As the sun comes down and the moon and stars start to appeared. She and Joy went home to get some rest.

After they enjoyed their day off together or as for Joy it was a date and likely enjoyed it the most. They need to get rest for tommorow schedule, of course her off is one time thing so they need the best sleep to gain some energy for the work. And it sure that it is hella day for tomorrow as their day off ended now, it would be tiring for both of them because of full pack schedule.



We arrived at Joy’s house, she invited me to come inside and have some tea to digest the food that we had eaten, I don't intention to stay more because I want to go home to sleep early.But before I could refuse, I found myself tagging along inside her house because she's pulling my hand with her. 


She release the grip on my hand and  immediately went to her room to change in her comfortable clothes.


I really need to go now but I might look rude if I didn’t have a proper bid to her. So I patiently waited in her sofa, while reading some reader’s digest in the magazine that actually Joy is in the covered. I could say that Joy is really popular among the others, because she have many faces in the magazine and branded commercial now a days.


After half an hour Joy went out in her room wearing her favorite nighties or rather what she called ‘ A COMFORTABLE CLOTHES’. Anyway it's her life so I don’t mind if she wore it every night. It’s her life to choose what she wants, I guessed that’s how life must turn to be good.


A free choice to choose appropriate objectives for your own good


“ Hi~ did you wait long?” she asked me while walking through in my place


“ not really” I replied though actually it takes half an hour to wait before she come out, I just don’t want to worry her

“ Tea? What Tea do you want, I have chamomile and Hibiscus”


“ No thanks, I just want to have a proper bid before I go and you need to rest early today because tomorrow we have early schedule and it’s a full pack sched---” I was cut off by Joy and immediately replied that she already know it.


“ I know and Seungwan thanks for today I really enjoyed my Day off because of you” she said with a genuine smile as she look at me 

“ oh that’s nice to hear, me too I enjoyed it ”

“ anyway can you contact Irene for me? Maybe they could arranged the contract tomorrow so we can settled it after my photoshoot” as I heard the word of contract I get excited immediately knowing that one person would be delighted to hear that Joy will finally signing the contract and start to work with them. Knowing that I would work with them, it would be easier for me to do the job.

So after the talked I finally bid goodbye and I fish my phone in my pocket and started to dialed Irene’s number.


Ring Ring Ring!


Ring Ring Ring!


Ring Ring Ring!


The number you have dialed is either unattended or out of coverage area.


“ maybe she’s busy right now, I guessed I have to visit her in her office” Seungwan said then she started to walked down the street near the bus stop.


‘I was planning to tell her right now about the contract, but Joy bit me, she said that we need to contact them now so we could settle the business. Maybe I don’t need to sneaked in just to tell about the plan because it comes out from and she agreed to sign the contract tomorrow. And this would be a good news for Irene. I’m so excited to tell it right now.’


While I’m waiting for the bus, I’m humming some music of Red Velvet, Light me Up is the title song. A minute later the bus arrived so I get on and beep my card in the scan, so the bus will drove in the location that I need to get on. As I sit on the vacant chair, my phone started to vibrate and I immediately checked whose calling because it gives me an idea that it might be from Ms. Irene. But to my surprise it was incoming call from my Boss. I wasn’t expecting him to call on this evening because I was the one who always call first, maybe he just want to know about situation now.

Ring Ring Ring !


Ring Ring Ring !


So I slide the green to answer the call


“took you long enough too picked it up… anyway any news right now? Something progressing”

“Hello Sir, ummm I just got off from Ms. Joy house and I’m on my way to the office of Ms. Irene…”


“ So about the contract, How is it?”


“It was good news sir, we are going to collaborate with Ms. Irene actually I’m on my way to the office to arrange the contract” I replied


“That’s good, tomorrow I will call again. Bye”


“Ok sir, Good day”


As expected he’ll going to asked me about that. And as the end of the call, It is also the time to get off because the bus had stop. But first I need to buy some food for Ms. Irene, I know she’s busy right now and maybe she haven’t eat anything yet. And not having a meal is bad for health. I don’t actually know her palate, but I will followed my instinct.


As I bought some tteokboki and gimbap near the company located. I straight ahead in her office, it was actually my third time that I went here. And I checked my watch and it’s a good timing that I went here with past time of working hours and some of employee emptying the company to get home. And I’m thinking maybe she’s still up there…




I’m currently outside in her office now and I actually asked her secretary if Ms. Irene is in there, and she said she’s still working. Her secretary already know me so she let me in. I knocked on the door to let her know that there is a person outside.


