End of the World as We Know It

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You refuse to mate with anyone who can't beat you in combat.  Junmyeon volunteers to fight you, if not to the death, then to the pun.


"You were silent for a moment, examining him.  Everyone in the new world had a story, and you understood that tone, that expression.  You didn’t push.  'So...what do you do?'

'Whatever’s necessary.  I’ve been a ranger. A tracker.  A raider. A hunter. I’m quick, and I’m silent.  I can get in, kill, and get out before grendel realize that anyone’s there.'

'Mm.'  You had heard about soldiers like him.  Ghosts. Though unranked, they were highly prized in any camp, and were often the deadliest members.  

Major Leif scoffed.  'You?! A former boyband member?  A ghost?!' His tone was incredulous.

Junmyeon smirked, his eyes twinkling.  'As a...boyband member, as you so eloquently put it,' here Leif’ flushed red to the tips of his ears, 'I had to run 10 miles, every day, without fail, rain, snow, sickness--it didn’t matter.  We were trained--on next to no food--in precision and flexibility, dancing and exercising for more hours than we slept. So, yes, I suppose my prior training as a boyband member made me eminently eligible to become a ghost.'

He was arrogant.  

You liked it."


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11 streak #1
Chapter 1: This literally fells like a really Junmyeonny thing to do 😂 A Pun battle during a physical fight
vujuha #2
Chapter 1: I search hours to find apropriate dad jokes because I am terrible at them. But you managed it so elegantly amazing.
Chapter 1: I love puns (yes I laughed at every Junmyeon’s and Minseok’s dad jokes all this time) and I throughly enjoyed this one. I lost it at the hourglass body lmaaaoooooo
Chapter 1: Love love love it! What a refreshing and fun book to read! The puns are just hilarious, though I'll say it's not that material you want to read before going to bed because you'll find yourself wanting more and more haha
95 streak #5
Chapter 1: Omg, i’m reading this story at midnight and i had to hold in my fits of laughter. I normally don’t like puns, especially corny ones. But your puns were superb. Lmao, i have to give it to you this time. First time seeing a battle and a pun battle at once. Junmyeon is exactly like this and i bet this is how he gets the girls. A clever and unique idea. I love it!
-natsukim #6
Chapter 1: Omg the puns! And the flirting XD
Chapter 1: I keep on reading this again cos I really enjoyed the puns and the fight ^^~
Alice2007 #8
Chapter 2: I would love the audio version but I would kill for another part of this story ;)

I almost died when the notification of this came on my feeds almost cry when I saw it and for a minute I thought there was another chapter still I love this!
Chapter 1: the puns... the puns! i love it!