Chapter 16: Ladies Night

55,365 minutes

Seungwan spent far longer primping in front of the mirror then she ever had before. A sense of dread was pouring through her and for a long moment she wondered if it had been wise to accept Joohyun’s invitation. “Jennie’s current girlfriend wants us all to have dinner,” Joohyun had told her. It had left her confused at first but the explanation of why made sense. With Rose and Lisa quickly becoming her friends as well, that was a boundary that would need to be crossed.

The image of Jennie, shapely with fox-like eyes and full lips, pretty enough to stand beside Joohyun without being overshadowed, seemed to hover behind her like a ghost. She felt as though her looks couldn’t compete and it was setting her on edge. Deep down she knew Joohyun cared for her not because of her pretty face, but something more. Her talent. Her caring nature. 

“You know,” came a voice from the bathroom door making her jump. Whirling about, Seungwan was met with a smirking Sooyoung, the taller girl leaning against the door frame. Utter bemusement was on Sooyoung’s face. “It’s not a competition. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone so into another person like Joohyun is into you. It’s like a romance movie. It’s sickening,” Sooyoung finished before making a retching noise.

“You think so?” Seungwan said, desperate for confirmation. Sooyoung rolled her eyes and gave a long, dramatic nod. Even still, the memory of Jennie and Joohyun together at the club, their numbers slowly ticking away in time, floated in the back of her mind. Both dread and hoped lingered with it. Hope that they were simply meant to be friends, soul mates without romance. It went against everything she had believed, watched and known until just today. She struggled to wrap her mind around it but she could cling to that hope.

“You stopped getting ready,” Sooyoung said with a chuckle. Seungwan shook her head, realizing she had slipped into her own thoughts. She glanced sheepishly at Sooyoung who was smirking at her. “Yes, I think so. Everyone is supporting you, even Rosie and Lisa.”

“I’m not surprised you talked with them about us,” Seungwan said as she looked at her lips remembering the first time Joohyun had touched them. That night in the club, when she first dared to hope she could have something forbidden. “How often do you guys talk?”

“We have a group chat,” Sooyoung said as she slipped out of the doorway, waggling her fingers at Seungwan.

“Wait? A group chat?” Seungwan blurted out and she lurched out of the doorway, tumbling into the hallway just in time to catch sight of Sooyoung’s tall, shapely form disappearing into the living room. She hurried after, “What exactly do you say about us?”

“None of your business,” Sooyoung said as she looked over her shoulder before sticking her tongue out. “I’m going out with Yerin and Hayoung tonight. They’ve been bugging me to give them some time and since Sungjae has a work meeting and you’re going to be gone.” Sooyoung shrugged and stepped into the entryway, Seungwan following.

As Sooyoung slipped on her shoes Seungwan bit her lip and then said in a wavering voice, “I ran into Sejeong today.” Sooyoung stopped tying her shoelaces mid motion, a storm brewing across the younger girl’s face. She watched as Sooyoung let out a long exhalation, a hardness coming to the girl’s cheeks and a fury building in her eyes as she looked to Seungwan.

“What did she say to you?” Sooyoung asked, a hard edge to her voice. It was no secret that Sooyoung had harbored animosity for Sejeong, only holding it back to keep peace. Seungwan wouldn’t ever begrudge what happened, accepting it as fate despite the pain but Sooyoung had never felt the same.

“She,” Seungwan said as she reached up to rub a hand across her eyes, “broke up with that girl. Said they were better as friends than lovers. She hinted she might want to spend time with me again.” The words slipped from in a tumble, rolling over each other. 

Sooyoung shot up straight, eyes forming narrow slits and she grabbed Seungwan by the shoulders. Her voice was hard, razor sharp as she said, “Never. Listen to me Seungwan, Joohyun is your destiny, the numbers be damned. Sejeong destroyed you. I watched you wither away for years pretending to be happy for other people falling in love while neglecting your own heart.” A low growl poured through Sooyoungs throat as she finished, “Such bad ing time for her to suddenly appear now.”

Seungwan gave a low laugh, the sound musical and soft, taking Sooyoung by surprise. The taller girl blinked a moment, unsure what to make of it when Seungwan reached up and gently pulled Sooyoung’s hands from her shoulders. “You missed the point,” she said tenderly. “Sejeong broke up with that girl. The one who matched her numbers. They are soul mates, certainly, but not lovers. Don’t you see?”

