
Nature of Him

Chapter 6 : Faint


He ran for his life after they were dismissed. How could Taehyung follow him to college and be in the same building. “Hey Kook, where are you going?” Taehyung shouts from behind. Jungkook kept his eyes forward and feet moving. 


When he felt a hand on his shoulder, he turned and just pushed. “Jesus man, chill,” Taehyung says, picking himself up. “I was just going to my room.” Jungkook was confused to why Taehyung held a small smirk, but then the guy took out his room key and opened the door across from Jungkook’s. 

“You- that’s your room?”

“Yea, my roommate’s not here yet, but did Jimin mention he’s also attending this university?” 

Jungkook looked away. No. No one told me anything. 


Jungkook glared at Taehyung then slammed his door, returning to unpacking. He worked at an extremely fast pace, unleashing his anger quietly. “Now what? Yoongi’s gonna be in my class too?”




The first day of uni was three days ago. So far, Taehyung hasn’t done anything besides check Jungkook out when they pass each other. 

“Hey, I’ll meet you guys there.”

“Hey cutie,” Taehyung said as he ditched his friends. He casually threw his arm over Jungkook’s shoulder, earning a “tsk” and shrug in return. 

“What do you want?”

“Hm, I don’t know, you,” Taehyung smirked and raised his brows, closing the distance between them. This only angered Jungkook more. He huffed and pushed Taehyung away. 

“I’m not interested.” Jungkook walked away, glad that this time Taehyung didn’t go after him. 


“I swear, that little piece of is gonna ruin my next four years here and-“ Jungkook screamed internally. While he was ranting off to himself, he bumped into some guy when he turned the corner. “I’m so sorry, I-“


“Jimin,” Jungkook couldn’t believe it. He didn’t think Taehyung was actually telling the truth. Back when they were talking, Jimin always talked about his dream school, and it definitely wasn’t the one they’re currently attending. “What are you doing here?”

“I go here, trying to be a stoke broker,” he answers. It made Jungkook a bit sad hearing that. Jimin always told him how he wanted so badly to enter the entertainment industry. Acting was never something he enjoyed, but he did like to sing and dance. He used to do it all the time around Jungkook. 

“Oh, well, it was nice meeting you,” Jungkook quickly ends their conversation and runs away, but was pulled back by Jimin. 

“Jungkook, let’s stay good friends, yeah?”

“Sure, whatever,” Jungkook answers without thinking much and finally leaves. 




Jungkook finished his last class for the day, and couldn’t wait to dive into his comfy bed. It was late, so there weren’t too many people out anymore. The faint sound of footsteps however scared Jungkook. It could just be other students, but he could still hear the same rhythm of the footsteps behind him. He turned the corner and began to pick up his pace. Whoever was following made it clear, because their pace also quickened. By now, Jungkook began to panic. He keeps telling him that he shouldn’t worry, because it’s just probably another student, most likely. His comforting thoughts were interrupted when he suddenly was grabbed by the shoulder. Jungkook flinched and screamed, dropping his books. 

“Hey, it’s just me,” Taehyung says, picking up the books. 

“You scared me man!” Jungkook sighs, punching the guy lightly. 

“Sorry.” Taehyung returned the books and said nothing else.

“Why were you following me anyways?”

“Who says I was following you? My dorm’s across yours,” Taehyung reminded him. Jungkook felt so stupid for a second, but still believed Taehyung was indeed following him. “If I scared you that badly, my class also ends around the same time, I don’t mind walking back to the dorms with you.”

“I would object, but the sun sets early this time of the year, so sure,” Jungkook replies. It was probably the first time ever where he appreciated Taehyung. 


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taemeetskookie97 #1
Chapter 12: Im getting whiplash
Chapter 10: Oh my God, that was so sudden! :O
Chapter 10: The text messages dont show for me. Is it doing it for anyone else?
Chapter 9: Aww, does Seokjin have a crush on Yoongi? Poor Jungkookie...
God, I hate Taehyung's character in this story so much!
_oOZESOo_ #5
Omg babe this is so damn good, i also prefer top!V and bot!Kook ???
Chapter 8: Oh God, no!!! I just wanna punch Taehyung now! How many times is he going to mess around with Jungkook?!? Ah, I'm so mad right now!
Chapter 7: Oh God, Tae better not mess things up now!
Chapter 6: Oh my God, the tension is thick in the air!
I hope they at least try to get along, but then again, I'm not very fond of Taehyung's attitude. I would stay away from him too.
What happened with Jimin and Jungkook? Weren't they good friends?
Chapter 1: awww
i stan bottom v and top jk sorry but still good