“Sort of. I forced it to kneel and give me toilet paper.” 

“Then what?” 

“You know, made it kill itself.” 

“Cool. How'd you explain it to your coworkers?” 

“I was able to make it look like a plumbing accident. Onew spent like an hour checking the toilet for issues.” 

“Whose Onew again?”

”Remember that hag, witch thing we fought like eight months ago?”

”Oh. Yeah. Wow, I completely forgot he existed.” Woozi said. “Doesn’t he know about us?” 

Ryujin thought for a moment then shrugged, "I honestly can't remember. I lost count on who knows about us. Maybe?"

Woozi nodded then sighed, "I am not looking forward to monday."


"Work. It's been so stressful with Seongchul."

"How many times have you been freezing him a day?"

Woozi looked at her with guilt, "I lose count."

"Can he tell?"

Woozi nodded, "he knows. I usually just walk away from him after I do the freezing."

'Maybe you should just talk to him?"

"Why don't you ask mister muscle angel out?"

Ryujin shook her head and sighed, "changing the subject. Classic Woozi."

"I don't always change the subject!"

"When it involves Seongchul, then yeah, you do."

"No I don't."

Ryujin took the final piece of her sandwich into and shrugged. She chewed then swallowed. She patted Woozi on the shoulder before going to her bedroom. Woozi thought on Ryujin's words for a moment before groaning and running a hand through his hair. 


Woozi pressed the elevator call button and sighed. The butterflies in his stomach were fluttering like crazy. He watched the floor number rise, he begged for something to stop the elevator from rising or that Seongchul wasn't at work today.

If by some case of unfortunate luck, as soon as the elevator doors opened. Woozi almost ran right into Wonwoo. Wonwoo opened his mouth to speak, but Woozi let out a deep breath then slipped past him.

Wonwoo sighed and entered the elevator. He eyed Woozi as the doors closed. He pressed the lobby button and waited. 

"You are a bad boy." a voice called out.

Wonwoo looked around but found no person to the voice. Wonwoo brushed it off as just elevator noise.

"Don't ignore," the voice said. Wonwoo turned to his left, looking down to see a little boy looking up at him. Wonwoo tried to answer him, but the boy's face transformed, "me." 

Wonwoo's eyes widened just before the boy lunged at the man. His screams were heard as he passed each floor, but the employees on each level shrugged it off. His screams were no more as the elevator reached the lobby. A woman coming in late to work ran to the elevator, pressing the call button. As the elevator doors opened, the woman let out a loud shriek. The security guard on duty rushed over.

Inside the elevator, several strands of intestines hung from the ceiling. Blood splattered on every surface, an eye ball smushed into the button panel, tufts of hair littered the floor, drenched in blood. A severed hand twitched in the corner of the elevator. The woman fainted right on the spot. The security guard covered his mouth then reached for his radio with a trembling hand.

Woozi sat down at his desk and sighed. Before he could even begin signing into his computer, Seongchul walked out of his office with wide eyes. Woozi eyed him then slowly raised his hands.

"Wonwoo was just murdered in the elevator." Seongchul said immediately, there was a mix of shock and fear in his voice. Woozi's hands fell and he rose from his chair. "His body was shredded up like a blender." He whispered, hoping no one else heard.

Woozi wanted to say something but his instincts kicked in. He leaned in closer to Seongchul, so no one would hear him, "put the floor on lockdown, now."

Seongchul nodded and watched Woozi gather his thing. He grabbed onto Woozi's arm, "what are you doing?"

Woozi pulled out of his grasp, "don't touch me." Woozi ran a hand through his hair. He sighed then shoved his phone into Seongchul, "call Ryujin and Yoongi."


"Do it. Now." Woozi said before running off to the emergency stairwell. He groaned as he realized how many floors he'd have to descend to reach the lobby. 


Yoongi leaned against his somewhat-full cart. He eyed the shelf full of paper products. Airpods in his ears, playing pop music. His phone began to vibrate in his pocket, cutting off the music. He dug his phone out of his pocket and saw Woozi's name on the caller id. He answered it.


"Um, Yoongi?" an familiar but unfamiliar voice answered.

"Who is this?"


Yoongi leaned off the car, "how do you have Woozi's phone?"

"H-he told me to call you. My employee was just murdered in the elevator, in a very not-human-like way. Woozi said to call you and Ryu-"

"You aren't in public are you? Because that'd be a pretty stupid thing to say out-"

"I'm in my office. Woozi said-"

"I'm on my way. Call Ryujin." Yoongi interrupted. "Oh, and Seongchul."


"I'm going to kick your  for betraying my best friend." Yoongi said before hanging up.

Yoongi grabbed a few packs of paper towels and toilet paper then rushed to the check-out lane.


Woozi peeked his head into the security office. A group of shaken security guards huddled around a single tv monitor. Woozi eyed the screen, replaying Wonwoo just entering the elevator as he exited. Woozi flicked his hands at the security guards, freezing them. He slipped past the frozen guards and eyed the screen.

Wonwoo began looking around right before a little boy appeared beside him. Woozi watched as Wonwoo noticed him then watched in horror as his coworker was attacked, the little boy's teeth digging into his neck, and his nails ripping into Wonwoo's arms. Woozi paused the tape and ejected it. He opened the tape and took a pen and began stabbing the tape's film. He eyed the frozen guards then mouthed sorry before returning the tape to the player. He slipped past the guards and unfroze them just as he left.

Woozi ran a hand through his hair as he strided through the lobby. He was about to exit the building but Yoongi practically ran him over. 

"Sorry! You okay?" Yoongi asked.

"What are you? A freaking bull?!"

Yoongi chuckled then grew serious, "we have a problem."

"I know. You should have seen what happened."

"You saw it?"

"Security tapes. I had to destroy them."

"Well, that's not what I'm talking about. Ryujin's not picking up her phone."

"She's probably asleep."

"Hopefully." Yoongi said before whispering, "so what attacked your coworker?"

"A demon child."


"Literal demon child."

"Chuckys real?!"




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Chapter 31: Hi, I'm ever so slightly obsessed with this fic. Thanks
Chapter 53: I just want Yoongi and Ryujin to get together.
sottana1 #3
Omg I love it!
Finally getting into it haha
Been planning on reading this for a while now
Chapter 25: Ok what is wrong with Woozi. Like he is getting it with Seugcheol why can't the other 2 too? Like i love uou Zi but you kinda tick me off here
Chapter 6: I like this story
Chapter 1: This is getting more interesting author-nim :) Ryuddaeng and Jihoonie are both my bias and Yoongi is my bias wrecker so this is definitely coooool :D