Sooyoung rolled her head back, Seungwan’s words settling in on her. Realization seemed to hit Sooyoung and she gasped, eyes growing wide and her voice holding a touch of wonder “Then, whoever Joohyun’s number matches, it means they might only just be best friends?”

“Right,” Seungwan said with a smile. She reached out to run her hands along Sooyoung’s forearms, fingers curling the girl’s wrists. As her grin deepend, she gave the girl’s hands a happy shake. “She and Jennie may be nothing more than best friends who are soul mates.”

“Jennie!?” Sooyoung suddenly exclaimed, eyes growing wide in surprise. “As in Joohyun’s ex-girlfriend.” Seungwan nodded. “Who you are going to have dinner with tonight?” Seungwan nodded again. Sooyoung gave an incredulous laugh before shaking her head. “How come you never told me?”

“I didn’t think it mattered,” Seungwan muttered. “Who she was destined to be with. Who would get to feel her love and kisses. But now,” she said with a deep, happy sigh, “I know that everything is different. That I’ve been wrong about things for so long.”

Sooyoung spent a long moment simply staring at Seungwan, the sparkle in her eyes and the hope that was evident in her voice. “I’m glad,” Sooyoung finally said, a firm finality in her voice, “That you’ve finally realized that you are allowed to love and be loved back.”

“Me too,” Seungwan whispered. Drawing back, Seungwan suddenly struck a pose and asked, “So, do I look gorgeous for my girlfriend? Think she’ll only have eyes for me.”

Sooyoung’s lips drew into a smirk as she looked Seungwan up and down. Tight blue jeans that hugged the slender girl’s narrow curves, a white and blue check blouse that ended just above the belt to give tantalizing flashes of the girl’s flat stomach. “You know,” Sooyoung said playfully, “you could probably wear a plastic bag and she’d eat you up anyway. But yes, you do look good. In fact, if I weren’t straight, I’d eat you up too.”

Seungwan rolled her eyes. “Keep teasing me like that and I might just call your bluff. What would Sungjae think about that?”

Sooyoung gave a low, mirth filled laugh before saying, “Knowing him, he’d be okay with it. Want me to ask? He would want to watch.” Sooyoung could see the sudden look of uncertainty on Seungwan’s face, the girl obviously wondering just how far she was willing to tease. Just how much was playfulness and truthfulness. With a grin Sooyoung made a lunge at Seungwan, arms reaching out to grab her.

With a yelp Seungwan jumped back and then ran into the apartment. Laughing, Sooyoung shook her head and bent over again, intent on tying her shoes. As she tied them she thought to herself, “Guess I’ll have to break the news to Yerin that she’s not available anymore. Oh, Seungwan, if only you knew how many people had crushes on you.”


Seungwan was suddenly worried that she had underdressed. She could see lines of luxury cars stretched out in front of the hotel, waiting for a valet with their red jacket and bow tie to park it. Joohyun had parked a short distance away wanting to walk to dinner. They were moving down the sidewalk hand and hand, the luxurious hotel looming up before them. The lights of the hotel seemed to brighten the dark sky, glittering and glowing for all of Seoul to see.

“Do we have time for me to go back home and change?” Seungwan pleaded. She looked over at Joohyun, the woman’s lips drawn into a smile. She had been surprised when Joohyun had picked her up, a black dress that hugged every curve of the woman almost making her jaw hit the floor. When Joohyun slowly turned about, Seungwan wondered what kind of fate led this beautiful woman into her life.

Now she wondered what kind of fate sent her into a five star restaurant severely under-dressed.

“Trust me, you look beautiful,” Joohyun said as she gave Seungwan’s hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze. “It may be a fancy restaurant but not everyone goes there dressed up. You’ll find people in more casual clothes.”

“Designer casual clothes, right?” Seungwan ventured and Joohyun gave a quick nod. She blew out her lips and then hung her head, resigning herself to potential stares of judgement. She mentaly kicked herself for not reaching out to the company stylist, begging the use of sponsored clothes for the evening. It probably wouldn’t have taken much convincing.

As they swept through the hotel lobby, Seungwan found her head on a swivel taking in the surroundings. Crystal chandeliers hung from recesses in the ceilings, the floors a glowing marble. She felt out of place here and noted how Joohyun simply strode though, dragging her along, with sure and easy steps. “The restaurant is on the 35th floor,” Joohyun said as they made their way to the elevators.

