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"Hey! Have you heard? A new guy is entering our University?" one student announced.

"Yah! Stopping yapping early in the morning." Jiho hissed. 

"But they said.." the student continued

"Who cares" Jiho mumbled.

He doesn’t like being disturbed in his morning nap, especially if he was out partying the night before.


★ ★ ★ ★


"Hyung, you know I just want to finish Uni quietly. I don't want unnecessary rumors" Yoon complained.

"I know. I know. Don't worry, my mouth is shut. Just... don't hesitate to ask for my help, okay?" Hoony is worried

"Thank you hyung" smiling. "And.."

"Yes. I will let you go to Uni on your own. Just for a week, ok?" Hoony insisted.

"For a week as promised!"

"Go on then, and be careful" waving to Yoon.

He is really glad to have Hoony by his side, even if lived his life as an only child, his cousin was always there. He never felt lonely anymore having a brother in Seunghoon.


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I've been gone for a long time. Minor surgery, pandemic, and I'm now a working mother & currently taking my masters . Hopefully, I can get back to writing. I am truly grateful for the readers and those who leave encouraging comments and critiques, it is really helpful. See you soon lovelies!


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oh wow this is really interesting
Hello everyone. Apologies for my indefinite hiatus. I'm trying to get my pace back. From minor surgery, pandemic, and becoming a mother 😁 getting my writing groove back little by little.
Siz123456 #3
Chapter 3: It's okay, this good, this good. The storyline pace is good.
We will forever patiently wait ^^
Chapter 3: Thank you authornim for update 🙏😊
Chapter 2: Authornim, will you continue this fic?
seungyoonation #6
Chapter 2: ughhhgg love this shipppp so much i an going to cry
AnggiBB #7
Chapter 1: Yesss i love ziyoon
tttanttttt #8
Chapter 1: oooh! just found this and im hooked :) hope to read more~