Siren Says Part 1

The Great Ones

Yoongi ran a hand through his hair as he looked over his study guide. A small ball of fire twirled around his other hand. Woozi was in the same room, washing dishes. Milk sat out on the table, beside an empty bowl of cereal.

Ryujin walked into the kitchen and sighed at the sight of the fire. “If you burn down the house,” Yoongi immediately killed the flame with a snap of his fingers. “Thank you.” Ryujin responded with a small smile.

Woozi finished the dishes as Ryujin walked over to grab a glass. Woozi turned to her, “actually we need it to be magic free today. Seongchul wants me to host the dinner meeting, so there will be like twenty of my coworkers here.”

”Why are we just now hearing of this?” Ryujin asked as she poured herself some milk.

”Because I just heard of this.” Woozi answered.

”Well, you don’t need to worry about this firebender tonight. I’m going to be at the library, pulling an all-nighter before this god damn exam.”

”And I can pick up some overtime at work.”

Woozi smiled, “That sounds perfect.” Woozi turned to look at Ryujin, “how is work going? Does that guy still attack you guys?”

”Just call him a retard.” Yoongi interjected.

”He isn’t a retard, Yoongi.” Ryujin said before shaking her head. “I practice my compulsion on him. I make him behave. It’s been weeks since the last time we have taken him down.”

”Ryujin using her powers for personal gain?” Yoongi gasped.

”Practice, jackwad.” Ryujin chugged the rest of her milk then noticed a small ball of fire looming over Yoongi’s head. “And stop with the fire. Didn’t you hear Woozi?”

”What are you talking about? I’m just studying.”

”Yoongi, I can see the fire above your head.”

Yoongi looked up and fell out of his seat with seeing the fire. “I didn’t do that!”

”A demon?!”

The three looked around the room but found no source of demon. Ryujin turned to Woozi, “Freeze the room.”

Woozi nodded and froze the room. The three proceeded to walk around the frozen room.

”Maybe he, or she, is invisible?” 


”Maybe Yoongi accidentally sat on his lighter and-“

”My lighter is on the counter, .”



”I think I know where the fire came from.”

Woozi pointed above Yoongi’s head. Ryujin followed his finger to see two more balls of fire spinning over his head. Yoongi blinked and another ball of fire materialized above him. Yoongi finally looked up and immediately ducked down.

”Woozi! Freeze!”

”Dude, you’re doing it.” Ryujin said. She grabbed Yoongi by the wrist and dragged him over to a mirror nearby. “Blink.”


Ryujin nudged him. Yoongi blinked and another ball of fire appeared. Yoongi smiled and turned to Woozi.

”Guess your power is developing.” Woozi said.

”But now every time you blink, you conjure fire.” Ryujin added.

”Well I cant stop blinking, dude.”

”Which means you cant leave the house.” Woozi said as he sighed. “And just when I said I wanted today to be magic free.”

”Actually you said tonight.”

”Shut up, Yoongi.” Ryujin snapped, swatting at his arm. 

Woozi suddenly perked up, “Okay. I got it. You can study in your room, and I’ll host down here. You don’t leave your room until everyone’s gone.”

”What about dinner?!”

”I’ll bring you food, dummy.”

”Fine.” Yoongi said. He crossed his arms over his chest, “but I want everyone gone by ten. I need to study.”


Yoongi blinked again, another ball of fire appeared. Ryujin nodded then walked out of the room. She returned a moment later with a fire extinguisher.

”I don’t want to come home to no home. Use it.”

Yoongi grabbed it from her then sighed. He gathered his school materials then retreated to his room. Ryujin took out items to make a sandwich. Woozi sighed.

”More of a reason why I hate the fact that you two have better powers then me.” Woozi said.

”Want to trade? Mine isn’t that great.”

”You can force people to do whatever you want and you can read minds. Yours can be the most powerful if used strategically.”

”I still don’t know how to fully use my abilities. You have full control of yours.”

”But mine has no offensive-“

”You were given it for a reason.” Ryujin added. She put away the materials and bit into her sandwich, “Don’t forget that.”

Woozi sighed then groaned.

That night, Woozi greeted Seongchul at the door. Seongchul was dressed up in a black dress shirt, ed at the top, and brown slacks. Woozi couldn’t help but look his up and down. Seongchul smiled at his obvious wandering eyes then stepped closer. Woozi tensed up. Seongchul leaned in closer, putting his head near Woozi’s ear. 

“Can I come in?” Seongchul whispered. Woozi let out an awkward chuckle before freezing him. He took a step back before fanning himself from the sudden rise of heat in his body. Woozi took a deep breath, returned to his original position then unfroze Seongchul. 

“Sure.” Woozi said with a smile. He moved out of his boss’ way. Seongchul walked in and looked around the room. “So when do the others get here?”

Seongchul turned to Woozi then let out a guilty sigh. “Never.”


Seongchul scratched the back of his head, “I might have lied about the party being here.”

”Then where is it?”

”Jisoo’s penthouse.”

Woozi nodded, “I see. Well let’s go-“

”I kind of already told her you and I couldn’t make it.”


”Because,” Seongchul cleared his throat “I wanted to eat with you. Alone.”

”Well Yoongi is upstairs, so we aren’t really alone.” 

Seongchul nodded “I know. That’s why I reserved us a beautiful seat at Leblancs.”

”Like, where millionaires eat?”

Seongchul chuckled, “yes.”

”I can’t afford that, Seongchul. Maybe the tip.”

”Can you just say you’ll go? I want to take you on a date, you twit.” 

Woozi’s eyes widened, and his heart began to race. Before he could answer, something appeared behind Seongchul to ruin Woozi’s night. 

The something being a woman with long blonde hair cascading over her shoulders, covering her exposed private areas. Her nails were jet black and her eyes completely light blue. When she smiled, her shark like teeth glistened in the light. She cocked her head to one side, staring at the back of Seongchul.

Before Woozi could react she opened and let out a compelling hum sound. Woozi and Seongchul suddenly stiffened and faced the woman. 

The woman giggled and held out her hands. Woozi and Seongchul grabbed one, under some sort of spell. 

Yoongi could hear the humming coming from the living room. It was unbearably loud to him. He groaned and went to check on Woozi downstairs.

As he stepped down the stairs he caught the sight of the woman. Woozi and Seongchul holding her hands while placing kisses on them. The woman hadn’t noticed Yoongi, until he stepped on a creaky step. The woman turned her head and smiled when seeing him. 

Before she could start to hum, Yoongi blinked. A ball of fire appeared above his head. The woman’s eyes widened before letting out a hiss and disappearing with Woozi and Seongchul in a wet mist. 

Yoongi stared for a second before taking out his phone and dialing Ryujin.


”It’s me.”

”Yeah. I know. I have caller id.”

”Woozi’s been taken by some monster chick.”



Yoongi heard Ryujin groan before sighing “I’ll be there.” 


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Chapter 31: Hi, I'm ever so slightly obsessed with this fic. Thanks
Chapter 53: I just want Yoongi and Ryujin to get together.
sottana1 #3
Omg I love it!
Finally getting into it haha
Been planning on reading this for a while now
Chapter 25: Ok what is wrong with Woozi. Like he is getting it with Seugcheol why can't the other 2 too? Like i love uou Zi but you kinda tick me off here
Chapter 6: I like this story
Chapter 1: This is getting more interesting author-nim :) Ryuddaeng and Jihoonie are both my bias and Yoongi is my bias wrecker so this is definitely coooool :D