The ride up was quiet, just the sound of their breath and the soft beep every time they passed a floor. She felt relieved they had been the only ones to enter the elevator. As they passed the 20th floor, she could feel Joohyun’s gaze on her and she turned to look at her girlfriend. As their eyes met, Joohyun’s lips drew into a warm smile, eyes seeming to sparkle.

“Thank you for this,” Joohyun said breathlessly. The sound of the woman’s voice sent tingles down Seungwan’s back. She wanted to say it wasn’t a problem. To say she didn’t mind but the words wouldn’t come. Instead she stretched up onto her toes, leaned in closer to Joohyun and placed a quick kiss on the surprised woman’s lips.

As she settled back onto her heels, the look of surprise on Joohyun’s face morphed, intensity flashing on her features. She watched the movement of Joohyun’s throat as the woman swallowed air, heavy and slow. If she were bold, she would have kissed that neck too. Another floor level dinged as they passed it, the moment feeling like it was stretching on into eternity.

“Can you stay over at my place tonight?”

The question took Seungwan by surprise. Perhaps it wasn’t the question, but the heat of it. Joohyun’s words held fire and the promise of burning her later. Scalding touches and searing kisses. She could feel the blush creep over her cheeks and suddenly she wasn’t embarrassed about feeling underdressed. There was something more important on her mind. Joohyun’s touch.

“I would like that.”

Before Joohyun could reply, the elevator lurched to a stop and with a final ding, the doors slid open. Seungwan’s mouth fell open as they stepped into the greeting area of the restaurant. She could see the tables with white linen beyond, the walls decorated with gold trim and art she doubted she could ever afford. She found herself pressing into Joohyun’s side, holding the woman’s arm.

“We’re here with a reservation for four,” Joohyun said as they approached the hostess. The young woman was dressed in a fine, white linen shirt and black pencil skirt. Seungwan noted that even the servers were better dressed than she was. When the server asked for the name of the reservation Joohyun replied, “Kim Jisoo.”

“Ah, right here,” the hostess said with a smile. “One of the party is already at the table.” Stepping out from behind her stand, the hostess gave a formal bow and swept her hands towards the restaurant and said, “If you will follow me.” With a nod from Joohyun, they followed the woman into the dining room. It struck Joohyun how quiet the place was, tables spaced out far enough for quiet conversations to happen unheard. People were respectful, enjoying the ambiance of the place.

As they drew closer to the back of the restaurant, broad windows that overlooked the city, she felt her stomach clench. Dressed in a black blouse with half sleeves that fit tight to her curves, Jennie was glancing out the window to watch the cars and lights below, her side profile striking. Seungwan could see those ghostly numbers floating over the girl’s head.


As they reached the table, Jennie’s head turned, the motion seeming slow and dark eyes settled on her. She could feel herself being weighed and measured, could see the wheels turning behind Jennies eyes as though the woman were trying to determine if she were good enough for Joohyun. Finally a smile broke on Jennie’s full lips and she stood, offering a polite bow of the head. With an uncertain smile she returned the gesture.

“Where is Jisoo?” Joohyun asked as she pulled a chair out for Seungwan. 

“She’ll be here shortly,” Jennie said, her voice cool. Seungwan settled down into the chair, her eyes trying to look anywhere but above Joohyun’s head. She knew they matched. She knew it but didn’t want to see it. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Seungwan.”

She flashed a warm smile, hoping it reached her eyes as she gave a quick nod. “Same. I’ve only seen you from afar.”

Jennie cocked her head and asked curiously, “Oh? When did you see me.”

Seungwan paused a moment, a shyness coming through her voice as she said, “The night at Rosie’s bar. I was watching you and Joohyun from my piano as I played.” She could feel those cool eyes try and pierce her again. Her eyes turned to glance sidelong, even Joohyun giving her a curious look.

“I didn’t know we had such an audience that night,” Jennie said, a slight quirk of her lips that quavered before breaking into a smile. “I guess your interest in Joohyun was already piqued at that point?”

“You don’t have to answer her,” Joohyun said with a shake of her head. “Jennie likes to poke and prod. Though if you don’t answer she’ll start acting cute to try and get information out of you.”

Jennie leaned back in her chair and scoffed. “And it always works. Or at least it worked on you.” When Jennie stuck her tongue out at Joohyun, Seungwan was taken aback. There was a sudden change in the air and in Jennies. She could see the sudden flash of concern pass across Joohyun’s face, glancing at her, trying to gauge her reaction to the comment about her and Jennie’s past. 

