Only Fools Fall for You


Just one day off, inbetween life as RM, as the leader of BTS, what could happen on a simple day inbetween concerts in Sweden? 

At a record store, maybe RM can actually spend the day as Namjoon with the adorable store clerk who cant seem to stop flirting. Music nerds bond together, and if youre only in town for a few days, you cant get attached anyways. 




Its readerXNamjoon. And its music centered. I have one song per chapter that is “featured” and I am currently working on the playlist that is mentioned in the story as well as a playlist to convey the general emotions/moods in the story.

Please tell me what you think, positive or negative! 


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Dimplenoojman #1
Chapter 5: YES I KNOW BTS
Nice fanfic