“Come in” she said


I went inside and awestruck appeared in my face. Liked who wouldn’t be awestruck when you saw a good looking person. It is usual outfit looks but when it comes to her, it change in everything like it was new in the eyes. Just…


‘Irene wearing  Eyeglasses’


It was new for me to see her like this, because I never thought that she wear Eyeglasses and I never thought that wearing eyeglasses could be appealing in someone's eyes, or.maybe it's just Irene that's why it looks totally different. A simple yet looks like y and elegant.




Is she always like this? wearing an eyeglass with y and elegant look.


The eyeglass that lies in her nose bridge, it looks so y… an effortless y.


I want to stare much longer but this should stop because I’m not here to appreciate the view but I’m here to talk to her. Maybe I could spend some time, and chit chats would do so I could be friend to her.


I really don’t know why there is an attraction that I want to be friends with her. Like I was putting some effort to be friend with her. You know I really need to be focused on my job, but here I am standing in her front while handling some food for her.


“ So what brings you here?” she asked as I was standing and looking at her while she’s busy reading some documents that piled up on her desk and thinking on what I could reply.


“ I- I’m just visiting, anyway I have a food here. Maybe you could eat first” I said then I went to the table


“ why are you visiting? do I look like a sick person that needed to babysit?” she said then she diverted her eyes from the files to me and her eyebrow went up.




I was caught on guard, I know that she’s a little bit grumpy but I didn’t know that it extend to this. She’s so straightforward.


“ u-um maybe you could eat first, I know you’ve been working hard”


“ don’t you read some instruction out there.



Aish this girl is really hard to cracked. Don’t she want to rest just a little bit?


“ Ms. Bae… actually I have a good news for you but we need to eat first so I could tell it to you” because that’s really my purpose. To tell and arrange the contract that Joy wants to arrange


Then I approached her and assist her to stand in her chair and went to the L shape sofa and put out in the plastic the tteokboki and gimbap.


“ so what food did you bring”she asked


“ I really don’t know your palate so I bought some tteokboki and gimbap maybe you could taste it first” then I handed the gimbap to her so she could eat it first. But then she look at the food


“ I’m not eating this” she said then she stand in her sit return in her desk but I’d stop her from walking there.


“ oh no no no! you could taste it first then you decide if you could eat it or not” I offered.

As she taste it, she immediately get another one to eat it again. She look at me as shy picking another piece to eat. 

Irene like the food she bought and she can’t believe that she want to eat it all.

Though it’s not on her list of palate yet she’s eating it with gusto. Like how could that happen, it wasn’t in her palate list. She eat sushi yet she don’t know the food of gimbap. And this food is much better than sushi. Then she also taste the tteokboki, and it is also good. The taste was addicting, it is really new in her taste that it makes her to finish it all. But then she remember Ms. Seungwan bought it to share the food with her, and she remember earlier that she don’t want to eat it yet here she is, almost finish it all. And when she look at Seungwan she was great by smiling face like she was telling she could finish it all. She feel so shy because of that and She’s not that kind of person so she stop on her eating and she offered the food to Seungwan


“ E-ehem you should eat too” Irene said then she put down her chopstick and clean her face so there is no sauce in her face because of tteokboki

“Nah you could finish it, I’m full because you like the food. Seeing you like this it makes me full already” she replied


“Tsk, if you say so. I’m eating this all”


After finishing the food , they clean the table to discard the trash


“ what exactly are you doing here?” Irene asked as she want back to her serious elegant composure


“ ah right, I almost forgot. It really amaze me that you could eat it all that I almost forgot to tell the reason why I’m here” she said and that earn her  death glare from Irene


“ YOU! Aish just tell it already”


“ actually Ms. Joy agreed to sign the contract that your offering, but you need to arrange a little bit the contract. And tomorrow will meet, after her photoshoot will call you on where is the meeting place.


“ oh that’s great! That little vixen is playing with me.

If from the very start agreed to my contract this won’t make me do an effort. Ha! Just see, after she signed the contract she would be under my grasp” Irene said


Tsk! Maybe this is the start of disaster. And maybe this is the bad decision I made being involve with this two.

Just thinking about it makes me shivered. OMO! I will prayed for my ears and body




















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Chapter 17: When will there be an update?
Chapter 17: When will the author update again?
Chapter 17: Aigoo I can't with Joohyun and Sooyoung's stubbornness 😅😅 well can't help but I think Joy still owed Joohyun another aplogized to mend their broken relationship 🤔 after all Joohyun really trust Sooyoung
Chapter 17: Whoa 🔥🔥🔥
Chapter 16: Pls update author nim
Chapter 16: Waiting for the update uwu
Chapter 17: New reader here! Looking forward for your update! Stay safe! Merry Christmas!
Chapter 16: Oh~ I can finally get wenrene, more of them yes?
Chapter 16: We're getting wenrene~
Chapter 16: omg cuteeeee wenrene ftw~~