She turned her head to Joohyun and for a moment, both Jennie and her girlfriend were in view at the same moment. Their ghostly numbers floating overhead and with a blink, the both changed. 1 second less. It felt like a punch in the stomach. She forced a smile to her lips and another second ticked away in unison. Both numbers matching.

“They can just be very good friends,” she told herself. The idea was new but not firm in her head. She wanted to believe, with every fiber of her being, that was the case. That Joohyun and Jennie would be friends forever and nothing more. Still, doubt crept back into her mind, seizing on her insecurities. She’d watched so many people fall in love, carry on with their lives in bliss once their numbers reached zero together. She wondered if Sejeong and her situation was a fluke.

She wanted to turn her gaze away but her eyes flitted back and forth from those numbers above Joohyun and Jennie’s head. For some reason she couldn’t not look. With each shift in numbers, she felt the corners of her lips slowly curve down. Her eyes sag. 

Joohyun’s smile began to slip and her head curiously as she watched the way Seungwan’s eyes flitted back and forth. Jennie hadn’t seemed to notice the strange change in the air, suddenly distracted by the sound of her phone pinging with a message. As Seungwan’s smile slipped, Joohyun’s face changed. Realization flashing in her eyes and cheeks going pale.

“It’s Jennie,” Joohyun said, her voice almost cracking.

Seungwan blinked, her eyes finally ripped away from those numbers. Her gaze settled on Joohyun’s, the look of absolute shock in the woman’s eyes, and Seungwan knew. Knew that she’d given it away. The sense of hope she’d come here with was slowly crumbling seeing them together. Jennie who was just as beautiful as Joohyun. She could see a chemistry between them. She’d seen it at Rosie’s bar and again here in just a brief exchange.

With a catch in her breath, Seungwan suddenly stood, her chair skittering back. Her face had gone pale and she said in a hurried voice, “I need to use the restroom.” As Joohyun reached out for her, she slipped away just beyond the woman’s fingers. She could see a desperateness in Joohyun as the woman began to stand and she shook her head, “I’ll just be a minute, okay? I’ll be back, I promise.”

She watched as Joohyun settled back down into her seat, the woman’s face looking stricken. Her lips quivering, she gave a sad smile and turned. As she headed back towards the hostess station intent on asking where the bathroom was, she heard Jennie say softly, “Is she okay?”

“I hope I am,” Seungwan thought to herself. 

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This story is almost at it's end. Just the Epilogue to write. I'm feeling a bit melancholy as it draws to a close.


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Chapter 22: this story is kinda sad actually. idk why, but it makes me thinking about any possible things that could happen in the future. maybe because everyone like sooyoung and seulgi ended up with their soulmates got me thinking like that.
Chapter 22: I have to say. This is one of the best wr fics I've ever read. The whole theme, plot, the lessons it shared. Seungwan's view on love was greatly shaped by the numbers. It made her view the idea of soulmates very narrow. This story truly embodied how love exist in various forms, may it be in a friendship, kinship, or romantically. You can feel strongly about a person/s but interpret it in different ways.

Thank you for the great fic authornim! ^^
Chapter 22: I don't think I have ever loved a wenrene fic as hard as this one. It's the best one out there and I can't believe I just read it now. Thank you for this wonderful and well-written fic, authornim. I love your other stories as well. You are simply the best. Much love to you and your works. Hope you come back writing again.🥰💙💗🤍
Chapter 21: Jennie and Irene are finally getting the closure they very much deserve. I'm just really happy for everyone.☺️🤍
Chapter 20: I think this is the most wholesome chapter so far. I love how everyone is finally happy and contented with their respective relationships. It's so heartwarming.
Chapter 19: Oh, boy! Seungwan is in big trouble. I hope Joohyun won't get mad at Seungwan after seeing Sejeong hugging(?) her. XD
Chapter 18: OMFG!!!!@#DAJD$&+$-_#:--#VJD7$-KLT!!!!!!!🤭🤪🤤💙💗
Chapter 17: Finally! Seungwan is moving on from the numbers thingy.🤭🥰
Chapter 16: seungwan~ noooooooo! those numbers above irene and jennie's heads don't matter at all. T_T
Chapter 15: i wished seungwan not seeing the numbers were true, but then it went back when she rubbed her eyes. XD